Points Per Day Difference between WUs

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Points Per Day Difference between WUs

Post by *hondo* »

Can someone tell me how to get more of these P5772 PPD = 6489 :D & less of WUs like theses P10103 PPD = 5036 :(

I'd have thought that pretty much all WUs would have realised a very similar PPD value. :e?:

All WUs folded on a Nvidia 250 GTS with no change of settings. PPD calculated by Fahmon after a 5 minute lapse of using the PC for any other purpose. :o
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Re: Points Per Day Difference between WUs

Post by PantherX »

As far as I know, the Credits of a particular WU reflects its scientific value. WUs are distributed on a random bases hence you can't get to choose what WU you get otherwise WUs with less credit will not be completed in time hence the Project will be delayed which will be a hindrance to the to scientific development
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Re: Points Per Day Difference between WUs

Post by bruce »

Credits also depend on a benchmarking process. I don't remember the configuration of the benchmark machine for these WUs, but there's a good chance that it's hardware is different from yours. That means that even if two projects produce exactly the same PPD on the benchmark machine, the hardware differences between that machine and your machine will cause one project to run X% faster than the benchmark machine and another project to run Y% faster. You're assuming that X always equals Y, and that's not true.
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Re: Points Per Day Difference between WUs

Post by toTOW »

The GPU benchmark is an ATI HD3850 ...

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