Project download issues

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Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:57 pm

Project download issues

Post by tulanebarandgrill »

This has happened more than once now and so I'm posting to see if there might be a known issue.

Just for background, my fans run hard when folding, so when I hear them spin down for more than a minute, I check what is going on. What is happening lately is a project gets finished, then the client goes to find a new project and then it just stops downloading after 4-5 minutes, somewhere around 30 percent.

Nothing fixes this short of rebooting the computer. It is definitely NOT networking or disk space as everything else using the same disk volume is working ok and I can operate on the local and WAN networks with no issue.

First I'm posting the tail end. Please note the final message did not appear until after a reboot, so I suspect it was generated BY the reboot which happend about 40 minutes after the last log message

Code: Select all

02:22:34:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 495000 out of 500000 steps (99%)
02:23:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 500000 out of 500000 steps (100%)
02:23:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Average performance: 60.8451 ns/day
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Connecting to
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Assigned to work server
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Requesting new work unit for slot 00: RUNNING gpu:0:TU102 [GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Rev. A] M 13448 from
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Connecting to
02:23:46:WU01:FS00:Downloading 6.10MiB
02:23:49:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 500000
02:24:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
02:24:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml
02:24:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointState.xml.bz2
02:24:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file positions.xtc
02:24:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file science.log
02:24:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:FahCore returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100 = 0x64)
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:17257 run:277 clone:4 gen:11 core:0x22 unit:0x000000040000000b0000436900000115
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:Uploading 51.41MiB to
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
02:24:34:WU00:FS00:Upload 20.06%
02:24:39:WU01:FS00:Download 2.05%
02:24:40:WU00:FS00:Upload 40.73%
02:24:46:WU00:FS00:Upload 61.64%
02:24:52:WU00:FS00:Upload 82.55%
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Upload complete
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Final credit estimate, 519152.00 points
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Cleaning up
02:25:03:WU01:FS00:Download 3.07%
02:25:16:WU01:FS00:Download 4.10%
02:25:34:WU01:FS00:Download 5.12%
02:25:47:WU01:FS00:Download 6.15%
02:26:00:WU01:FS00:Download 7.17%
02:27:21:WU01:FS00:Download 8.20%                                <added by poster: reboot happened HERE at approx 19:00> 
******************************* Date: 2022-01-21 *******************************
19:02:26:ERROR:Receive error: 10054: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Partial log follows (it will not all fit):

