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Post by smackiethefrog »

Funny, the issue on my end has returned. Tried the https trick, which worked, though not for NaCl. I suppose all that can be safely assumed is that something funky is going on with Comcast, Internet2, or Cenic (networks my hops are on), I guess.

Edit: All is well again -- for now.
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Post by Jesse_V »

If you use the HTTPS Everywhere extension (which I highly recommend, along with Adblock) I just made a custom ruleset that you can use.

1) Go into your HTTPS Everywhere config folder. In my case this is in Chrome's settings folder under the /Default/Extensions/gcbommkclmclpchllfjekcdonpmejbdp folder. If you have no idea where it is, do a search for a file by the name of "default.rulesets" and then go into that folder.
2) Make a file named "custom.rulesets" in the same directory.
3) Paste the following into it:

Code: Select all

	<ruleset name="Stanford">
	  <target host="" />

	  <rule from="^http://stanford\.edu/" to=""/>
	<ruleset name="Folding@home">
	  <target host="" />

	  <rule from="^http://(www\.)?folding\.stanford\.edu/" to=""/>
4) Save the file. Then go up a directory and open the "rule_list.js" file, and replace the entire contents with

Code: Select all

var rule_list = [
5) Shut down all Chrome instances and open Chrome again. If HTTPS Everywhere doesn't come up, there's something wrong with the config files. My instructions should work, so if they don't get back with me and we can diagnose it.
F@h is now the top computing platform on the planet and nothing unites people like a dedicated fight against a common enemy. This virus affects all of us. Lets end it together.
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