WU counts in Stats (Project 2665)

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WU counts in Stats (Project 2665)

Post by Fireclown »


I have completed several work units for project 2665, using the Windows SMP client. When I visit my personal stats page for the 2000 range, none of those WU's for project 2665 show up. Here's the result of fah6 -queueinfo:

Code: Select all

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further 
use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

8 cores detected
If you see this twice, MPI is working
If you see this twice, MPI is working

--- Opening Log file [October 24 09:48:10 UTC] 

# Windows SMP Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.24R3



Launch directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\SMP
Executable: fah6
Arguments: -queueinfo -smp 8 

[09:48:10] - Ask before connecting: No
[09:48:10] - User name: fireclown (Team 156669)
[09:48:10] - User ID: <removed>
[09:48:10] - Machine ID: 1
[09:48:10] Loaded queue successfully.
[09:48:10] Printing Queue Information
Current Queue: 
Slot 05  Empty/Deleted

Slot 06  Empty/Deleted

Slot 07  Empty/Deleted

Slot 08  Empty/Deleted

Slot 09  Empty/Deleted

Slot 00  Empty/Deleted

Slot 01  Empty/Deleted
Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 714, Gen 133), Core: a1
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: October 20 14:25:33
Finished date: October 21 14:36:36
Failed uploads: 3

Slot 02  Empty/Deleted
Project: 2665 (Run 1, Clone 397, Gen 135), Core: a1
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: October 21 15:00:01
Finished date: October 22 23:41:15

Slot 03  Empty/Deleted
Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 653, Gen 132), Core: a1
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: October 22 23:50:08
Finished date: October 23 23:55:28

Slot 04 *Ready    
Project: 2665 (Run 1, Clone 49, Gen 142), Core: a1
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: October 24 00:04:09
Deadline date: October 30 00:04:09

PF: 0.812592 based on last 3 slot(s)

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.
My system (in case it is at all germane): Windows 7 RTM x64, 12GB RAM, Intel Core i7 920, 2x nVidia 8800GTX (whose WU's seem to be posting just fine).

Please note that for Slot 01, I was having internet connection issues, but I did a successful fah6 -send on it after the connection had stabilized.
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Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:04 am
Location: Canada

Re: Project 2665

Post by bollix47 »

Project WU counts were suspended back in March:

http://folding.typepad.com/news/2009/03 ... ended.html
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:57 am

Re: Project 2665

Post by Fireclown »

I feel particularly dumb right now. I posted my question about 15 minutes ater reading that exact page. I don't know why (well, I was pretty tired and missing my afternoon nap) but I didn't quite grok what was being suspended when I read that and moed on to registering for the forums so I could post about exactly what I had just read. Thanks for being so gentle when hitting me with the clue-stick :)