Lost WU's configuring folding rigs- any QRB help?

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Lost WU's configuring folding rigs- any QRB help?

Post by ocmusicjunkie »

Hey guys, I'm new to this- just heard about it a few weeks ago and dove right in because it seems like a noble cause. The mistake I made was trying to run the F@H client on my systems that were all overclocked and stable when used for normal gaming/computing. I quickly realized that folding caused all three of my systems to overheat within a couple hours as they stood. While trying to dial in the proper configurations to be stable, I ended up having to abandon a number of WU's that would have fried the computer had they been left to finish. Now I have everything up and stable, but of not getting any QRB credit because I'm far under 80%, and I imagine will be for a good while if all those count against me. Since there was no intention of manipulating WU's for any sort of gain, is there any chance that anyone has the ability to "forgive" the early batch of abandoned WU's as a one-time matter? I have three pretty solid systems I want to have folding, but it's discouraging when I'm only getting the base credit that might be 20% of the potential if QRB points were included.,,,
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Hardware configuration: Core i7 3770K @3.5 GHz (not folding), 8 GB DDR3 @2133 MHz, 2xGTX 780 @1215 MHz, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit running 7.3.6 w/ 1xSMP, 2xGPU

4P E5-4650 @3.1 GHz, 64 GB DDR3 @1333MHz, Ubuntu Desktop 13.10 64-bit

Re: Lost WU's configuring folding rigs- any QRB help?

Post by Zagen30 »

Welcome to the forum, ocmusicjunkie.

Unfortunately, there's no way to forgive failed WUs. Your best bet is to obtain a new passkey and switch all of your rigs over to it. To do that, you'd either have to change your username or supply a different email address. The passkey is generated from those two, and if you enter the same information for both, it'll just re-send the old passkey to that address.

How exactly were you abandoning those WUs?

If you ever want to test folding stability in the future without affecting your folding status, check out StressCPU v2. It runs the same GROMACS code that FAH uses and thus stresses the CPU as much as actual folding would. It never ends, so basically you just pick some time at which you feel the computer has been sufficiently proven to be stable and not overheating.
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Re: Lost WU's configuring folding rigs- any QRB help?

Post by ocmusicjunkie »

Well, a fair number were lost when I had the system crash due to instability (BSOD or just unexpected restart). Often when this happened, for some reason the client would give me error message when trying to restart, and I had to remove and freshly run the whole FAH installer again. A few other times, when heat was still the issue I was working on and could only keep the rig going at night when it's cold enough with the windows open, I would remove a client from a slot if it was too large of WU too finish before morning. Doing that was pretty foolish and is much more something I blame myself for than the lost WU's from the true crashes.

For now, I have 14 WU's complete and have five more than should be done when I wake up in the morning- I think that I might just wait and see if I get back to a proper ratio soon. Does anyone know if there is a way to find out what percentage you are actually tagged with at a given time?
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Re: Lost WU's configuring folding rigs- any QRB help?

Post by bollix47 »

According to the stats database you are bonus qualified and are now getting the QRB bonus:

Hi OCMusicJunkie (team 32),
Your WU (P8028 R2888 C1 G48) was added to the stats database on 2013-02-05 17:09:36 for 1211.6 points of credit.

P8028 has a base credit of 218.50 so you've received the 10% bonus that a4 projects currently enjoy plus the QRB bonus.

Please remember that the QRB doesn't start until you've completed 10 work units and maintained an 80% success rate. Right now your successful completion rate is sitting @ 100% and the database shows you've completed 10 work units with no failures. It does take a time before the database is updated so that probably explains why it shows 10 and you've actually completed 14 or perhaps you didn't have a passkey for your first 4. Your 3rd party stats do show 14.

Sometimes after a failure the same work unit is issued again and as long as it is returned before the preferred deadline (from the initial download) the work unit is not considered a failure for QRB purposes. The QRB is all about returning work units asap before the preferred deadline and even when a work unit fails to complete it may still send info back to the work server well before the deadline and have no effect on your qualification.

If nothing was returned by those failed work units then your success rate may decrease once their preferred deadline has passed. If that happens you might lose QRB temporarily but with the small number of work units involved it wouldn't take long to get back into QRB range again.
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Re: Lost WU's configuring folding rigs- any QRB help?

Post by ocmusicjunkie »

^^^ Thanks a million for clarifying that for me! I tried to get the information via search engine, but it was too difficult to come up with clear results for what qualifies as a "failed" WU. I had assumed that once the assignment was uploaded to your client, it counted as an attempt... that would have put me at about 50% or less I bet. Glad that it seems that everything is squared. Now I won't be in any hurry to see how the stats update, just so I now know that they will just fine!

TIme to see how fast I can rack up some points now that I don't need to babysit my builds while they fold!
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Re: Lost WU's configuring folding rigs- any QRB help?

Post by bruce »

Some WUs create and error and make an immediate report to the server (allowing the server to decide whether to reissue it immediately or not). Other WUs disappear because someone quits folding or re formats their system. (They expire after a timeout and are reissued at that time.) Reinstalling the client often recovers the current data and resumes work -- so there's no failure, just a delay. Still others, like bollix47 suggests, are reissued to the machine that's on record as already working on that WU -- so there's no failure. (That likely happened to you.)
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