FAH Won't Start After Reboot

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FAH Won't Start After Reboot

Post by chrisw63 »

This is just a "For Info", in case others have the same problem. Should you have any insights, however, I would appreciate hearing them.

FAH seemed to be running fine since I installed the latest version over a month ago. Until a couple days ago when I noticed that FAH wasn't running (I almost always check it's status before I shut down at night, but at least once during the day). I tried to connect to the client with both the web page and FAHControl, and they failed. So I brought up Task Manager, and the FAHCore and FAHClient tasks were not there - No FAH tasks were running. Tried running the client manually with the Folding@Home shortcut. No errors, no indication that it did anything at all, and still not running. So I reinstalled, and it was working fine.

Next day, same thing. No FAH Tasks, even though I told it to start at boot time. Tried manual start again.. nothing. This time I uninstalled and left the data intact, then reinstalled. Worked fine. Next day... here we go again!

So today I uninstalled, including deleting all data, rebooted, and reinstalled. Everything went well, and it's running fine again. I didn't download a new installer, as I have the latest one (7.6.13), but this time it has a slot for my Intel embedded GPU (UHD 630), which wasn't even detected before (It was running fine on the installed nVidia GPU). That's probably because I upgraded from the previous version without deleting the setup/data.

I checked the logs, and they show the client shutting down properly the night before, and zero entries today before the reinstall. Odd that some old setting would suddenly prevent it from starting at all, and with no error messages. Guess next time I'll force it to finish up all work units and uninstall before installing a client update.
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Joined: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:34 am

Re: FAH Won't Start After Reboot

Post by HendricksSA »

chrisw63, please see this thread for help: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=35568#p337362
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