I've been suffering a number of problems with my PC, and it has more and more negatively affected FAH performance. FAH issues first.
This is a new account for FAH Forum (old one was something like Robby_Firefox). My equipment setup has been posted in my signature. Am also using AVAST! antivirus software. This platform used to produce 900,000-1,000,000 points per day before (both with a hard and solid state drive). The GPU has by far done the lions share of the work. It is now producing in the 400-600K points per day now. This machine was a victim of recent Blue Screen of Death issue (in a Windows "update" before the Crowdstrike fiasco). I managed to get this copy working again, but it is not the same as it was before (now on a spinning hard drive). I have not been able to restore my solid state hard drive BSD issue.
The below images are of the Windows "hidden icons" and a screen shot of how FAH appeared in MS Edge in the 250 PM CDT timeframe earlier this afternoon.
The 16722 job did finish. In the early evening, I clicked on the Edge symbol to open the browser and see how folding was coming along. It took a very long time, a good few minutes for the system to respond. Then opened up this Brave browser window where I am typing this. It took over 5 minutes to come up. In opening the Edge browser, the FAH client killed the GPU job that was running (Project: 18806 (Run 20, Clone 21, Gen 246)) and started (Project: 12120 (Run 204, Clone 10, Gen 14)).
Below is how the hidden icons and FAH window looks now. Notice that I have TWO instances of FAH in the hidden icons area! Instead of a "normal" 3-5 hours to complete a GPU task, it is now saying ~15 hours as I write this, up from ~11 hours in the image for job 12120.
If anyone has any ideas on why this is occurring, I would love to know why and if anything can be done to correct this situation. If need be, I can downgrade to the earlier 8 version or even the older version 7. Lastly, this computer. If there are any ideas on improving it's overall performance, I am open to suggestions.
Code: Select all
00:44:05:I1:WU415:Checkpoint completed at step 2200000
00:48:39:I1:WU415:Completed 2225000 out of 2500000 steps (89%)
00:50:46:I1:WU409:Completed 170000 out of 250000 steps (68%)
00:53:19:I1:WU415:Completed 2250000 out of 2500000 steps (90%)
00:58:01:I1:WU415:Completed 2275000 out of 2500000 steps (91%)
01:02:51:I1:WU415:Completed 2300000 out of 2500000 steps (92%)
01:03:03:I1:WU415:Checkpoint completed at step 2300000
01:07:29:I1:WU415:Completed 2325000 out of 2500000 steps (93%)
01:11:59:I1:WU415:Completed 2350000 out of 2500000 steps (94%)
01:12:18:I1:Account websocket closed: PROTOCOL msg=Failed to read header start
01:12:18:I1:OUT127:> GET https://api.foldingathome.org/machine/A6jVAP8ZgBU1tXC0wbqPW9vRwCovnOrdDqBdQp_xYX0 HTTP/1.1
01:12:19:I1:OUT127:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
01:12:19:I1:OUT2:> GET wss://node1.foldingathome.org/ws/client HTTP/1.1
01:12:19:I1:Logging into node account
01:12:32:I1:WU409:Completed 172500 out of 250000 steps (69%)
01:16:28:I1:WU415:Completed 2375000 out of 2500000 steps (95%)
01:21:04:I1:WU415:Completed 2400000 out of 2500000 steps (96%)
01:21:16:I1:WU415:Checkpoint completed at step 2400000
01:25:56:I1:WU415:Completed 2425000 out of 2500000 steps (97%)
01:30:47:I1:WU415:Completed 2450000 out of 2500000 steps (98%)
01:34:05:I1:WU409:Completed 175000 out of 250000 steps (70%)
01:35:34:I1:WU415:Completed 2475000 out of 2500000 steps (99%)
01:40:16:I1:WU415:Completed 2500000 out of 2500000 steps (100%)
01:40:16:I1:WU415:Average performance: 15.1579 ns/day
01:40:28:I1:WU415:Checkpoint completed at step 2500000
01:40:35:I1:WU415:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
01:40:35:I1:WU415:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml
01:40:35:I1:WU415:Saving result file checkpointState.xml
01:40:39:I1:WU415:Saving result file positions.xtc
01:40:39:I1:WU415:Saving result file science.log
01:40:39:I1:WU415:Saving result file xtcAtoms.csv.bz2
01:40:39:I1:WU415:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
01:40:42:I1:WU415:Core returned FINISHED_UNIT (100)
01:40:43:I1:Default:Added new work unit: cpus:0 gpus:gpu:04:00:00
01:40:43:I1:WU415:Uploading WU results
01:40:44:I1:WU416:Requesting WU assignment for user Robby team 1
01:40:44:I1:WU409:WARNING:Console control signal 1 on PID 21748
01:40:44:I1:WU409:Exiting, please wait. . .
