Unsure why I'm not receiving QRB

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Unsure why I'm not receiving QRB

Post by superduck10 »

I've recently got back into running folding at home now that I have a powerful computer that sits idle through most of the day. Unfortunately I am not yet receiving QRB and I'm not entirely sure why because I'm new to the QRB system. I just recently started using a passkey while folding and I don't know if work I did years ago without a passkey has an affect on my current completion rate. As far as I know, after using a passkey I have completed 13 work units with a 100% return rate. Is there a way to check what my current stats are? Can I check what work units are QRB eligible? Do I need to fold on my CPU rather than my GPU? It says I'm running core 21, does that have an impact on my issue? I've seen a few people have posted about not receiving bonus points for project 14180 and I have completed 3 work units for that project. Does that have an impact? I'm probably missing something somewhere, do let me know!
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Re: Unsure why I'm not receiving QRB

Post by bruce »

Yes. Use https://apps.foldingathome.org/bonus

Each pair of (donor_name,passkey) is unique. WUs completed with a blank passkey don't count against the return rate calculations of your new pair with a passkey.

There have been some recent difficulties with the reporting of bonuses. Possibly you're seeing that problem, too.
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Re: Unsure why I'm not receiving QRB

Post by superduck10 »

I do believe I am seeing that problem. I have a 100% finished, 0% expired, and I have done 43 work units that have the bonus active and only 13 that don't.
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Re: Unsure why I'm not receiving QRB

Post by Joe_H »

You are misinterpreting the information you have looked up. The last WU you turned in did not get bonus points, it appears to be associated with a passkey and username combination that is not yet qualified for the bonus.

Looking up superduck10, there are 3 different passkeys shown. One has 43 WU's and an 100% return rate. Using that passkey you would get bonus points. The other two passkeys have 4 and 9 WU's returned respectively, and are not eligible for the QRB as 10 WU's have not been completed.
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Re: Unsure why I'm not receiving QRB

Post by superduck10 »

Oh I see now. Thanks for the help!
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