Overall score is lower than the sum of WU credits

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Overall score is lower than the sum of WU credits

Post by rechenzeit »

I've been folding quite a bit last month and completed 108 WUs.

When I compared the total credit on my profile page https://stats.foldingathome.org/donor/66745553 with the sum of the 108 WU credits I noticed that the overall credit was much lower (828,369 vs around 1,300,000).

For my per-WU credit calculation, I extracted the point value of fah client log lines such as "23:39:41:WU00:FS00:Final credit estimate, 3169.00 points" and added their point values.

My question: is the total score the sum of the per-WU scores? Or might there be discrepancies? (e.g. if multiple fah accounts were used?)
Is there a way to get a list of all completed WUs and their scores via the folding@home api?
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Re: Overall score is lower than the sum of WU credits

Post by JimboPalmer »

Some items as you do research.

Once you apply a passkey, then next ten WUs will still get just base points, even though the client will think they deserved the Quick Return Bonus.

Point are awarded to the name (and team) that was in place when they were uploaded, one can never 'move' points once awarded.

I wish you luck!
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Re: Overall score is lower than the sum of WU credits

Post by rechenzeit »

But does the Work Unit endpoint of the fah REST API return the correct counts? (https://api.foldingathome.org/project/: ... e/gen/:gen)

Just checked my script - I just extracted the PRCG Values for each WU from the logs, the credit calculation was done using the values from the endpoint above.
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Re: Overall score is lower than the sum of WU credits

Post by Joe_H »

The following was provided for looking up individual WUs - https://apps.foldingathome.org/wu. The API you are using is a work in progress, and at some point direct links to it were taken down from the stats page on the website. I don't know if the API still connect properly, the database lookup was modified to keep up with the large increase in stats entries after the middle of March.
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Re: Overall score is lower than the sum of WU credits

Post by rechenzeit »

I now found a bug in my script: I was counting some WUs more than once when their parent project was actually a collection of different project IDs that formed a "meta-project" (e.g. 11745,11751,11757,11763,11769,11780).

When I limit my script to "unique" WUs (i.e. unique PRCG identifier), I just arrive at 21 WUs vs 108 WUs in my official "fah" statistics. I guess this is because I extract the PRCG values from my fahclient logs and these are incomplete.
Long story short: is there a fah API or app that allows me to retrieve the PRCG values of all my completed WUs?
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Re: Overall score is lower than the sum of WU credits

Post by bruce »

No such transaction exists.

Your methodology is basically sound (except for the discrepancy with the "first 10 WUs" mentioned above and potential differences in the timing of database updates).

FAH has always had troubles with the performance of the massive database that contains entries for evey WU that has ever been uploaded. Searching that big a database is "expensive" in terms of computer resources and FAH has always had to restrict access to free database searches. The slimmed-down transactions that you can run are available here.

The scheduled transactions that calculate the totals for everybody are not only massive, but they're essential to provide everybody's totals. 3rd party stats sites do have access to the results of those searches in the form of "flat files" so they can report their results but they are prohibited from making similar searches of their own.

There are a number of enhancement requests to reinstate the extended transactions but my guess is that most will not be implemented simply because FAH doesn't have the server resources to keep the database up-to-date while providing those extra services.
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