01:40:44:I1:OUT129:> POST https://assign5.foldingathome.org/api/assign HTTP/1.1
01:40:44:I1:OUT128:> POST https://huangfolding1.chem.wisc.edu/api/results HTTP/1.1
01:40:44:I1:OUT129:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
01:40:44:I1:WU416:Received WU assignment izI3eXXa3QksQhdkduEHpFHLHICov30aORFX5B7v4XM
01:40:44:I1:WU416:Downloading WU
01:40:45:I1:OUT130:> POST https://ds01.scs.illinois.edu/api/assign HTTP/1.1
01:40:47:I1:OUT130:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
01:40:47:I1:WU416:Received WU P12120 R204 C10 G14
01:40:47:I1:OUT128:< HTTP/1.1 200 HTTP_OK
01:40:49:I3:WU416:Running FahCore: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores/openmm-core-22/fahcore-22-windows-64bit-release-0.0.20/FahCore_22.exe -dir izI3eXXa3QksQhdkduEHpFHLHICov30aORFX5B7v4XM -suffix 01 -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 9412 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
01:40:49:I3:WU416:Started FahCore on PID 20652
01:40:49:I1:WU416:*********************** Log Started 2024-09-09T01:40:49Z ***********************
01:40:49:I1:WU416:*************************** Core22 Folding@home Core ***************************
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Core: Core22
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Type: 0x22
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Version: 0.0.20
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Copyright: 2020 foldingathome.org
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Date: Jan 20 2022
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Time: 01:15:36
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Revision: 3f211b8a4346514edbff34e3cb1c0e0ec951373c
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Branch: HEAD
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Compiler: Visual C++
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:40:49:I1:WU416: -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"7.7.0\""
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Platform: win32 10
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Bits: 64
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Mode: Release
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Maintainers: John Chodera <john.chodera@choderalab.org> and Peter Eastman
01:40:49:I1:WU416: <peastman@stanford.edu>
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Args: -dir izI3eXXa3QksQhdkduEHpFHLHICov30aORFX5B7v4XM -suffix 01
01:40:49:I1:WU416: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 9412 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform
01:40:49:I1:WU416: 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
01:40:49:I1:WU416:************************************ libFAH ************************************
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Date: Jan 20 2022
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Time: 01:14:17
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Revision: 9f4ad694e75c2350d4bb6b8b5b769ba27e483a2f
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Branch: HEAD
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Compiler: Visual C++
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Platform: win32 10
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Bits: 64
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Mode: Release
01:40:49:I1:WU416:************************************ CBang *************************************
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Date: Jan 20 2022
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Time: 01:13:20
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Revision: ab023d155b446906d55b0f6c9a1eedeea04f7a1a
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Branch: HEAD
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Compiler: Visual C++
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Platform: win32 10
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Bits: 64
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Mode: Release
01:40:49:I1:WU416:************************************ System ************************************
01:40:49:I1:WU416: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
01:40:49:I1:WU416: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3
01:40:49:I1:WU416: CPUs: 8
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Memory: 15.87GiB
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Free Memory: 6.76GiB
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
01:40:49:I1:WU416: OS Version: 6.2
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Has Battery: false
01:40:49:I1:WU416: On Battery: false
01:40:49:I1:WU416: UTC Offset: -5
01:40:49:I1:WU416: PID: 20652
01:40:49:I1:WU416: CWD: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\work
01:40:49:I1:WU416:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
01:40:49:I1:WU416: Version: 7.7.0
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Project: 12120 (Run 204, Clone 10, Gen 14)
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Reading tar file core.xml
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Reading tar file integrator.xml
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Reading tar file state.xml
01:40:49:I1:WU416:Reading tar file system.xml
01:40:50:I1:WU416:Digital signatures verified
01:40:50:I1:WU416:Folding@home GPU Core22 Folding@home Core
01:40:50:I1:WU416:Version 0.0.20
01:40:50:I1:WU416: Checkpoint write interval: 250000 steps (5%) [20 total]
01:40:50:I1:WU416: JSON viewer frame write interval: 50000 steps (1%) [100 total]
01:40:50:I1:WU416: XTC frame write interval: 25000 steps (0.5%) [200 total]
01:40:50:I1:WU416: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
01:40:51:I1:WU416:There are 4 platforms available.
