Jesse_V wrote:Folding@home has a long history of reliably recording credits/points, but sometimes it does take some time for them to propagate to the stats webpage, especially under the very high load that we're seeing now.
Bill, are you using a passkey with your name?
The first 2 days or so I was not aware of passkeys. When I found out about them I applied for one and received one and set it up in the FAHControl with my User Name. Since then all the folding I have done has been with My UserName and passkey combination. I have not seen any document that really explains passkey and the bonus it provides, but I understand the bonus is significant. One user said it was worth 10-20 times the base amount of points.
If the bonus truly is that high and if in the logfile the expected points assume you have passcode, then the points mentioned in the logfile for the first 2 days PLUS the first 10 WU after I entered the passkey, those points are ALL overvalued. And significantly so, it seems. So maybe there is no problem with the points system, as you suggest, and the problem is that I am relying way too much on the logfile, when in fact I shouldn't be doing that.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.