1. Firstly, how do I measure the PPD everybody is talking about? I have a feeling that while I run the GPU2 client on the 8800GT the addition of a Q6600 clocked at 3GHz does not add a lot to it.
2. I noticed in the new clients that If I run the SMP and the GPU2 clients together, the CPU usage is at 100% but there is a drop in temperatures for both CPU and GPU. If I run them alone the temps are usually higher.
3. In the new SMP version while setting up the client, it asks to set a size of WUs, Small/Normal/Big. This is new right?
I set it to big and it seems it goes slower than it used to with the old client with set to "Accept
Wus larger than **Mb=yes". Did WUs got bigger or the slightly slower progress is just in my mind?
Code: Select all
[01:04:17] + Processing work unit
[01:04:17] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors
[01:04:17] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[01:04:17] Core found.
[01:04:17] Working on queue slot 01 [August 6 01:04:17 UTC]
[01:04:17] + Working ...