just couple of days ago pay attention that I contribute more 4000 WU and my last certificate is only for 300 WU
some kind of bug ? or my WU is going to the recycle bin
Maybe the 300 credited wu's are tied to your passkey and the remainder are not? When I do a search there is a big difference to what's coupled to my username/passkey combination then to my username alone just as you seem to have ( as most of my contributions pre-date the passkey.
how it can be mate? all my folder stations contribute to the same team 33 and under the same name "technomag"
so how the wu can be coupled to someone else (or be uncoupled to my acc)
sorry for noobish question
Do you have a passkey? When did you get one, and start using it?
The stats when you search for username/passkey only show the wu's tied to the passkey, not all wu's tied to the username.
Do a search for Marvin_The_Martian as username, note that I folded for quite some time ( though I'm no hardcore folder with a large farm, just what I got at home ). Almost all work units I completed do not have a passkey tied to them, so when I search for Marvin_The_Martian in combination with my passkey I don't find many wu's at all.
You didn't accidentally click on the user "technomage" who has folded for MozillaZine (39340) did you? That user has folded 309 work units and would get a certificate for 300 points...
There is also a "technomage" folding for the default - might pay to check that all your clients are folding for team 33.
Postby Zagen30 » Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:29 pm
I searched for "technomage" and came up with this name contributing to team 33: http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/mai ... TechnoMage
Indeed I contribute 300 units to mozillazine team and the rest 4k+ to team 33
I see 300units certificate then I ask for user statistics from F@H core in my pc (the core run to team 33, like all the cores)
in the first link you can see 5.2k + of units but if you click on the link of certificate (from the page of statistics)
you only see certificate of 300 units
I will follow the donation of the units, just want to see my contribution
It seems like it's something to do with capitalization. It appears the stats are lumping technomage and TechnoMage together. Apparently technomage contributed under teams 0 and 39340, TechnoMage contributed under team 33, and Technomage contributed under team 500. Perhaps the stats server is getting confused.
thanks, I thought it maybe an issue. So whom I need to ask about the stats?
capitals or not it both mine
does someone from pande group can help me with that issue ?
Stats from different accounts cannot be merged. The only way to sort out which ones are yours and which ones (might) belong to someone else is if you used the same passkey. Have you tried listing the stats with your passkey?