Code: Select all

21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:*********************** Log Started 2022-01-20T21:38:43Z ***********************
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:*************************** Core22 Folding@home Core ***************************
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Core: Core22
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Type: 0x22
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Version: 0.0.18
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Author: Joseph Coffland <>
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Copyright: 2020
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Homepage:
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:55:05
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Revision: cfe3d7d990e8f456e371f8ce63b5fcc6daab2103
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:             -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"7.6.0\""
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Maintainers: John Chodera <> and Peter Eastman
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:             <>
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Args: -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 20124 -checkpoint 15
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:             -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-device
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:             0 -gpu 0 verbosity 9
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ libFAH ************************************
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:53:43
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Revision: 44301ed97b996b63fe736bb8073f22209cb2b603
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ CBang *************************************
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:52:38
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Revision: 33fcfc2b3ed2195a423606a264718e31e6b3903f
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ System ************************************
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:        CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:     CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:       CPUs: 16
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Memory: 63.91GiB
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Free Memory: 56.83GiB
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22: OS Version: 6.2
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Has Battery: false
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22: On Battery: false
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22: UTC Offset: -6
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:        PID: 22640
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:        CWD: C:\Users\pt\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\work
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Version: 7.6.0
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Project: 17804 (Run 45, Clone 94, Gen 841)
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Unit: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file core.xml
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file integrator.xml.bz2
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Digital signatures verified
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Folding@home GPU Core22 Folding@home Core
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Version 0.0.18
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Checkpoint write interval: 125000 steps (5%) [20 total]
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:  JSON viewer frame write interval: 25000 steps (1%) [100 total]
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:  XTC frame write interval: 25000 steps (1%) [100 total]
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:There are 4 platforms available.
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 0: Reference
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 1: CPU
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 2: OpenCL
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:  opencl-device 0 specified
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 3: CUDA
21:38:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:  cuda-device 0 specified
21:38:49:WU01:FS00:Upload 12.40%
21:38:50:WU00:FS00:0x22:Attempting to create CUDA context:
21:38:50:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Configuring platform CUDA
21:38:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Using CUDA and gpu 0
21:38:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 0 out of 2500000 steps (0%)
21:38:53:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 0
21:38:55:WU01:FS00:Upload 29.90%
21:39:01:WU01:FS00:Upload 47.28%
21:39:07:WU01:FS00:Upload 64.42%
21:39:13:WU01:FS00:Upload 81.93%
21:39:18:WU01:FS00:Upload complete
21:39:18:WU01:FS00:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
21:39:18:WU01:FS00:Final credit estimate, 517631.00 points
21:39:18:WU01:FS00:Cleaning up
21:39:34:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 25000 out of 2500000 steps (1%)
21:40:16:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 50000 out of 2500000 steps (2%)
21:40:58:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 75000 out of 2500000 steps (3%)
21:41:40:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 100000 out of 2500000 steps (4%)
21:42:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 125000 out of 2500000 steps (5%)
21:42:23:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 125000
21:43:05:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 150000 out of 2500000 steps (6%)
21:43:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 175000 out of 2500000 steps (7%)
21:44:30:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 200000 out of 2500000 steps (8%)
21:45:12:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 225000 out of 2500000 steps (9%)
21:45:54:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 250000 out of 2500000 steps (10%)
21:45:55:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 250000
21:46:37:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 275000 out of 2500000 steps (11%)
21:47:19:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 300000 out of 2500000 steps (12%)
21:48:01:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 325000 out of 2500000 steps (13%)
21:48:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 350000 out of 2500000 steps (14%)
21:49:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 375000 out of 2500000 steps (15%)
21:49:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 375000
21:50:08:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 400000 out of 2500000 steps (16%)
21:50:51:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 425000 out of 2500000 steps (17%)
21:51:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 450000 out of 2500000 steps (18%)
21:52:15:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 475000 out of 2500000 steps (19%)
21:52:57:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 500000 out of 2500000 steps (20%)
21:52:58:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 500000
21:53:40:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 525000 out of 2500000 steps (21%)
21:54:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 550000 out of 2500000 steps (22%)
21:55:05:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 575000 out of 2500000 steps (23%)
21:55:47:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 600000 out of 2500000 steps (24%)
21:56:29:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 625000 out of 2500000 steps (25%)
21:56:29:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 625000
21:57:11:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 650000 out of 2500000 steps (26%)
21:57:53:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 675000 out of 2500000 steps (27%)
21:58:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 700000 out of 2500000 steps (28%)
21:59:18:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 725000 out of 2500000 steps (29%)
22:00:00:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 750000 out of 2500000 steps (30%)
22:00:00:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 750000
22:00:42:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 775000 out of 2500000 steps (31%)
22:01:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 800000 out of 2500000 steps (32%)
22:02:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 825000 out of 2500000 steps (33%)
22:02:49:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 850000 out of 2500000 steps (34%)
22:03:31:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 875000 out of 2500000 steps (35%)
22:03:32:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 875000
22:04:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 900000 out of 2500000 steps (36%)
22:04:56:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 925000 out of 2500000 steps (37%)
22:05:38:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 950000 out of 2500000 steps (38%)
22:06:20:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 975000 out of 2500000 steps (39%)
22:07:02:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1000000 out of 2500000 steps (40%)
