project:13428 run:2629 clone:41 gen:0
project:13428 run:5913 clone:40 gen:0
project:13428 run:5284 clone:49 gen:2
Each of these WUs threw a "Irreducible ControlFlow Detected" error and were returned as FAULTY (below is an example from the first one, the other two were substantially the same apart from the WUs and timestamps).
Code: Select all
18:53:02:WU02:FS01:0x22:Attempting to create OpenCL context:
18:53:02:WU02:FS01:0x22: Configuring platform OpenCL
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22:Failed to create OpenCL context:
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22:Error compiling kernel: "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\", line 21: warning: OpenCL
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22: extension is now part of core
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22: #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22: ^
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22:Error:E010:Irreducible ControlFlow Detected
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22:ERROR:125: Failed to create a GPU-enabled OpenMM Context.
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22:Saving result file science.log
18:53:10:WU02:FS01:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: BAD_WORK_UNIT
18:53:11:WARNING:WU02:FS01:FahCore returned: BAD_WORK_UNIT (114 = 0x72)
18:53:11:WU02:FS01:Sending unit results: id:02 state:SEND error:FAULTY project:13428 run:2629 clone:41 gen:0 core:0x22 unit:0x0000000112bc7d9a000000000a450029
18:53:11:WU02:FS01:Uploading 2.76KiB to
18:53:11:WU02:FS01:Connecting to
18:53:11:WU02:FS01:Upload complete
18:53:11:WU02:FS01:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
18:53:11:WU02:FS01:Cleaning up