For instance:
5732 p5732_ACBP_ff03_300K 1392 2.00 3.00 511.00 100 GROGPU2 Description vvoelz
5732 p5732_ACBP_ff03_300K 1392 2.00 3.00 511.00 TINKER Description vvoelz
Is that intended/accurate?
Duplicate project entries on psummary page
Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:08 am
- Hardware configuration: None
- Location: Rocky Mountains
Duplicate project entries on psummary page
One man's ceiling is another man's floor.
Re: Duplicate project entries on psummary page
If you have followed the News blog, you'll already know that the FAH project has been limited by some networking problems on the Stanford campus. In the process of correcting these issues, certain changes are being made to servers and network connections which has confused the psummary page. I don't know much about the details but I'm certain things will eventually be corrected, even though the timing and the sequence of events will not be known until it happens.
The Pande Group is aware of the confusing information shown on psummary right now.
The Pande Group is aware of the confusing information shown on psummary right now.
Posting FAH's log:
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.