Any insights??
- Is the average number of Mac OS X cores per CPU really almost 10?
- For Linux, 8.73 makes sense, since most of the multi-CPU server-class machines run Linux.
- Given that, why is the GFLOPS per Core so low for Mac and Linux, compared with the Windows.
- And, over a population of 300,000 Windows CPUs, I find an average of 2.47 GFlops per core reasonable. See ... 017346.htm for Intel's info on GFLOPS for US government export control purposes.
Code: Select all
OS Type Native TFLOPS* x86 TFLOPS* Active CPUs Active Cores Ave#Cores per CPU AveX86 Gflops per core Total CPUs
Windows 1,305 1,305 300,028 527,569 1.76 2.47 4,794,906
Mac OS X 16 16 5,862 56,395 9.62 0.28 27,412
Linux 15 15 4,759 41,553 8.73 0.36 40,915
ATI GPU 691 1,458 4,864 4,864 1.00 299.75 360,242
NVIDIA GPU 710 1,498 3,759 3,759 1.00 398.51 290,320
NVIDIA Fermi GPU 4,670 9,854 13,775 13,775 1.00 715.35 302,968
Total 7,407 14,146 333,047 647,915 5,816,763