EDIT: No can do. I will revert from SMP back to an uniproc slot, dumping the SMP WU right away. Will also set <max-packet-size v='normal'/> for the uniproc slot, <max-packet-size v='big'/> for the GPU3 slot.
Code: Select all
19:44:40:Enabled folding slot 01: READY gpu:0:"GF108 [GeForce GT 430]"
19:44:40:Enabled folding slot 02: READY smp:2
19:44:40:WARNING: Unit 02: no longer matches Slot 2's configuration and there are no other matching slots, dumping
19:44:40:Sending unit results: id:02 state:SEND project:7012 run:1 clone:27 gen:1 core:0xa4 unit:0x000000010001329c4dfb986582392f6d
Obviously, babysitting of slot type (uniproc vs SMP) and/or FahCore_a4 & FahCore_15 affinities would be only a temporary solution for this particular 7012 WU anyway. I hope I can avoid A4/A6 WUs by changing <max-packet-size v='big'/> to 'normal' or even 'small' if necessary?
SMP + GPU3 isn't an option either. Even with the overclock to 2.1GHz, the CPU would be only barely able to complete conventional SMP WUs within preferred deadline. And they would have run completely dedicated, even concurrent GPU3 slot with 68xx projects would push SMP WUs past preferred deadline.
Things are getting tricky for me once again. A blast from the past: viewtopic.php?f=58&t=14711&start=0#p150437

Code: Select all
*********************** Log Started 21/Jun/2011-14:08:02 ***********************
14:08:02:************************* Folding@home Client *************************
14:08:02: Website: http://folding.stanford.edu/
14:08:02: Copyright: (c) 2009,2010 Stanford University
14:08:02: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
14:08:02: Args: --lifeline 4888 --command-port=36330
14:08:02: Config: C:/Users/JuhanOma/FAHv7/Data/config.xml
14:08:02:******************************** Build ********************************
14:08:02: Version: 7.1.24
14:08:02: Date: Apr 6 2011
14:08:02: Time: 21:37:58
14:08:02: SVN Rev: 2908
14:08:02: Branch: fah/trunk/client
14:08:02: Compiler: Intel(R) C++ MSVC 1500 mode 1110
14:08:02: Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /wd1786 /Ox -arch:SSE2
14:08:02: /QaxSSE3,SSSE3,SSE4.1,SSE4.2 /Qrestrict /MT
14:08:02: Platform: win32 Vista
14:08:02: Bits: 32
14:08:02: Mode: Release
14:08:02:******************************* System ********************************
14:08:02: OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
14:08:02: CPU: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU 330 @ 1.60GHz
14:08:02: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 28 Stepping 2
14:08:02: CPUs: 4
14:08:02: Memory: 3.00GiB
14:08:02: Free Memory: 1.97GiB
14:08:02: Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
14:08:02: GPUs: 2
14:08:02: GPU 0: NVIDIA:1 ION VGA
14:08:02: GPU 1: FERMI:1 GF108 [GeForce GT 430]
14:08:02: CUDA: 2.1
14:08:02: CUDA Driver: 3020
14:08:02: On Battery: false
14:08:02: UTC offset: 3
14:08:02: PID: 212
14:08:02: CWD: C:/Users/JuhanOma/FAHv7/Data
14:08:02:Win32 Service: false
14:08:02: <service-description v='Folding@home Client'/>
14:08:02: <service-restart v='true'/>
14:08:02: <service-restart-delay v='5000'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Client Control -->
14:08:02: <cycle-rate v='10'/>
14:08:02: <cycles v='-1'/>
14:08:02: <data-directory v='.'/>
14:08:02: <exec-directory v='C:\Users\????????\FAHv7\Client'/>
14:08:02: <exit-when-done v='false'/>
14:08:02: <max-delay v='21600'/>
14:08:02: <min-delay v='60'/>
14:08:02: <threads v='4'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Configuration -->
14:08:02: <config-rotate v='true'/>
14:08:02: <config-rotate-dir v='configs'/>
14:08:02: <config-rotate-max v='16'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Debugging -->
14:08:02: <assignment-servers>
14:08:02: assign3.stanford.edu:8080 assign4.stanford.edu:80
14:08:02: </assignment-servers>
14:08:02: <capture-directory v='capture'/>
14:08:02: <capture-sockets v='false'/>
14:08:02: <debug-sockets v='false'/>
14:08:02: <exception-locations v='true'/>