22:07:03:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1000000
22:07:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1025000 out of 2500000 steps (41%)
22:08:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1050000 out of 2500000 steps (42%)
22:09:09:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1075000 out of 2500000 steps (43%)
22:09:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1100000 out of 2500000 steps (44%)
22:10:34:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1125000 out of 2500000 steps (45%)
22:10:34:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1125000
22:11:16:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1150000 out of 2500000 steps (46%)
22:11:58:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1175000 out of 2500000 steps (47%)
22:12:41:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1200000 out of 2500000 steps (48%)
22:13:23:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1225000 out of 2500000 steps (49%)
22:14:05:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1250000 out of 2500000 steps (50%)
22:14:06:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1250000
22:14:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1275000 out of 2500000 steps (51%)
22:15:30:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1300000 out of 2500000 steps (52%)
22:16:12:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1325000 out of 2500000 steps (53%)
22:16:54:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1350000 out of 2500000 steps (54%)
22:17:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1375000 out of 2500000 steps (55%)
22:17:37:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1375000
22:18:19:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1400000 out of 2500000 steps (56%)
22:19:02:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1425000 out of 2500000 steps (57%)
22:19:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1450000 out of 2500000 steps (58%)
22:20:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1475000 out of 2500000 steps (59%)
22:21:08:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1500000 out of 2500000 steps (60%)
22:21:09:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1500000
22:21:51:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1525000 out of 2500000 steps (61%)
22:22:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1550000 out of 2500000 steps (62%)
22:23:15:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1575000 out of 2500000 steps (63%)
22:23:57:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1600000 out of 2500000 steps (64%)
22:24:39:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1625000 out of 2500000 steps (65%)
22:24:40:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1625000
22:25:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1650000 out of 2500000 steps (66%)
22:26:04:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1675000 out of 2500000 steps (67%)
22:26:46:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1700000 out of 2500000 steps (68%)
22:27:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1725000 out of 2500000 steps (69%)
22:28:11:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1750000 out of 2500000 steps (70%)
22:28:11:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1750000
22:28:54:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1775000 out of 2500000 steps (71%)
22:29:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1800000 out of 2500000 steps (72%)
22:30:18:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1825000 out of 2500000 steps (73%)
22:31:00:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1850000 out of 2500000 steps (74%)
22:31:42:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1875000 out of 2500000 steps (75%)
22:31:43:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1875000
22:32:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1900000 out of 2500000 steps (76%)
22:33:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1925000 out of 2500000 steps (77%)
22:33:50:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1950000 out of 2500000 steps (78%)
22:34:32:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 1975000 out of 2500000 steps (79%)
22:35:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2000000 out of 2500000 steps (80%)
22:35:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2000000
22:35:56:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2025000 out of 2500000 steps (81%)
22:36:38:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2050000 out of 2500000 steps (82%)
22:37:20:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2075000 out of 2500000 steps (83%)
22:38:02:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2100000 out of 2500000 steps (84%)
22:38:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2125000 out of 2500000 steps (85%)
22:38:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2125000
22:39:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2150000 out of 2500000 steps (86%)
22:40:09:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2175000 out of 2500000 steps (87%)
22:40:51:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2200000 out of 2500000 steps (88%)
22:41:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2225000 out of 2500000 steps (89%)
22:42:15:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2250000 out of 2500000 steps (90%)
22:42:15:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2250000
22:42:57:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2275000 out of 2500000 steps (91%)
22:43:40:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2300000 out of 2500000 steps (92%)
22:44:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2325000 out of 2500000 steps (93%)
22:45:03:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2350000 out of 2500000 steps (94%)
22:45:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2375000 out of 2500000 steps (95%)
22:45:46:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2375000
22:46:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2400000 out of 2500000 steps (96%)
22:47:10:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2425000 out of 2500000 steps (97%)
22:47:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2450000 out of 2500000 steps (98%)
22:48:34:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2475000 out of 2500000 steps (99%)
22:49:16:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 2500000 out of 2500000 steps (100%)
22:49:16:WU00:FS00:0x22:Average performance: 41.1429 ns/day
22:49:16:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2500000
22:49:17:WU01:FS00:Connecting to
22:49:17:WU01:FS00:Assigned to work server
22:49:17:WU01:FS00:Requesting new work unit for slot 00: RUNNING gpu:0:TU102 [GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Rev. A] M 13448 from
22:49:17:WU01:FS00:Connecting to
22:49:17:WU01:FS00:Downloading 3.47MiB
22:49:24:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
22:49:24:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml.bz2
22:49:24:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointState.xml.bz2
22:49:24:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file positions.xtc
22:49:24:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file science.log
22:49:24:WU00:FS00:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
22:49:25:WU00:FS00:FahCore returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100 = 0x64)
22:49:25:WU00:FS00:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:17804 run:45 clone:94 gen:841 core:0x22 unit:0x0000005e000003490000458c0000002d
22:49:25:WU00:FS00:Uploading 8.41MiB to
22:49:25:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:Download 100.00%
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:Download complete
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:Received Unit: id:01 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:18700 run:1 clone:358 gen:113 core:0x22 unit:0x00000166000000710000490c00000001
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:\Users\pt\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\cores/ -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 21932 -checkpoint 15 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0 verbosity 9
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 21212
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:Core PID:10068
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:FahCore 0x22 started
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:*********************** Log Started 2022-01-20T22:49:27Z ***********************
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:*************************** Core22 Folding@home Core ***************************
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Core: Core22
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Type: 0x22
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:    Version: 0.0.18
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:     Author: Joseph Coffland <>
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:  Copyright: 2020
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Homepage:
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:55:05
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Revision: cfe3d7d990e8f456e371f8ce63b5fcc6daab2103
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:             -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"7.6.0\""
