PantherX wrote:Welcome to the F@H Forum StoreyODST,
Can you please describe your physical hardware you have and how you're managing your virtualization?
For example, you can create a 8 CPU Ubuntu VM which runs at a lower priority in VMWare which means that if other VMs need CPU cycles, they get it.
You can also allocate minimum CPU Usage to production VMs and non for F@H VM in Hyper-V.
BTW, the preference for an Ubuntu VM is that there's lower overhead and no licensing costs associated so can be cheaper to run.
We don't own the physical hardware- we're paying for a VM hosted by a provider, which we use to run a game server for our community. We run the VM with on Windows 10 for ease of use, since some of the programs specific to our use aren't available on Linux. Since our players aren't on as often during the week, we'd like to dedicate some of our off-hour processing power to running FAH, but we're looking to find a way to have it turn automatically on and off when non-FAH CPU usage is above a certain threshold, i.e. when servers are in use.
We don't have access to HyperV, so our VM functions just like a normal Windows machine, albeit a bit faster in CPU/bandwidth. We usually access it via RDP, with backups available for the head admin.
Approximate specs are as follows:
- CPU: 1x vCPU w/ 4 vCores @ 4.0+ GHz (Shows up as an Intel Core i9 9900K in Task Manager))
- RAM: 10gb DDR4
- 150 GB SSD (Most of it already in use)
- No GPU
- 500 Mb/s unmetered bandwidth
Additionally, some other questions to ask:
1. Does anyone know if FAH's idle function only works when there's user input (such as from RDP), or does it turn off when other programs are in use?
2. Is there any way to 'limit' FAH CPU usage in Windows aside from modifying core count?
3. As a backup, any recommended mobile apps to control FAH? Do they work?
Thanks for the help!