Points Drop

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Re: Points Drop

Post by Joe_H »

Looking up your recent WUs using the app - https://apps.foldingathome.org/cpu, you are not receiving bonus points even with a passkey. Using the Bonus Status app, your username shows 1581 WUs finished, 8357 expired, and a completion rate of less than 16%. You need a completion rate of better than 80% to receive the bonus.
I entered a passkey when I first started folding. Is it possible that the server lost it?
Th passkey is stored on the client and matched with valid passkeys. It is stored in config.xml for the v7 client, and in a small sql database for the v8 client which is what it appears you are using based on finding /var/lib/fah-client instead of /var/lib/fahclient.

First you need to figure out why your machines are not completing WUs before the deadlines. Then I would recommend requesting a new passkey by using a different username or email address. It will send the same passkey if you fill out the request form with the same name and email. Then it will take completing 10 WUs before you will start getting bonus points again.

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Re: Points Drop

Post by Bob_6591 »

This is the first time I have heard that my completion rate was only 16%. The software should issue some kind of warning.

The passkey was in the local client. I had been using a passkey since day one.

As to figuring out why the machines are not completing work units, that will not happen. The software was uninstalled on all four machines. Spent too much time already. Time to move on.

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