01:40:51:I1:WU416:Platform 0: Reference
01:40:51:I1:WU416:Platform 1: CPU
01:40:51:I1:WU416:Platform 2: OpenCL
01:40:51:I1:WU416: opencl-device 0 specified
01:40:51:I1:WU416:Platform 3: CUDA
01:40:51:I1:WU416: cuda-device 0 specified
01:40:56:I1:WU416:Attempting to create CUDA context:
01:40:56:I1:WU416: Configuring platform CUDA
01:40:58:I1:WU409:Folding@home Core Shutdown: INTERRUPTED
01:40:59:I1:WU409:Core returned INTERRUPTED (102)
01:40:59:I3:WU409:Running FahCore: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores/gromacs-core-a9/windows-10-64bit/cpu-avx2_256-release/fahcore-a9-windows-10-64bit-cpu-avx2_256-release-0.0.12/FahCore_a9.exe -dir M2Xi-Ihuf8BWwEf-LRYsq7srR6vN0NxU6wr03OVtOxs -suffix 01 -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 9412 -np 4
01:40:59:I3:WU409:Started FahCore on PID 24212
01:40:59:I1:WU409:*********************** Log Started 2024-09-09T01:40:59Z ***********************
01:40:59:I1:WU409:************************** Gromacs Folding@home Core ***************************
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Core: Gromacs
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Type: 0xa9
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Version: 0.0.12
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Copyright: 2022 foldingathome.org
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Date: Nov 15 2022
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Time: 13:31:08
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Compiler: Visual C++
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Options: /TP /std:c++17 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Platform: win32 10
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Bits: 64
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Mode: Release
01:40:59:I1:WU409: SIMD: avx2_256
01:40:59:I1:WU409: OpenMP: ON
01:40:59:I1:WU409: CUDA: OFF
01:40:59:I1:WU409: OpenCL: OFF
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Args: -dir M2Xi-Ihuf8BWwEf-LRYsq7srR6vN0NxU6wr03OVtOxs -suffix 01
01:40:59:I1:WU409: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 9412 -np 4
01:40:59:I1:WU409:************************************ libFAH ************************************
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Date: Nov 15 2022
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Time: 13:30:33
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Compiler: Visual C++
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Options: /TP /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Platform: win32 10
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Bits: 64
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Mode: Release
01:40:59:I1:WU409:************************************ CBang *************************************
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Date: Nov 15 2022
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Time: 13:29:57
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Compiler: Visual C++
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Options: /TP /std:c++14 /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Platform: win32 10
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Bits: 64
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Mode: Release
01:40:59:I1:WU409:************************************ System ************************************
01:40:59:I1:WU409: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
01:40:59:I1:WU409: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3
01:40:59:I1:WU409: CPUs: 8
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Memory: 15.87GiB
01:40:59:I1:WU409:Free Memory: 7.31GiB
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
01:40:59:I1:WU409: OS Version: 6.2
01:40:59:I1:WU409:Has Battery: false
01:40:59:I1:WU409: On Battery: false
01:40:59:I1:WU409: UTC Offset: -5
01:40:59:I1:WU409: PID: 24212
01:40:59:I1:WU409: CWD: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\work
01:40:59:I1:WU409: Exec: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores\gromacs-core-a9\windows-10-64bit\cpu-avx2_256-release\fahcore-a9-windows-10-64bit-cpu-avx2_256-release-0.0.12\FahCore_a9.exe
01:40:59:I1:WU409:Project: 18806 (Run 20, Clone 21, Gen 246)
01:40:59:I1:WU409:Digital signatures verified
01:40:59:I1:WU409:Calling: mdrun -c frame246.gro -s frame246.tpr -x frame246.xtc -cpi state.cpt -cpt 5 -nt 4 -ntmpi 1 -update cpu -nb cpu -bonded cpu -pme cpu -pmefft cpu