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Maintainers: John Chodera <> and Peter Eastman
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:             <>
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Args: -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 21212 -checkpoint 15
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:             -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-device
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:             0 -gpu 0 verbosity 9
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:************************************ libFAH ************************************
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:53:43
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Revision: 44301ed97b996b63fe736bb8073f22209cb2b603
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:************************************ CBang *************************************
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:52:38
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Revision: 33fcfc2b3ed2195a423606a264718e31e6b3903f
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:************************************ System ************************************
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:        CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:     CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:       CPUs: 16
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:     Memory: 63.91GiB
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Free Memory: 56.93GiB
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:    Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22: OS Version: 6.2
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Has Battery: false
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22: On Battery: false
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22: UTC Offset: -6
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:        PID: 10068
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:        CWD: C:\Users\pt\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\work
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:    Version: 7.6.0
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Project: 18700 (Run 1, Clone 358, Gen 113)
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Unit: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file core.xml
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file integrator.xml.bz2
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Digital signatures verified
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Folding@home GPU Core22 Folding@home Core
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Version 0.0.18
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:  Checkpoint write interval: 250000 steps (5%) [20 total]
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:  JSON viewer frame write interval: 50000 steps (1%) [100 total]
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:  XTC frame write interval: 50000 steps (1%) [100 total]
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:  Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:There are 4 platforms available.
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Platform 0: Reference
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Platform 1: CPU
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Platform 2: OpenCL
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:  opencl-device 0 specified
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Platform 3: CUDA
22:49:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:  cuda-device 0 specified
22:49:31:WU01:FS00:0x22:Attempting to create CUDA context:
22:49:31:WU01:FS00:0x22:  Configuring platform CUDA
22:49:31:WU00:FS00:Upload complete
22:49:31:WU00:FS00:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
22:49:31:WU00:FS00:Final credit estimate, 218230.00 points
22:49:31:WU00:FS00:Cleaning up
22:49:33:WU01:FS00:0x22:  Using CUDA and gpu 0
22:49:33:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 0 out of 5000000 steps (0%)
22:49:33:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 0
22:50:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 50000 out of 5000000 steps (1%)
22:51:22:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 100000 out of 5000000 steps (2%)
22:52:16:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 150000 out of 5000000 steps (3%)
22:53:11:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 200000 out of 5000000 steps (4%)
22:54:06:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 250000 out of 5000000 steps (5%)
22:54:06:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 250000
22:55:00:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 300000 out of 5000000 steps (6%)
22:55:55:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 350000 out of 5000000 steps (7%)
22:56:49:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 400000 out of 5000000 steps (8%)
22:57:44:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 450000 out of 5000000 steps (9%)
22:58:38:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 500000 out of 5000000 steps (10%)
22:58:38:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 500000
22:59:33:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 550000 out of 5000000 steps (11%)
23:00:28:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 600000 out of 5000000 steps (12%)
23:01:22:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 650000 out of 5000000 steps (13%)
23:02:17:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 700000 out of 5000000 steps (14%)
23:03:11:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 750000 out of 5000000 steps (15%)
23:03:11:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 750000
23:04:06:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 800000 out of 5000000 steps (16%)
23:05:01:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 850000 out of 5000000 steps (17%)
23:05:55:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 900000 out of 5000000 steps (18%)
23:06:49:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 950000 out of 5000000 steps (19%)
23:07:44:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1000000 out of 5000000 steps (20%)
23:07:44:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1000000
23:08:39:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1050000 out of 5000000 steps (21%)
23:09:34:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1100000 out of 5000000 steps (22%)
23:10:28:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1150000 out of 5000000 steps (23%)
23:11:23:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1200000 out of 5000000 steps (24%)
23:12:17:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1250000 out of 5000000 steps (25%)
23:12:17:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1250000
23:13:11:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1300000 out of 5000000 steps (26%)
23:14:06:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1350000 out of 5000000 steps (27%)
23:15:00:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1400000 out of 5000000 steps (28%)
23:15:54:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1450000 out of 5000000 steps (29%)
23:16:48:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1500000 out of 5000000 steps (30%)
23:16:49:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1500000
23:17:43:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1550000 out of 5000000 steps (31%)
23:18:37:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1600000 out of 5000000 steps (32%)
23:19:32:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1650000 out of 5000000 steps (33%)
23:20:26:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1700000 out of 5000000 steps (34%)
23:21:20:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1750000 out of 5000000 steps (35%)
23:21:20:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 1750000
23:22:15:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1800000 out of 5000000 steps (36%)
23:23:09:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1850000 out of 5000000 steps (37%)
23:24:04:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1900000 out of 5000000 steps (38%)
23:24:58:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 1950000 out of 5000000 steps (39%)
23:25:53:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2000000 out of 5000000 steps (40%)
23:25:53:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2000000
23:26:48:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2050000 out of 5000000 steps (41%)
23:27:42:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2100000 out of 5000000 steps (42%)
******************************* Date: 2022-01-20 *******************************
23:28:37:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2150000 out of 5000000 steps (43%)
23:29:31:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2200000 out of 5000000 steps (44%)
23:30:26:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2250000 out of 5000000 steps (45%)
23:30:26:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2250000
23:31:20:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2300000 out of 5000000 steps (46%)
23:32:15:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2350000 out of 5000000 steps (47%)