14:08:02: <gpu-assignment-servers>
14:08:02: assign-GPU.stanford.edu:80 assign-GPU.stanford.edu:8080
14:08:02: </gpu-assignment-servers>
14:08:02: <stack-traces v='false'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Error Handling -->
14:08:02: <max-slot-errors v='5'/>
14:08:02: <max-unit-errors v='5'/>
14:08:02: <!-- FahCore Control -->
14:08:02: <checkpoint v='15'/>
14:08:02: <core-dir v='cores'/>
14:08:02: <core-priority v='idle'/>
14:08:02: <cpu-affinity v='false'/>
14:08:02: <cpu-usage v='100'/>
14:08:02: <no-assembly v='false'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
14:08:02: <client-subtype v='STDCLI'/>
14:08:02: <client-type v='normal'/>
14:08:02: <cpu-species v='X86_PENTIUM_II'/>
14:08:02: <cpu-type v='X86'/>
14:08:02: <cpus v='4'/>
14:08:02: <gpu v='true'/>
14:08:02: <gpu-id v='0'/>
14:08:02: <max-packet-size v='big'/>
14:08:02: <os-species v='UNKNOWN'/>
14:08:02: <os-type v='WIN32'/>
14:08:02: <project-key v='0'/>
14:08:02: <smp v='true'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Logging -->
14:08:02: <log v='log.txt'/>
14:08:02: <log-color v='false'/>
14:08:02: <log-crlf v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-date v='false'/>
14:08:02: <log-debug v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-domain v='false'/>
14:08:02: <log-header v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-level v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-no-info-header v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-redirect v='false'/>
14:08:02: <log-rotate v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-rotate-dir v='logs'/>
14:08:02: <log-rotate-max v='16'/>
14:08:02: <log-short-level v='false'/>
14:08:02: <log-simple-domains v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-thread-id v='false'/>
14:08:02: <log-time v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-to-screen v='true'/>
14:08:02: <log-truncate v='false'/>
14:08:02: <verbosity v='5'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Network -->
14:08:02: <proxy v=':8080'/>
14:08:02: <proxy-enable v='false'/>
14:08:02: <proxy-pass v=''/>
14:08:02: <proxy-user v=''/>
14:08:02: <!-- Process Control -->
14:08:02: <child v='false'/>
14:08:02: <daemon v='false'/>
14:08:02: <pid v='false'/>
14:08:02: <pid-file v='Folding@home Client.pid'/>
14:08:02: <respawn v='false'/>
14:08:02: <service v='false'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Remote Command Server -->
14:08:02: <command-address v=''/>
14:08:02: <command-allow v=''/>
14:08:02: <command-allow-no-pass v=''/>
14:08:02: <command-deny v=''/>
14:08:02: <command-deny-no-pass v=''/>
14:08:02: <command-port v='36330'/>
14:08:02: <password v=''/>
14:08:02: <!-- Slot Control -->
14:08:02: <max-shutdown-wait v='60'/>
14:08:02: <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
14:08:02: <pause-on-start v='false'/>
14:08:02: <!-- User Information -->
14:08:02: <machine-id v='0'/>
14:08:02: <passkey v=''/>
14:08:02: <team v='0'/>
14:08:02: <user v='Anonymous'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Work Unit Control -->
14:08:02: <dump-after-deadline v='true'/>
14:08:02: <max-queue v='16'/>
14:08:02: <max-units v='0'/>
14:08:02: <next-unit-percentage v='100'/>
14:08:02: <!-- Folding Slots -->
14:08:02: <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
14:08:02: <checkpoint v='30'/>
14:08:02: <extra-core-args v='-forceasm -verbose'/>
14:08:02: <gpu-device-id v='0x0DE1'/>
14:08:02: <gpu-id v='0'/>
14:08:02: <gpu-vendor-id v='0x10DE'/>
14:08:02: <passkey v='????????????????????????????????'/>
14:08:02: <team v='191980'/>
14:08:02: <user v='Zotac430'/>
14:08:02: </slot>
14:08:02: <slot id='2' type='UNIPROCESSOR'>
14:08:02: <checkpoint v='30'/>
14:08:02: <extra-core-args v='-forceasm -verbose'/>
14:08:02: <passkey v='????????????????????????????????'/>
14:08:02: <team v='191980'/>
14:08:02: <user v='Napoleon'/>
14:08:02: </slot>
14:08:04:Trying to access database...
