I'm well aware of the potential.
(I've been following this for a long, long time...)
However, not all calculations are the same.
Luxmark V2 score might be great for rendering applications(that use Open CL) but not those that use open GL (still used by many high end CAD programs)
Porting software is not instantaneous....some functions scale on new architecture, others don't....
It does indeed have everything to do with the entire software/hardware ecosystem. There is no sense in denying the obvious critical mass/ the self perpetuating feedback of more users resulting in more and diversified support drawing in more diverse and sustaining customer base...which in turn draws in more software suppliers.
It may not be fair or right, but it is certainly true.
I happen to think AMD Hardware is very adequate and very competitively positioned. However, recent cuts in engineering staff does put them in jeopardy of eating their seed corn.
So, do I think that FOLDING "can" utilize the AMD Next Gen CORE?, certainly.
Whether they do or not? is ultimately dependent on the health of the software/hardware ecosystem.
I think it will happen...but I am no longer making market bets on the outcome at this time.