23:33:09:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2400000 out of 5000000 steps (48%)
23:34:04:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2450000 out of 5000000 steps (49%)
23:34:59:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2500000 out of 5000000 steps (50%)
23:34:59:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2500000
23:35:54:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2550000 out of 5000000 steps (51%)
23:36:48:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2600000 out of 5000000 steps (52%)
23:37:42:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2650000 out of 5000000 steps (53%)
23:38:37:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2700000 out of 5000000 steps (54%)
23:39:32:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2750000 out of 5000000 steps (55%)
23:39:32:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 2750000
23:40:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2800000 out of 5000000 steps (56%)
23:41:21:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2850000 out of 5000000 steps (57%)
23:42:16:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2900000 out of 5000000 steps (58%)
23:43:10:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 2950000 out of 5000000 steps (59%)
23:44:05:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3000000 out of 5000000 steps (60%)
23:44:06:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 3000000
23:45:00:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3050000 out of 5000000 steps (61%)
23:45:54:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3100000 out of 5000000 steps (62%)
23:46:49:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3150000 out of 5000000 steps (63%)
23:47:43:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3200000 out of 5000000 steps (64%)
23:48:38:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3250000 out of 5000000 steps (65%)
23:48:38:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 3250000
23:49:33:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3300000 out of 5000000 steps (66%)
23:50:27:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3350000 out of 5000000 steps (67%)
23:51:21:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3400000 out of 5000000 steps (68%)
23:52:15:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3450000 out of 5000000 steps (69%)
23:53:09:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3500000 out of 5000000 steps (70%)
23:53:10:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 3500000
23:54:04:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3550000 out of 5000000 steps (71%)
23:54:58:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3600000 out of 5000000 steps (72%)
23:55:52:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3650000 out of 5000000 steps (73%)
23:56:47:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3700000 out of 5000000 steps (74%)
23:57:41:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3750000 out of 5000000 steps (75%)
23:57:41:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 3750000
23:58:35:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3800000 out of 5000000 steps (76%)
23:59:30:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3850000 out of 5000000 steps (77%)
00:00:25:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3900000 out of 5000000 steps (78%)
00:01:19:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 3950000 out of 5000000 steps (79%)
00:02:13:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4000000 out of 5000000 steps (80%)
00:02:14:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 4000000
00:03:08:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4050000 out of 5000000 steps (81%)
00:04:02:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4100000 out of 5000000 steps (82%)
00:04:57:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4150000 out of 5000000 steps (83%)
00:05:51:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4200000 out of 5000000 steps (84%)
00:06:45:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4250000 out of 5000000 steps (85%)
00:06:45:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 4250000
00:07:40:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4300000 out of 5000000 steps (86%)
00:08:34:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4350000 out of 5000000 steps (87%)
00:09:28:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4400000 out of 5000000 steps (88%)
00:10:23:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4450000 out of 5000000 steps (89%)
00:11:17:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4500000 out of 5000000 steps (90%)
00:11:17:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 4500000
00:12:12:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4550000 out of 5000000 steps (91%)
00:13:06:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4600000 out of 5000000 steps (92%)
00:14:00:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4650000 out of 5000000 steps (93%)
00:14:54:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4700000 out of 5000000 steps (94%)
00:15:49:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4750000 out of 5000000 steps (95%)
00:15:49:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 4750000
00:16:43:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4800000 out of 5000000 steps (96%)
00:17:37:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4850000 out of 5000000 steps (97%)
00:18:32:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4900000 out of 5000000 steps (98%)
00:19:26:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 4950000 out of 5000000 steps (99%)
00:20:21:WU01:FS00:0x22:Completed 5000000 out of 5000000 steps (100%)
00:20:21:WU01:FS00:0x22:Average performance: 63.7638 ns/day
00:20:21:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
00:20:21:WU01:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 5000000
00:20:21:WU00:FS00:Assigned to work server
00:20:21:WU00:FS00:Requesting new work unit for slot 00: RUNNING gpu:0:TU102 [GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Rev. A] M 13448 from
00:20:21:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
00:20:22:WU00:FS00:Downloading 50.55MiB
00:20:25:WU01:FS00:0x22:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
00:20:25:WU01:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml.bz2
00:20:25:WU01:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointState.xml.bz2
00:20:25:WU01:FS00:0x22:Saving result file positions.xtc
00:20:26:WU01:FS00:0x22:Saving result file science.log
00:20:26:WU01:FS00:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
00:20:26:WU01:FS00:FahCore returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100 = 0x64)
00:20:26:WU01:FS00:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:18700 run:1 clone:358 gen:113 core:0x22 unit:0x00000166000000710000490c00000001
00:20:26:WU01:FS00:Uploading 19.35MiB to
00:20:26:WU01:FS00:Connecting to
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:Download complete
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:Received Unit: id:00 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:17257 run:277 clone:4 gen:11 core:0x22 unit:0x000000040000000b0000436900000115
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:\Users\pt\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\cores/ -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 21932 -checkpoint 15 -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-device 0 -gpu 0 verbosity 9
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 2292
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:Core PID:23444
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0x22 started
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:*********************** Log Started 2022-01-21T00:20:27Z ***********************
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:*************************** Core22 Folding@home Core ***************************
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Core: Core22
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Type: 0x22
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Version: 0.0.18
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Author: Joseph Coffland <>
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Copyright: 2020
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Homepage:
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:55:05
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Revision: cfe3d7d990e8f456e371f8ce63b5fcc6daab2103
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:             -DOPENMM_VERSION="\"7.6.0\""
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Maintainers: John Chodera <> and Peter Eastman
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:             <>
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Args: -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 2292 -checkpoint 15
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:             -gpu-vendor nvidia -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 0 -cuda-device
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:             0 -gpu 0 verbosity 9
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ libFAH ************************************
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:53:43
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Revision: 44301ed97b996b63fe736bb8073f22209cb2b603