14:08:04:Database locked
14:08:04:Enabled folding slot 01: READY gpu:0:"GF108 [GeForce GT 430]"
14:08:04:Enabled folding slot 02: READY uniprocessor
14:08:04:Started thread 1 on PID 212
14:08:04:Started thread 3 on PID 212
14:08:04:Started thread 4 on PID 212
14:08:04:Started thread 5 on PID 212
14:08:04:Started thread 6 on PID 212
14:08:04:Starting Unit 00
14:08:04:Running core: C:/Users/JuhanOma/FAHv7/Data/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_15.fah/FahCore_15.exe -dir 00 -suffix 01 -lifeline 212 -version 701 -checkpoint 30 -gpu 0 -forceasm -verbose
14:08:04:Started core on PID 4616
14:08:04:FahCore 0x15 started
14:08:04:Started thread 7 on PID 212
14:08:04:Starting Unit 01
14:08:04:Running core: C:/Users/JuhanOma/FAHv7/Data/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_78.fah/FahCore_78.exe -dir 01 -suffix 01 -lifeline 212 -version 701 -checkpoint 30 -forceasm -verbose
14:08:04:Started core on PID 1100
14:08:04:FahCore 0x78 started
14:08:04:Started thread 8 on PID 212
14:08:04:Unit 00:
14:08:04:Unit 00:*------------------------------*
14:08:04:Unit 00:Folding@Home GPU Core
14:08:04:Unit 00:Version 2.15 (Tue Nov 16 09:05:18 PST 2010)
14:08:04:Unit 00:
14:08:04:Unit 00:Build host: SimbiosNvdWin7
14:08:04:Unit 00:Board Type: NVIDIA/CUDA
14:08:04:Unit 00:Core : x=15
14:08:04:Unit 00: Window's signal control handler registered.
14:08:04:Unit 00:Preparing to commence simulation
14:08:04:Unit 00:- Ensuring status. Please wait.
14:08:05:Unit 01:
14:08:05:Unit 01:*------------------------------*
14:08:05:Unit 01:Folding@Home Gromacs Core
14:08:05:Unit 01:Version 1.90 (March 8, 2006)
14:08:05:Unit 01:
14:08:05:Unit 01:Preparing to commence simulation
14:08:05:Server connection id=1 on from
14:08:05:Started thread 9 on PID 212
14:08:05:Unit 01:- Ensuring status. Please wait.
14:08:14:Unit 00:- Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
14:08:14:Unit 00:- Not checking prior termination.
14:08:14:Unit 00:sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
14:08:14:Unit 00:- Expanded 43496 -> 169787 (decompressed 390.3 percent)
14:08:14:Unit 00:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=43496 data_size=169787, decompressed_data_size=169787 diff=0
14:08:14:Unit 00:- Digital signature verified
14:08:14:Unit 00:
14:08:14:Unit 00:Project: 6800 (Run 17731, Clone 0, Gen 53)
14:08:14:Unit 00:
14:08:14:Unit 00:Assembly optimizations on if available.
14:08:14:Unit 00:Entering M.D.
14:08:16:Unit 00:Will resume from checkpoint file 00/wudata_01.ckp
14:08:16:Unit 00:Tpr hash 00/wudata_01.tpr: 407531014 1605960781 643753074 1553524759 3901901124
14:08:16:Unit 00:Working on PEPTIDE (1-42)
14:08:16:Unit 00:Client config unavailable.
14:08:16:Unit 00:Starting GUI Server
14:08:17:Unit 00:Resuming from checkpoint
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
14:08:17:Unit 00: 0 407531014 407531014
14:08:17:Unit 00: 1 1605960781 1605960781
14:08:17:Unit 00: 2 643753074 643753074
14:08:17:Unit 00: 3 1553524759 1553524759
14:08:17:Unit 00: 4 3901901124 3901901124
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.log Verified 00/wudata_01.log
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.trr Verified 00/wudata_01.trr
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.xtc Verified 00/wudata_01.xtc
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.edr Verified 00/wudata_01.edr
14:08:17:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: state restored 2
14:08:17:Unit 00:Resumed from checkpoint
14:08:17:Unit 00:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
14:08:17:Unit 00:Completed 27500001 out of 50000000 steps (55%).
14:08:21:Unit 01:- Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
14:08:21:Unit 01:- Not checking prior termination.
