This is certainly a good idea.VijayPande wrote: snip..
I've reminded the scientists running the projects to post more info in the forum to make it more clear what's going on and for them to increase the posts so it's more clear what we're doing and why.
It is clear that many people are emotionally and physically invested in the project. I am one of them.
I don't know what the management structure is within the Pande Group, and while I am familiar with the management structure of forums, it is not clear how representative we (the forum users/administrators) are of the total donor base and even what percentage of donors we represent. Obviously, in terms of WUs we may be much more significant and when you add team members who spread information from here via different venues even more so.
Are we a significant percentage of the total science contribution base?
If we are, then PG should consider formalizing their management techniques, I would suggest a donor ombudsman (a role I believe that Vijay strives to fill as evidenced by his regular Sunday contributions).
In any case, I believe that more regular information from the Pande Group should reach all donors, possibly via a pop-up start screen like Steam uses.
We also need to remember that this is a project that is breaking new ground in many areas including the social component and how you interact with/manage donors as well as their resources.
As such it seems imperative to figure out just who we are and what happens when we post something here versus on the "news" blog.
If we matter, we are worth managing well. Even if (or especially if) we don't, then PG should figure out how to manage us better without using the forum as the rest of the donors deserve good management as well.