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ CBang *************************************
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Date: Sep 28 2021
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Time: 05:52:38
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Revision: 33fcfc2b3ed2195a423606a264718e31e6b3903f
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /O2 /Ob3 /Zc:throwingNew /MT
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Bits: 64
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       Mode: Release
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ System ************************************
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:        CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:     CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:       CPUs: 16
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:     Memory: 63.91GiB
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Free Memory: 56.78GiB
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22: OS Version: 6.2
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Has Battery: false
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22: On Battery: false
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22: UTC Offset: -6
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:        PID: 23444
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:        CWD: C:\Users\pt\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\work
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:************************************ OpenMM ************************************
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:    Version: 7.6.0
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Project: 17257 (Run 277, Clone 4, Gen 11)
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Unit: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file core.xml
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file integrator.xml
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file state.xml.bz2
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Reading tar file system.xml.bz2
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Digital signatures verified
00:20:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Folding@home GPU Core22 Folding@home Core
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Version 0.0.18
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Checkpoint write interval: 10000 steps (2%) [50 total]
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:  JSON viewer frame write interval: 5000 steps (1%) [100 total]
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:  XTC frame write interval: 50000 steps (10%) [10 total]
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Global context and integrator variables write interval: disabled
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:There are 4 platforms available.
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 0: Reference
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 1: CPU
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 2: OpenCL
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:  opencl-device 0 specified
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Platform 3: CUDA
00:20:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:  cuda-device 0 specified
00:20:32:WU01:FS00:Upload 56.85%
00:20:39:WU01:FS00:Upload complete
00:20:40:WU01:FS00:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
00:20:40:WU01:FS00:Final credit estimate, 243176.00 points
00:20:40:WU01:FS00:Cleaning up
00:21:39:WU00:FS00:0x22:Attempting to create CUDA context:
00:21:39:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Configuring platform CUDA
00:21:55:WU00:FS00:0x22:  Using CUDA and gpu 0
00:21:55:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 0 out of 500000 steps (0%)
00:21:58:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 0
00:23:10:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 5000 out of 500000 steps (1%)
00:24:21:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 10000 out of 500000 steps (2%)
00:24:24:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 10000
00:25:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 15000 out of 500000 steps (3%)
00:26:47:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 20000 out of 500000 steps (4%)
00:26:51:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 20000
00:28:02:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 25000 out of 500000 steps (5%)
00:29:13:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 30000 out of 500000 steps (6%)
00:29:17:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 30000
00:30:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 35000 out of 500000 steps (7%)
00:31:39:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 40000 out of 500000 steps (8%)
00:31:43:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 40000
00:32:54:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 45000 out of 500000 steps (9%)
00:34:06:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 50000 out of 500000 steps (10%)
00:34:09:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 50000
00:35:21:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 55000 out of 500000 steps (11%)
00:36:32:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 60000 out of 500000 steps (12%)
00:36:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 60000
00:37:47:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 65000 out of 500000 steps (13%)
00:38:58:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 70000 out of 500000 steps (14%)
00:39:01:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 70000
00:40:12:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 75000 out of 500000 steps (15%)
00:41:23:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 80000 out of 500000 steps (16%)
00:41:27:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 80000
00:42:39:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 85000 out of 500000 steps (17%)
00:43:49:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 90000 out of 500000 steps (18%)
00:43:53:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 90000
00:45:04:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 95000 out of 500000 steps (19%)
00:46:15:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 100000 out of 500000 steps (20%)
00:46:19:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 100000
00:47:31:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 105000 out of 500000 steps (21%)
00:48:41:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 110000 out of 500000 steps (22%)
00:48:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 110000
00:49:56:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 115000 out of 500000 steps (23%)
00:51:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 120000 out of 500000 steps (24%)
00:51:11:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 120000
00:52:23:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 125000 out of 500000 steps (25%)
00:53:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 130000 out of 500000 steps (26%)
00:53:37:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 130000
00:54:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 135000 out of 500000 steps (27%)
00:55:59:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 140000 out of 500000 steps (28%)
00:56:03:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 140000
00:57:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 145000 out of 500000 steps (29%)
00:58:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 150000 out of 500000 steps (30%)
00:58:29:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 150000
00:59:40:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 155000 out of 500000 steps (31%)
01:00:51:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 160000 out of 500000 steps (32%)
01:00:55:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 160000
01:02:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 165000 out of 500000 steps (33%)
01:03:18:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 170000 out of 500000 steps (34%)
01:03:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 170000
01:04:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 175000 out of 500000 steps (35%)
01:05:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 180000 out of 500000 steps (36%)
01:05:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 180000
01:06:59:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 185000 out of 500000 steps (37%)
01:08:10:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 190000 out of 500000 steps (38%)
01:08:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 190000
01:09:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 195000 out of 500000 steps (39%)
01:10:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 200000 out of 500000 steps (40%)
01:10:40:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 200000
01:11:51:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 205000 out of 500000 steps (41%)
01:13:02:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 210000 out of 500000 steps (42%)
01:13:06:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 210000
01:14:17:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 215000 out of 500000 steps (43%)
