folding@home android version not possible

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folding@home android version not possible

Post by FAMAS »

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Re: folding@home android version not possible

Post by Joe_H »

Sony discontinued support for the Android client. Here is the announcement from last year - viewtopic.php?f=100&t=30663#p300443.

At some point in the future an Android client may get released based on the code that Sony open sourced. But other higher priority software updates need to be taken care of first.

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Re: folding@home android version not possible

Post by bruce »

1) When FAControl and/or WebControl are updated, there would need to be a procedure to incorporate those changes into Android.
2) Presumably FAHViewer could be ported to Android -- and it would certainly enhance the popularity of the Android version.
3) FAHCores for either the Android CPU or the Android GPU would require a procedure to update that code, too.

:1: Inasmuch as FAH depends on continuous heavy-duty compute processing, it is essentially not usable on battery powered devices. Sony solved that problem by REQUIRING the battery to be both fully charged and connected to the mains (charging). That's a rather significant inconvenience and probably limits the processing to overnight. I suspect that the actual worldwide production from Android would not warrant the expenditure of the development/support costs, but that's just my guess.
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