Welcome to the folding forums, random guy
random guy wrote:hey at my university we each have 1gb network storage space. i installed folding at home on it so i can use it at any computer at school. it was working at first (like 26/1500 frames)but now it is not connecting to the server for some reason.
is this common? it is now 6:31 pm est, is it working for others?
It doesn't need to connect until 26/1500 becomes 1500/1500, but I suppose you know that.
The servers were not down so you should be able to upload finished work and download a new assignment. Did you set the connection configuration for Proxy=NO and USE_IE=NO?
1) since my school allows multiple logins i can log into more than one system at a time. would i be able to run folding at home one more than one system from the same network installation either working together or on different projects?
Each computer will be able to run an independent copy of the client provided they're not trying to share files with each other. Be sure to check with your school's computer department, though. You need their permission to run FAH on their computers.
2) how else can one fold? java applet?
Nope. Java is totally inadequate when it comes to heavy computational loads.
3) any hope for storing it on my flash drive and using it n windows systems on the go. i searched the forums and found some people were using linux based boot disks installed on flash drives but i dont have bios access at school. any standalone clients?
Yes, that's possible.
4) is the command line faster, i installed the gui.
Yes, but not significantly -- when your computer is busy computing the picture, it's not folding, but if you close the GUI window, they're identical.