01:15:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 220000 out of 500000 steps (44%)
01:15:32:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 220000
01:16:43:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 225000 out of 500000 steps (45%)
01:17:55:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 230000 out of 500000 steps (46%)
01:17:59:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 230000
01:19:10:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 235000 out of 500000 steps (47%)
01:20:21:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 240000 out of 500000 steps (48%)
01:20:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 240000
01:21:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 245000 out of 500000 steps (49%)
01:22:47:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 250000 out of 500000 steps (50%)
01:22:51:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 250000
01:24:02:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 255000 out of 500000 steps (51%)
01:25:13:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 260000 out of 500000 steps (52%)
01:25:17:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 260000
01:26:28:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 265000 out of 500000 steps (53%)
01:27:39:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 270000 out of 500000 steps (54%)
01:27:43:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 270000
01:28:54:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 275000 out of 500000 steps (55%)
01:30:05:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 280000 out of 500000 steps (56%)
01:30:10:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 280000
01:31:21:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 285000 out of 500000 steps (57%)
01:32:32:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 290000 out of 500000 steps (58%)
01:32:36:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 290000
01:33:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 295000 out of 500000 steps (59%)
01:34:59:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 300000 out of 500000 steps (60%)
01:35:03:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 300000
01:36:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 305000 out of 500000 steps (61%)
01:37:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 310000 out of 500000 steps (62%)
01:37:29:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 310000
01:38:41:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 315000 out of 500000 steps (63%)
01:39:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 320000 out of 500000 steps (64%)
01:39:56:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 320000
01:41:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 325000 out of 500000 steps (65%)
01:42:18:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 330000 out of 500000 steps (66%)
01:42:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 330000
01:43:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 335000 out of 500000 steps (67%)
01:44:44:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 340000 out of 500000 steps (68%)
01:44:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 340000
01:45:59:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 345000 out of 500000 steps (69%)
01:47:10:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 350000 out of 500000 steps (70%)
01:47:15:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 350000
01:48:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 355000 out of 500000 steps (71%)
01:49:37:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 360000 out of 500000 steps (72%)
01:49:41:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 360000
01:50:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 365000 out of 500000 steps (73%)
01:52:03:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 370000 out of 500000 steps (74%)
01:52:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 370000
01:53:19:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 375000 out of 500000 steps (75%)
01:54:29:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 380000 out of 500000 steps (76%)
01:54:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 380000
01:55:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 385000 out of 500000 steps (77%)
01:56:56:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 390000 out of 500000 steps (78%)
01:57:00:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 390000
01:58:11:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 395000 out of 500000 steps (79%)
01:59:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 400000 out of 500000 steps (80%)
01:59:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 400000
02:00:37:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 405000 out of 500000 steps (81%)
02:01:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 410000 out of 500000 steps (82%)
02:01:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 410000
02:03:03:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 415000 out of 500000 steps (83%)
02:04:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 420000 out of 500000 steps (84%)
02:04:18:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 420000
02:05:29:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 425000 out of 500000 steps (85%)
02:06:40:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 430000 out of 500000 steps (86%)
02:06:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 430000
02:07:56:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 435000 out of 500000 steps (87%)
02:09:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 440000 out of 500000 steps (88%)
02:09:11:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 440000
02:10:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 445000 out of 500000 steps (89%)
02:11:33:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 450000 out of 500000 steps (90%)
02:11:37:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 450000
02:12:48:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 455000 out of 500000 steps (91%)
02:13:59:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 460000 out of 500000 steps (92%)
02:14:03:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 460000
02:15:14:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 465000 out of 500000 steps (93%)
02:16:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 470000 out of 500000 steps (94%)
02:16:30:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 470000
02:17:41:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 475000 out of 500000 steps (95%)
02:18:52:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 480000 out of 500000 steps (96%)
02:18:56:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 480000
02:20:07:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 485000 out of 500000 steps (97%)
02:21:18:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 490000 out of 500000 steps (98%)
02:21:22:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 490000
02:22:34:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 495000 out of 500000 steps (99%)
02:23:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Completed 500000 out of 500000 steps (100%)
02:23:45:WU00:FS00:0x22:Average performance: 60.8451 ns/day
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Connecting to
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Assigned to work server
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Requesting new work unit for slot 00: RUNNING gpu:0:TU102 [GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Rev. A] M 13448 from
02:23:45:WU01:FS00:Connecting to
02:23:46:WU01:FS00:Downloading 6.10MiB
02:23:49:WU00:FS00:0x22:Checkpoint completed at step 500000
02:24:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
02:24:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointIntegrator.xml
02:24:25:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file checkpointState.xml.bz2
02:24:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file positions.xtc
02:24:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Saving result file science.log
02:24:26:WU00:FS00:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:FahCore returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100 = 0x64)
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:17257 run:277 clone:4 gen:11 core:0x22 unit:0x000000040000000b0000436900000115
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:Uploading 51.41MiB to
02:24:28:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
02:24:34:WU00:FS00:Upload 20.06%
02:24:39:WU01:FS00:Download 2.05%
02:24:40:WU00:FS00:Upload 40.73%
02:24:46:WU00:FS00:Upload 61.64%
02:24:52:WU00:FS00:Upload 82.55%
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Upload complete
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Final credit estimate, 519152.00 points
02:24:57:WU00:FS00:Cleaning up
02:25:03:WU01:FS00:Download 3.07%
02:25:16:WU01:FS00:Download 4.10%
02:25:34:WU01:FS00:Download 5.12%
02:25:47:WU01:FS00:Download 6.15%
02:26:00:WU01:FS00:Download 7.17%
02:27:21:WU01:FS00:Download 8.20%
******************************* Date: 2022-01-21 *******************************
19:02:26:ERROR:Receive error: 10054: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
- TulaneBaG
Site Moderator
Posts: 6394
Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 am
Location: Bordeaux, France