01:41:00:I1:WU409:Steps: first=61500000 total=61750000
01:41:06:I1:WU416: Using CUDA and gpu 0
01:41:06:I1:WU416:Completed 0 out of 5000000 steps (0%)
01:41:06:I1:WU416:Checkpoint completed at step 0
01:41:09:I1:WU409:Completed 175762 out of 250000 steps (70%)
01:42:55:I1:WU416:Completed 50000 out of 5000000 steps (1%)
01:44:46:I1:WU416:Completed 100000 out of 5000000 steps (2%)
01:46:38:I1:WU416:Completed 150000 out of 5000000 steps (3%)
01:48:30:I1:WU416:Completed 200000 out of 5000000 steps (4%)
01:50:22:I1:WU416:Completed 250000 out of 5000000 steps (5%)
01:50:22:I1:WU416:Checkpoint completed at step 250000
01:52:14:I1:WU416:Completed 300000 out of 5000000 steps (6%)
01:54:06:I1:WU416:Completed 350000 out of 5000000 steps (7%)
01:55:58:I1:WU416:Completed 400000 out of 5000000 steps (8%)
01:56:20:I1:WU409:Completed 177500 out of 250000 steps (71%)
01:57:49:I1:WU416:Completed 450000 out of 5000000 steps (9%)
01:59:41:I1:WU416:Completed 500000 out of 5000000 steps (10%)
01:59:41:I1:WU416:Checkpoint completed at step 500000
02:01:32:I1:WU416:Completed 550000 out of 5000000 steps (11%)
02:03:24:I1:WU416:Completed 600000 out of 5000000 steps (12%)
02:05:15:I1:WU416:Completed 650000 out of 5000000 steps (13%)
02:07:06:I1:WU416:Completed 700000 out of 5000000 steps (14%)
02:08:58:I1:WU416:Completed 750000 out of 5000000 steps (15%)
02:08:59:I1:WU416:Checkpoint completed at step 750000
02:10:51:I1:WU416:Completed 800000 out of 5000000 steps (16%)
02:12:43:I1:WU416:Completed 850000 out of 5000000 steps (17%)
02:14:35:I1:WU416:Completed 900000 out of 5000000 steps (18%)
02:16:26:I1:WU416:Completed 950000 out of 5000000 steps (19%)
02:18:20:I1:WU416:Completed 1000000 out of 5000000 steps (20%)
02:18:20:I1:WU416:ERROR:Guru Meditation #0.11886c6773a0fdba (0.6900276) 'izI3eXXa3QksQhdkduEHpFHLHICov30aORFX5B7v4XM/01/positions.xtc'
02:18:32:W :WU416:Core returned UNKNOWN_ENUM (3221226505)
02:18:32:W :WU416:Core exited with Windows unhandled exception code 0xc0000409. See https://bit.ly/2CXgWkZ for more information.
02:18:32:I1:WU416:Retry #1 in 2 secs
02:18:34:I3:WU416:Running FahCore: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\cores/openmm-core-22/fahcore-22-windows-64bit-release-0.0.20/FahCore_22.exe -dir izI3eXXa3QksQhdkduEHpFHLHICov30aORFX5B7v4XM -suffix 01 -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 9412 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
02:18:34:I3:WU416:Started FahCore on PID 20416
02:18:35:I1:WU416:*********************** Log Started 2024-09-09T02:18:34Z ***********************
02:18:35:I1:WU416:*************************** Core22 Folding@home Core ***************************
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Core: Core22
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Type: 0x22
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Version: 0.0.20
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Copyright: 2020 foldingathome.org
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Date: Jan 20 2022
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Time: 01:15:36
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Revision: 3f211b8a4346514edbff34e3cb1c0e0ec951373c
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Branch: HEAD
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Compiler: Visual C++
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
02:18:35:I1:WU416: -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"7.7.0\""
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Platform: win32 10
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Bits: 64
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Mode: Release
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Maintainers: John Chodera <john.chodera@choderalab.org> and Peter Eastman
02:18:35:I1:WU416: <peastman@stanford.edu>
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Args: -dir izI3eXXa3QksQhdkduEHpFHLHICov30aORFX5B7v4XM -suffix 01
02:18:35:I1:WU416: -version 8.3.18 -lifeline 9412 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform
02:18:35:I1:WU416: 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-platform 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0
02:18:35:I1:WU416:************************************ libFAH ************************************
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Date: Jan 20 2022
