Setting up HFM.NET
To set it up, begin by downloading the latest msi installation file from here ... zdsaEd5UXM and install. Start HFM.NET and select Clients > Add Client (v7). For most users, it will be enough to enter "local" for Client Name and for Address and 36330 for Port.
HFM should now be showing data from FAHClient. Select File > Save As and save this configuration somewhere convenient. Go to Edit > Preferences > Startup & External, under Configuration file check Load Configuration File and select your file under Filename. Check Auto Run on Windows Startup if you would like to have it run on startup and Run Minimized to start minimized. Click OK when done and save the configuration.
HFM will continue to monitor and record information from FAHClient while it is running. You may minimize the window and it will continue to run in the background and can be accessed from the task bar. The Work Unit History Viewer is described in the next section.
Filtering and Exporting Work Unit History
The Work Unit History Viewer allow you to view, filter, and export your completed work unit details. Unfortunately, there is currently no method of importing WUs from before HFM.NET was installed. To access, select Tools > Work Unit History Viewer. In the following example we will create a filter for GPU work units. Under Data View select New and name the query something descriptive like OPENMM_22. Under the the Name column, click the drop-down arrow and change to "Core Name". Set the Value cell to OPENMM_22. If you have multiple GPUs, you can filter them by selecting Add Row, change to Name in the drop-down and give it the value of local Slot ## (replace ## with actual slot number for GPU). Click OK.
You can now select your filter under Data View. You can add as many filters for your slots as desired. For CPUs, use a value of GRO_A7 instead of OPENMM_22 for the Core Name. Additionally, you can decide how PPD is calculated for each WU by selecting one of the three radio buttons under PPD/Credit Calculation. Bonus (Download Time) calculates from the time the WU started downloading, Bonus (Frame Time) calculates using just the time it took to complete the WU, and Standard calculates using the base credits without any bonus.
Once you have the table the way you like it, you can export by selecting File > Export.
Sometimes, the credits given for projects will be changed by the FAH team after completion of a WU. The changes are usually small, but if you want to check for new values, in the main HFM.NET window select Tools > Download Projects From Stanford.
Help us build a GPU database
If you would like to share your results with world and help us find the best GPUs for Folding@home, foldinghomealone is currently collecting data for his database viewtopic.php?f=38&t=34510. Filter your GPU, select Bonus (Frame Time), export the results, and submit it here ... w/viewform
Unfortunately, Google Forms does not support anonymous file upload, so if you would like to submit anonymously use a throwaway.
You can view the full database here: ... =323814829