14:08:21:Unit 01:- Expanded 376368 -> 1807444 (decompressed 480.2 percent)
14:08:22:Unit 01:
14:08:22:Unit 01:Project: 6883 (Run 275, Clone 4, Gen 209)
14:08:22:Unit 01:
14:08:22:Unit 01:Assembly optimizations on if available.
14:08:22:Unit 01:Entering M.D.
14:08:42:Unit 01:(Starting from checkpoint)
14:08:42:Unit 01:Protein: ALZHEIMERS DISEASE AMYLOID
14:08:42:Unit 01:
14:08:42:Unit 01:Writing local files
14:09:23:Unit 01:Completed 217500 out of 250000 steps (87%)
14:09:23:Unit 01:Extra SSE boost OK.
14:12:58:Unit 00:Completed 28000000 out of 50000000 steps (56%).
14:17:41:Unit 00:Completed 28500000 out of 50000000 steps (57%).
14:22:24:Unit 00:Completed 29000000 out of 50000000 steps (58%).
14:24:41:Unit 01:Writing local files
14:24:41:Unit 01:Completed 220000 out of 250000 steps (88%)
14:27:05:Unit 00:Completed 29500000 out of 50000000 steps (59%).
14:31:47:Unit 00:Completed 30000000 out of 50000000 steps (60%).
14:36:28:Unit 00:Completed 30500000 out of 50000000 steps (61%).
14:39:40:Unit 01:Writing local files
14:39:40:Unit 01:Completed 222500 out of 250000 steps (89%)
14:41:10:Unit 00:Completed 31000000 out of 50000000 steps (62%).
14:45:51:Unit 00:Completed 31500000 out of 50000000 steps (63%).
14:50:33:Unit 00:Completed 32000000 out of 50000000 steps (64%).
14:54:31:Unit 01:Writing local files
14:54:31:Unit 01:Completed 225000 out of 250000 steps (90%)
14:55:15:Unit 00:Completed 32499999 out of 50000000 steps (65%).
14:59:57:Unit 00:Completed 32999999 out of 50000000 steps (66%).
15:04:39:Unit 00:Completed 33499999 out of 50000000 steps (67%).
15:08:34:Unit 01:Writing local files
15:08:34:Unit 01:Completed 227500 out of 250000 steps (91%)
15:09:21:Unit 00:Completed 33999999 out of 50000000 steps (68%).
15:14:03:Unit 00:Completed 34499999 out of 50000000 steps (69%).
15:18:45:Unit 00:Completed 34999999 out of 50000000 steps (70%).
15:22:18:Unit 01:Writing local files
15:22:18:Unit 01:Completed 230000 out of 250000 steps (92%)
15:23:26:Unit 00:Completed 35499999 out of 50000000 steps (71%).
15:28:08:Unit 00:Completed 35999999 out of 50000000 steps (72%).
15:32:49:Unit 00:Completed 36499999 out of 50000000 steps (73%).
15:35:42:Unit 01:Writing local files
15:35:42:Unit 01:Completed 232500 out of 250000 steps (93%)
15:37:31:Unit 00:Completed 36999999 out of 50000000 steps (74%).
15:42:13:Unit 00:Completed 37499999 out of 50000000 steps (75%).
15:46:54:Unit 00:Completed 37999999 out of 50000000 steps (76%).
15:49:11:Unit 01:Writing local files
15:49:11:Unit 01:Completed 235000 out of 250000 steps (94%)
15:51:35:Unit 00:Completed 38499999 out of 50000000 steps (77%).
15:56:16:Unit 00:Completed 38999999 out of 50000000 steps (78%).
16:00:57:Unit 00:Completed 39499999 out of 50000000 steps (79%).
16:02:33:Unit 01:Writing local files
16:02:33:Unit 01:Completed 237500 out of 250000 steps (95%)
16:05:39:Unit 00:Completed 39999999 out of 50000000 steps (80%).
16:10:20:Unit 00:Completed 40499999 out of 50000000 steps (81%).
16:15:02:Unit 00:Completed 40999999 out of 50000000 steps (82%).
16:16:25:Unit 01:Writing local files
16:16:25:Unit 01:Completed 240000 out of 250000 steps (96%)
16:19:43:Unit 00:Completed 41499999 out of 50000000 steps (83%).
16:24:24:Unit 00:Completed 41999999 out of 50000000 steps (84%).
16:29:05:Unit 00:Completed 42499999 out of 50000000 steps (85%).