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Time: 01:14:17
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Revision: 9f4ad694e75c2350d4bb6b8b5b769ba27e483a2f
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Branch: HEAD
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Compiler: Visual C++
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Platform: win32 10
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Bits: 64
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Mode: Release
02:18:35:I1:WU416:************************************ CBang *************************************
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Date: Jan 20 2022
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Time: 01:13:20
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Revision: ab023d155b446906d55b0f6c9a1eedeea04f7a1a
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Branch: HEAD
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Compiler: Visual C++
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Platform: win32 10
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Bits: 64
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Mode: Release
02:18:35:I1:WU416:************************************ System ************************************
02:18:35:I1:WU416: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
02:18:35:I1:WU416: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3
02:18:35:I1:WU416: CPUs: 8
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Memory: 15.87GiB
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Free Memory: 5.99GiB
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
02:18:35:I1:WU416: OS Version: 6.2
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Has Battery: false
02:18:35:I1:WU416: On Battery: false
02:18:35:I1:WU416: UTC Offset: -5
02:18:35:I1:WU416: PID: 20416
02:18:35:I1:WU416: CWD: C:\ProgramData\FAHClient\work
02:18:35:I1:WU416:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
02:18:35:I1:WU416: Version: 7.7.0
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Project: 12120 (Run 204, Clone 10, Gen 14)
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Reading tar file core.xml
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Reading tar file integrator.xml
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Reading tar file state.xml
02:18:35:I1:WU416:Reading tar file system.xml
02:18:40:I1:WU409:Completed 180000 out of 250000 steps (72%)
02:18:41:I1:WU416:Digital signatures verified
02:18:41:I1:WU416:Folding@home GPU Core22 Folding@home Core
02:18:41:I1:WU416:Version 0.0.20
02:18:42:I1:WU416: Checkpoint write interval: 250000 steps (5%) [20 total]
02:18:42:I1:WU416: JSON viewer frame write interval: 50000 steps (1%) [100 total]
02:18:42:I1:WU416: XTC frame write interval: 25000 steps (0.5%) [200 total]
02:18:42:I1:WU416: Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
02:18:42:I1:WU416:There are 4 platforms available.
02:18:42:I1:WU416:Platform 0: Reference
02:18:42:I1:WU416:Platform 1: CPU
02:18:42:I1:WU416:Platform 2: OpenCL
02:18:42:I1:WU416: opencl-device 0 specified
02:18:42:I1:WU416:Platform 3: CUDA
02:18:42:I1:WU416: cuda-device 0 specified
02:18:49:I1:WU416:Attempting to create CUDA context:
02:18:49:I1:WU416: Configuring platform CUDA
02:18:52:I1:WU416: Using CUDA and gpu 0
02:18:52:I1:WU416:Completed 0 out of 5000000 steps (0%)
02:18:53:I1:WU416:Checkpoint completed at step 0
02:20:47:I1:WU416:Completed 50000 out of 5000000 steps (1%)
02:22:45:W :WU409:Detected clock skew (29 secs), I/O delay, laptop hibernation, other slowdown or clock change noted, adjusting time estimates
02:22:55:W :WU416:Detected clock skew (42 secs), I/O delay, laptop hibernation, other slowdown or clock change noted, adjusting time estimates
02:23:02:W :WU409:Detected clock skew (20 secs), I/O delay, laptop hibernation, other slowdown or clock change noted, adjusting time estimates
02:23:31:I1:WU416:Completed 100000 out of 5000000 steps (2%)
02:25:38:I1:WU416:Completed 150000 out of 5000000 steps (3%)
02:27:44:I1:WU416:Completed 200000 out of 5000000 steps (4%)
02:29:54:I1:WU416:Completed 250000 out of 5000000 steps (5%)
02:30:38:I1:WU416:Checkpoint completed at step 250000
02:32:37:I1:WU416:Completed 300000 out of 5000000 steps (6%)
02:35:03:I1:WU416:Completed 350000 out of 5000000 steps (7%)
02:38:26:I1:WU416:Completed 400000 out of 5000000 steps (8%)