Code: Select all
for p in $(ps -eLf | grep FahCore_a | grep -vE "Wrapper|grep|00:00:0" | awk '{print $4}' | sort); do
#echo $p "-" $i
taskset -p -c $i $p > /dev/null 2>&1
Before this change, FAHControl was showing 900K PPD for most WUs. And after pinning, PPD estimates are mostly in the 1.1-1.3M range with rarely any lower. The number of WUs with PPD up to 1.5-1.6M seems higher now. It's possible that the WUs that have been sent in recent days just happen to have higher PPD. I figured I'd check if anyone else has seen the same improvement and provide the script in case anyone else want to do their own testing and report back.