ubuntu 11.04

FAH provides a V7 client installer for Debian / Mint / Ubuntu / RedHat / CentOS / Fedora. Installation on other distros may or may not be easy but if you can offer help to others, they would appreciate it.

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ubuntu 11.04

Post by jmackd1 »

I just installed FAHcontrol and client on my 11.04 ubuntu machine and it doesn't do anything, the left of the screen shows my local machine and status sez "connecting"....Does it take along time to connect initially or something? I'd like to use this machine for these noble causes as it runs 24/7/365 and only runs a small weather website...

Thank you,
Jeff M
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Re: ubuntu 11.04

Post by Jesse_V »

Welcome to the forum Jeff!

Using top or htop, has the CPU usage increased? You have indeed installed FAHClient and proceeded through the installation process, right? FAHControl should connect to FAHClient very quickly, the fact that it doesn't suggests to me that there's something wrong with the setup.
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Re: ubuntu 11.04

Post by bruce »

Most likely FAHClient has not been started. FAHControl will remain in "connecting" status until FAHClient has been started. For most people, starting FAHClient as a service makes a lot of sense since what it actually processes is controlled by you using FAHConrol.

FAHControl will also remain in "connecting" status if there's a firewall blocking internal IP connections or some other reason it is unable to make a telnet connection to port 36330 on your machine's loopback address
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Re: ubuntu 11.04

Post by davidcoton »

Is your Ubuntu 64-bit or 32-bit? Both seem to work, but there have been problems in the past with 32-bit.

I'm assuming from you OP that you installed two packages, FAHControl and FAHClient. Version 7.3.6? Did you reboot after that?

How many processor cores do you have? Default config is to exclude one core. If you only have one, the default configuration may not work.

Anything in the log -- is it recognising the correct hardware? Which slots are you trying to run (GPU won't work.)? If SMP, how many processors do you have? What level have you set the slider to? If in doubt, try "Full".

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