Re: Project download issues

Post by toTOW »

This is a known bug in FAHClient that is caused by unknown network error : something interrupts the data transfer in an unknown way, and the connection never time out.

There are a few factors that could trigger the issue, like slow connections or unreliable ones (Wifi/LTE with poor radio conditions) ... but most are still unidentified.

There are few workarounds for this issue :
- reboot the whole system (as you discovered it)
- kill FAHClient (from task manager) and restart it
- use TcpView (on Windows : ... ds/tcpview ) to kill the stuck TCP connection

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:57 pm

Re: Project download issues

Post by tulanebarandgrill »

Thanks for the info. This system is hard wired but I have a NAS unit on the network so it could've been congestion. I'll check into the tcpview tool.
- TulaneBaG
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:57 pm

Re: Project download issues

Post by tulanebarandgrill »

One thing I've been able to determine for sure is this is not a networking issue on my end. I can open (a few) ports against these servers even while the client is failing. There is no interruption to a ping either. Also it takes about 12 minutes to download 5 megabytes. Seems like there is something going on with the work servers.
- TulaneBaG
Posts: 559
Joined: Sun May 24, 2020 7:23 pm
Location: Norway

Re: Project download issues

Post by gunnarre »

Some anti-virus products and deep packet inspection firewalls, on your computer or your ISP, may trigger this problem. FAH uses port 80 and 8080 so in theory it should work if you can visit the work server with your web browser, but in practice some security products from time to time block the FAH traffic because it flags it as suspicious. If you can tether your computer to another network or use a VPN, and this solves the issue, that suggests that the issue arises at your ISP. If this doesn't solve it, it might be time to look at your anti-virus configuration. The FAH client could probably be improved in how it handles this though.
Online: GTX 1660 Super + occasional CPU folding in the cold.
Offline: Radeon HD 7770, GTX 1050 Ti 4G OC, RX580
Post Reply