16:29:59:Unit 01:Writing local files
16:29:59:Unit 01:Completed 242500 out of 250000 steps (97%)
16:33:46:Unit 00:Completed 42999999 out of 50000000 steps (86%).
16:38:27:Unit 00:Completed 43499999 out of 50000000 steps (87%).
16:43:08:Unit 00:Completed 43999999 out of 50000000 steps (88%).
16:43:30:Unit 01:Writing local files
16:43:30:Unit 01:Completed 245000 out of 250000 steps (98%)
16:47:50:Unit 00:Completed 44499999 out of 50000000 steps (89%).
16:52:31:Unit 00:Completed 44999999 out of 50000000 steps (90%).
16:57:00:Unit 01:Writing local files
16:57:00:Unit 01:Completed 247500 out of 250000 steps (99%)
16:57:12:Unit 00:Completed 45499999 out of 50000000 steps (91%).
17:01:53:Unit 00:Completed 45999999 out of 50000000 steps (92%).
17:06:34:Unit 00:Completed 46499999 out of 50000000 steps (93%).
17:10:25:Unit 01:Writing local files
17:10:25:Unit 01:Completed 250000 out of 250000 steps (100%)
17:10:25:Unit 01:Writing final coordinates.
17:10:25:Unit 01:Past main M.D. loop
17:10:26:Connecting to assign3.stanford.edu:8080
17:10:26:News: Welcome to Folding@Home
17:10:26:Assigned to work server
17:10:26:Requesting new work unit for slot 02: RUNNING uniprocessor from
17:10:26:Connecting to
17:10:27:Slot 02: Downloading 54.28KiB
17:10:28:Slot 02: Download complete
17:10:28:Received Unit: id:02 state:DOWNLOAD project:7012 run:1 clone:27 gen:1 core:0xa4 unit:0x000000010001329c4dfb986582392f6d
17:10:28:Downloading core from http://www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a4.fah
17:10:28:Connecting to www.stanford.edu:80
17:10:28:WARNING: FahCore type in core package seems to be in wrong byte order.
17:10:28:FahCore a4: Downloading 2.89MiB
17:10:34:FahCore a4: 25.43%
17:10:40:FahCore a4: 58.16%
17:10:46:FahCore a4: 90.76%
17:10:47:FahCore a4: Download complete
17:10:47:Valid core signature
17:10:48:Unpacked 9.59MiB to cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a4.fah/FahCore_a4.exe
17:11:15:Unit 00:Completed 46999999 out of 50000000 steps (94%).
17:11:25:Unit 01:
17:11:25:Unit 01:Finished Work Unit:
17:11:25:Unit 01:- Reading up to 293544 from "01/wudata_01.arc": Read 293544
17:11:25:Unit 01:- Reading up to 261204 from "01/wudata_01.xtc": Read 261204
17:11:25:Unit 01:goefile size: 0
17:11:25:Unit 01:logfile size: 30090
17:11:25:Unit 01:Leaving Run
17:11:30:Unit 01:- Writing 590746 bytes of core data to disk...
17:11:31:FahCore, running Unit 01, returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100)
17:11:31:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND project:6883 run:275 clone:4 gen:209 core:0x78 unit:0x000000d76652edb14d13d349f6a8048a
17:11:31:Unit 01: Uploading 549.24KiB
17:11:31:Starting Unit 02
17:11:31:Connecting to
17:11:31:Running core: C:/Users/JuhanOma/FAHv7/Data/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a4.fah/FahCore_a4.exe -dir 02 -suffix 01 -lifeline 212 -version 701 -checkpoint 30 -forceasm -verbose
17:11:31:Started core on PID 1028
17:11:31:FahCore 0xa4 started
17:11:31:Started thread 10 on PID 212
17:11:37:Unit 01: 34.23%
17:11:43:Unit 01: 70.64%
17:11:47:Unit 02:
17:11:47:Unit 02:*------------------------------*
17:11:47:Unit 02:Folding@Home Gromacs GB Core
17:11:47:Unit 02:Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
17:11:47:Unit 02:
17:11:47:Unit 02:Preparing to commence simulation
17:11:47:Unit 02:- Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
17:11:47:Unit 02:- Not checking prior termination.
17:11:47:Unit 02:- Expanded 55071 -> 211504 (decompressed 384.0 percent)
17:11:47:Unit 02:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=55071 data_size=211504, decompressed_data_size=211504 diff=0
17:11:47:Unit 02:- Digital signature verified
17:11:47:Unit 02:
17:11:47:Unit 02:Project: 7012 (Run 1, Clone 27, Gen 1)
17:11:47:Unit 02:
17:11:47:Unit 02:Assembly optimizations on if available.
