@ Meki01 Try this:JimboPalmer wrote:[I am just a user like you, I have never had a PC with 8 GPUs. this is rumor]
F@H attempts to reserve a CPU thread for each GPU to move data for it across the PCI-E bus, so ideally you would have a 8 threaded CPU.
Your CPU only has 2 threads, so is overwhelmed by 8 GPUs. A 'faster' CPU will not help as much as a multi-core CPU.
Your existing CPU is described as 'Mobile' which may mean upgrading the CPU on the existing Motherboard is not possible/difficult.
* Remove all but two of the GPUs.
* Reinstall fah, removing data. (First write down your name/team/passkey so you can reinstall them.)
* Observe the speed of the first two WUs downloaded. How does that compare to what you've been getting?
The points that FAH awards are highly dependent on the speed of completion and if the WUs expire, you earn no points.
I know nothing about how cybercoins are awarded; only how FAH points are awarded. This forum supports FAH only and we will gladly help you earn the maximum number of points. The cybercoin folks run their own websites.