@ajm / Lar_systems / HFM

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@ajm / Lar_systems / HFM

Post by Knish »

I happened to get a hold of an RTX 6000 quadro for a couple days on Linode cloud. I did not see any ppd data on linux using this card so if anyone wants me to, I can do more stats breakdown per project if Lar or others wants that sort of data for their database.

I folded 13,523,677 total points in 61.56667 hrs = 219659 pts/hr ~~> 5,271,800 PPD which is a huge difference from what I see on Lar's for windows, so I guess it's not updated to include the 134xx with the huge holiday bonuses. I'll probably be able to get another 2, maybe 3 more 60 hr chunks over the next few months if those want a slightly larger sample size
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Re: @ajm / Lar_systems / HFM

Post by ajm »

If you load Lar's extension in Chrome (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... nicbgfahoe ), your data will be added to Lar's database, classified by system (Win/Linux). We thus never really know whether the configuration is the same, but in your case, you'd be the only one running an RTX 6000 on Linux, for now, so... :)
Observing that I get much better results than Lar's database indicates, I theorized elsewhere that people folding with Windows probably are more prone to also actually work (or game) with their PC, whereas Linux folding PCs would tend to be more often dedicated rigs in some basement, and thus that "Linux GPUs" are more often maxed out, while Windows GPUs are rather down-powered in order to reduce the noise and heat. I, for one, cannot stand an air-cooled 2080ti folding with 100% power in the room where I work...

EDIT: Ah, dammit, yes, Linode Cloud... Is suppose it doesn't work with Lar's extension. Sorry.

EDIT2: If you go for it, I think it would be best to switch between Linux and Windows every 24 or 48 hours at most. This way you will maximize the chances to have the same projects on both systems, which allows for the most credible comparison.
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