17:11:47:Unit 02:Entering M.D.
17:11:51:Unit 01: Upload complete
17:11:51:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
17:11:51:Final credit estimate, 69.00 points
17:11:51:Cleaning up Unit 01
17:11:52:Unit 02:Mapping NT from 1 to 1
17:11:52:Unit 02:Completed 0 out of 10000000 steps (0%)
17:15:56:Unit 00:Completed 47499999 out of 50000000 steps (95%).
17:20:39:Unit 00:Completed 47999999 out of 50000000 steps (96%).
17:25:21:Unit 00:Completed 48499999 out of 50000000 steps (97%).
17:30:03:Unit 00:Completed 48999999 out of 50000000 steps (98%).
17:34:46:Unit 00:Completed 49499999 out of 50000000 steps (99%).
17:39:28:Unit 00:Completed 49999999 out of 50000000 steps (100%).
17:39:29:Connecting to assign-GPU.stanford.edu:80
17:39:29:Unit 00:Finished fah_main
17:39:29:Unit 00:
17:39:29:Unit 00:Successful run
17:39:29:Unit 00:DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
17:39:29:News: Welcome to Folding@Home
17:39:29:Assigned to work server
17:39:29:Requesting new work unit for slot 01: RUNNING gpu:0:"GF108 [GeForce GT 430]" from
17:39:29:Connecting to
17:39:31:Slot 01: Downloading 20.26KiB
17:39:31:Slot 01: Download complete
17:39:31:Received Unit: id:01 state:DOWNLOAD project:10947 run:1 clone:80 gen:5 core:0x15 unit:0x000000056652edb04c7fdc2a00001059
17:39:39:Unit 00:Reserved 243804 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
17:39:39:Unit 00:Allocated 243804 bytes for xtc file
17:39:39:Unit 00:- Reading up to 243804 from "00/wudata_01.xtc": Read 243804
17:39:39:Unit 00:Read 243804 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786186660
17:39:39:Unit 00:xtc file hash check passed.
17:39:39:Unit 00:Reserved 75840 75840 786186660 bytes for arc file=<00/wudata_01.trr> Cosm status=0
17:39:39:Unit 00:Allocated 75840 bytes for arc file
17:39:39:Unit 00:- Reading up to 75840 from "00/wudata_01.trr": Read 75840
17:39:39:Unit 00:Read 75840 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786110820
17:39:39:Unit 00:trr file hash check passed.
17:39:39:Unit 00:Allocated 544 bytes for edr file
17:39:39:Unit 00:Read bedfile
17:39:39:Unit 00:edr file hash check passed.
17:39:39:Unit 00:Allocated 120314 bytes for logfile
17:39:39:Unit 00:Read logfile
17:39:39:Unit 00:GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
17:39:39:Unit 00:GuardedRun: done
17:39:39:Unit 00:Run: GuardedRun completed.
17:39:43:Unit 00:+ Opened results file
17:39:43:Unit 00:- Writing 441014 bytes of core data to disk...
17:39:43:Unit 00:Done: 440502 -> 325960 (compressed to 73.9 percent)
17:39:43:Unit 00: ... Done.
17:39:43:Unit 00:DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=00/wudata_01.ckp
17:39:43:Unit 00:Shutting down core
17:39:43:Unit 00:
17:39:43:Unit 00:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
17:39:44:FahCore, running Unit 00, returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100)
17:39:44:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND project:6800 run:17731 clone:0 gen:53 core:0x15 unit:0x000000360a3b1e644ddbf340834de6b4
17:39:44:Unit 00: Uploading 318.82KiB
17:39:44:Starting Unit 01
17:39:44:Connecting to
17:39:44:Running core: C:/Users/JuhanOma/FAHv7/Data/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_15.fah/FahCore_15.exe -dir 01 -suffix 01 -lifeline 212 -version 701 -checkpoint 30 -gpu 0 -forceasm -verbose
17:39:44:Started core on PID 4396
17:39:44:FahCore 0x15 started
17:39:44:Started thread 11 on PID 212
17:39:44:Unit 01:
17:39:44:Unit 01:*------------------------------*
17:39:44:Unit 01:Folding@Home GPU Core
17:39:44:Unit 01:Version 2.15 (Tue Nov 16 09:05:18 PST 2010)
17:39:44:Unit 01:
17:39:44:Unit 01:Build host: SimbiosNvdWin7
17:39:44:Unit 01:Board Type: NVIDIA/CUDA
17:39:44:Unit 01:Core : x=15
17:39:44:Unit 01: Window's signal control handler registered.
