It says under my "points earned" that I should consider joining a team. But I cannot see a way of joining an existing team. Is the instruction misleading, or am I missing something?
Joining is a s simple as entering a Team number into the field, no application process involved. By default, any folding done without a number entered goes to "Team 0".
Finding a team you want to join is a bit more involved. You can look through team names on the F@h Stats site or the third-party stats at EOC linked above and see if one appears to match your interests. Some teams advertise their involvement in F@h on their Facebook, reddit, Twitter or other sites.
Please note that once you join a team (if you decide to), you will not be able to transfer your score across. Once you have earned points on a particular username/passkey/team combination, it remains like that.
Now ↞ Very Soon ↔ Soon ↔ Soon-ish ↔ Not Soon ↠ End Of Time
Ah, I finally found my way there, thanks @Joe_H and @PantherX. I identified a team that looks as good as any other (by my country of residence), got the number, but it still took a while to discover that "Change Identity" was the place to add it. Could this be spelt out a bit more explicit in the FAQ or somewhere perhaps?
A shame I can't take my points with me, after all of these days! Anyway - that's okay, it's adding them now. Cheers.
Glad you found a team you are happy with, I do understand that doing the change team thing not so simple when first joining the project. Also understand that you would want your contributions so far to be transferred but soon you will have many more for your new team.