RPC / CLI / Scriptable Remote Access to FaH Client?

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RPC / CLI / Scriptable Remote Access to FaH Client?

Post by l008com »

Does the folding client (on MacOS) have something similar to `boinccmd` on boinc or RPC like cryptowallets?

The idea being that I could write a script to periodically poll the client and see what it's up to, then add that information to an overall 'summary' web page running on the same machine that shows other info. I have such a web page that shows me just what I mentioned, info on all my cryptowallets and info on all of the tasks BOINC is running. I'd really like to add the current folding work units to that list too.

Or folding could move to the BOINC platform making the whole question moot. Either solution is fine :)
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Re: RPC / CLI / Scriptable Remote Access to FaH Client?

Post by bruce »

FAH does not poll the clients. Once an assignment is given to the local FAHClient, it's up to the FAHClient to make the next move. (1) The WU can be completed and upload the result. (2) An error might occur and the error can be reported. (3) If you stop processing the WU, it's going to time out and the server will reassign it to someone else who can complete it promptly.

FAH is not going to move to BOINC. The BOINC infrastruture is incompatible with the needs of FAH and it has spent 20 years developing a finely tuned infrastructure of its own. There was a major project years ago to try to send FAH assignments to BOINC clients and it ended in failure.

Unlike BOINC, FAH makes every attempt to assign WUs economically (to a single person) and get those results promptly.

May I suggest a 3rd party app called HFM. It polls all your clients and creates a very nice summary of what they are doing. It can be run on a stand-alone Windows machine or it can poll various clients on your LAN. Unfortunately it only runs on MSWindows, though it can poll clients on Linux or MacOS.

There is a similar 3rd party app being developed for smart phones. I don't know of one for MacOS but you could develop one.
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Re: RPC / CLI / Scriptable Remote Access to FaH Client?

Post by PantherX »

FYI, you can connect to FAHClient via telnet on the local interface and get information of the client and then do what you feel like. I tend to use HFM (https://github.com/harlam357/hfm-net) to monitor my clients and it does support generating a webpage with that information.
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Re: RPC / CLI / Scriptable Remote Access to FaH Client?

Post by Joe_H »

Besides what has been mentioned already, there is a supported API for communicating with the client running on a system. It is described here - https://github.com/FoldingAtHome/fah-co ... Client-API.

Recently announced here on the forum was an app for Android to monitor and control folding clients - viewtopic.php?f=14&t=36152. That is a work in progress from what has been posted, so may change. There is also an older app for iOS devices, FAH Mobile Monitor, posts about it are in these two topics - viewtopic.php?f=14&t=24886 & viewtopic.php?f=14&t=35073. The author is in the process of updating it and porting to also be available on Android.
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Re: RPC / CLI / Scriptable Remote Access to FaH Client?

Post by samlrs »

Besides what has been mentioned already, there is a supported API for communicating with the client running on a system. It is described here - github com/FoldingAtHome/fah-control/wiki/3rd-party-FAHClient-API.

Recently announced here on the forum was an app for Android to monitor and control folding clients - foldingforum org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=36152. That is a work in progress from what has been posted, so may change. There is also an older app for iOS devices, FAH Mobile Monitor, posts about it are in these two topics - foldingforum org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=24886 & foldingforum org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=35073. The author is in the process of updating it and porting to also be available on Android.
that really handy, I was just looking for some android base extensions and apps
thank you Joe_H
hi there
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