17:39:44:Unit 01:Preparing to commence simulation
17:39:44:Unit 01:- Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
17:39:44:Unit 01:- Not checking prior termination.
17:39:44:Unit 01:sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
17:39:44:Unit 01:- Expanded 20237 -> 77539 (decompressed 383.1 percent)
17:39:44:Unit 01:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=20237 data_size=77539, decompressed_data_size=77539 diff=0
17:39:44:Unit 01:- Digital signature verified
17:39:45:Unit 01:
17:39:45:Unit 01:Project: 10947 (Run 1, Clone 80, Gen 5)
17:39:45:Unit 01:
17:39:45:Unit 01:Assembly optimizations on if available.
17:39:45:Unit 01:Entering M.D.
17:39:46:Unit 01:Tpr hash 01/wudata_01.tpr: 4217054492 2459298091 1542846933 2258308904 3675340962
17:39:46:Unit 01:Working on 247 ProG_hpin
17:39:46:Unit 01:Client config unavailable.
17:39:46:Unit 01:Starting GUI Server
17:39:47:Unit 01:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
17:39:47:Unit 01:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
17:39:50:Unit 00: 60.22%
17:39:55:Unit 00: Upload complete
17:39:55:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
17:39:55:Final credit estimate, 1298.00 points
17:39:55:Cleaning up Unit 00
17:41:27:Unit 01:Completed 500000 out of 50000000 steps (1%).
17:43:07:Unit 01:Completed 1000000 out of 50000000 steps (2%).
17:44:52:Unit 01:Completed 1500000 out of 50000000 steps (3%).
17:46:39:Unit 01:Completed 2000000 out of 50000000 steps (4%).
17:48:20:Unit 01:Completed 2500000 out of 50000000 steps (5%).
17:50:02:Unit 01:Completed 3000000 out of 50000000 steps (6%).
17:51:40:Unit 01:Completed 3500000 out of 50000000 steps (7%).
17:53:17:Unit 01:Completed 4000000 out of 50000000 steps (8%).
17:54:54:Unit 01:Completed 4500000 out of 50000000 steps (9%).
17:56:31:Unit 01:Completed 5000000 out of 50000000 steps (10%).
17:58:08:Unit 01:Completed 5500000 out of 50000000 steps (11%).
17:59:45:Unit 01:Completed 6000000 out of 50000000 steps (12%).
18:01:22:Unit 01:Completed 6500000 out of 50000000 steps (13%).
18:02:59:Unit 01:Completed 7000000 out of 50000000 steps (14%).
18:04:39:Unit 01:Completed 7500000 out of 50000000 steps (15%).
18:06:16:Unit 01:Completed 8000000 out of 50000000 steps (16%).
18:07:53:Unit 01:Completed 8500000 out of 50000000 steps (17%).
18:09:31:Unit 01:Completed 9000000 out of 50000000 steps (18%).
18:11:12:Unit 01:Completed 9500000 out of 50000000 steps (19%).
18:12:53:Unit 01:Completed 10000000 out of 50000000 steps (20%).
18:14:28:Unit 01:Completed 10500000 out of 50000000 steps (21%).
18:16:03:Unit 01:Completed 11000000 out of 50000000 steps (22%).
18:17:39:Unit 01:Completed 11500000 out of 50000000 steps (23%).
18:19:14:Unit 01:Completed 12000000 out of 50000000 steps (24%).
18:20:49:Unit 01:Completed 12500000 out of 50000000 steps (25%).
18:22:35:Unit 01:Completed 13000000 out of 50000000 steps (26%).
18:24:08:Unit 02:Completed 100000 out of 10000000 steps (1%)
18:24:12:Unit 01:Completed 13500000 out of 50000000 steps (27%).
18:25:45:Unit 01:Completed 14000000 out of 50000000 steps (28%).
18:27:17:Unit 01:Completed 14500000 out of 50000000 steps (29%).
18:28:51:Unit 01:Completed 15000000 out of 50000000 steps (30%).
18:30:26:Unit 01:Completed 15500000 out of 50000000 steps (31%).