There is an explanation of the usage settings associated with the different
Performance Levels that you select with the slider. In the case of a laptop, Light uses half your cores and can add a GPU slot that will only run when your system is idle. From your FAHControl screenshot, you do not have a GPU slot configured.
You can use more of your laptop's CPU resources for folding by moving the slider to Medium or Full. In your case it looks like you have a 4 core (4 real or 2 + 2 virtual from HT) CPU, so Medium will use 3 and Full will use all 4. That will generate more heat and higher fan speeds which can be an issue with a laptop, and the WU will finish quicker. By default the change in settings will apply to the next WU processed.
As for the total time to process, your first WU from Project 7200 is a mid-sized one and will take longer than some of the other ones to finish. The Assignment Servers will usually give you work that can be completed easily within the time deadlines based on the settings your client reports. So you may see smaller WU's that will complete in much less time than this one.