Could not get an assignment on Arch

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Could not get an assignment on Arch

Post by stdcerr »


I installed folding at home from the Arch AUR (

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) and have signed up for a team.
It started processing a few WUs and when I installed CUDE (for my GeForce GPU) and restarted the FAHClient, it didn't resume and I constantly see messages like:
Exception: Could not get an assignment
Failed to start core: OpenCL device matching slot 1 not found, try setting 'opencl-index' manually - it should at least be using my CPU for processing, should it not?
FAHControl keeps saying "Status Download" for the CPU slot while my GPU slot reads "Ready" but progress remains at 0.00% for both slots.... what's going on here and how do I troubleshoot this best?
Even with cuda installed, I still get:
ERROR:No compute devices matched GPU #0 NVIDIA:2 GF119 [GeForce GT 520] 155.5. You may need to update your graphics drivers.
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Re: Could not get an assignment on Arch

Post by Joe_H »

Your GT 520 is too old for use on Folding@home GPU folding as best as I can tell, about the minimum that would work successfully would be a GT 630.

Some of the messages appear to be from some other items needed not being installed, or not being seen. Basic requirements include using the proprietary drivers from nVidia, their OpenCL/CUDA support, and sometimes the OpenCL dev support.

The client also does a better job of setting up for a GPU if installed after this is all in place.

iMac 2.8 i7 12 GB smp8, Mac Pro 2.8 quad 12 GB smp6
MacBook Pro 2.9 i7 8 GB smp3
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