ThunderRd wrote:OK, thanks.
I was able to find the wxwidgets repo for 2.8 and added it to the list; I'm running UB 7.04 but the install went fine after that.
Next question. As I said I'm new to Linux but not new to FahMon; I have it running on 40 windows machines. Now the file server is this Linux machine; that's where FahMon is installed, and I can't find how to add clients on the network. For instance, the Linux file browser on the server says that a client is at smb://ep-1/smp. When I right-click/add, the location browser only shows local drives; I can't find out how to see the directory in FahMon.
I'm sure it's easy, but I'm stumped. Mind helping?
BTW, drag and drop doesn't work either from network directories. From local it's OK.
This is to do with a fundamental difference between the way Windows and *nix handle filesystems.
In Windows there are multiple filesystem roots (c:\, d:\, //machine-name/), in Linux there is only one root, "/" and everything must be "mounted" under that single root. This can be confusing for those used to the Windows system of doing it.
The smb:// address is what's known as a kioslave, its basically a wrapper that your filemanager uses to access a windows share without you having to mount it first. FahMon doesn't know how to use this kioslave (I'm hoping to add it to a future version if possible) and so requires you to access the share the conventional way.
Luckily this is fairly easy to do on the fly (there are ways to make this more permanent but I'll let you find that out

First you need to create a mount point on the filesystem for each share, this is just a new folder into which your share will be mounted.
Code: Select all
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/lan_shares/ep-1
Then you need to mount the remote shares into the mount points (this shouldn't require you to install any more packages, but I haven't tried this from ubuntu recently):
Code: Select all
mount.cifs3 //ep-1/smp /mnt/lan_shares/ep-1
Then, you can browse to the new folder in your filemanager and drag-and-drop it into FahMon.