AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

If you think it might be a driver problem, see viewforum.php?f=79

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Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:04 am

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by sam6861 »

Used client-type advanced, now all 3 of my AMD GPU went to different project like 14541 and 14543. This works better, no errors so far. To put this option on, I went to FahControl, configure, slots, GPU edit, scroll down to extra slot options, add name: client-type, value: advanced. Save. This option appears to apply immediately on next work unit download.

When I took that client-type advanced off, random sortShortList errors comes back. Using client-type advanced to minimize the errors for now.

Code: Select all

04:59:05:WU01:FS03:0x22:ERROR:exception: Error invoking kernel sortShortList: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-5)
04:59:05:WU01:FS03:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND error:FAULTY project:11759 run:0 clone:10029 gen:39 core:0x22 unit:0x0000003c80fccb0a5e6eb000ff8009f0
Posts: 1996
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:52 pm
Hardware configuration: 1: 2x Xeon E5-2697v3@2.60GHz, 512GB DDR4 LRDIMM, SSD Raid, Win10 Ent 20H2, Quadro K420 1GB, FAH 7.6.21
2: Xeon E3-1505Mv5@2.80GHz, 32GB DDR4, NVME, Win10 Pro 20H2, Quadro M1000M 2GB, FAH 7.6.21 (actually have two of these)
3: i7-960@3.20GHz, 12GB DDR3, SSD, Win10 Pro 20H2, GTX 750Ti 2GB, GTX 1080Ti 11GB, FAH 7.6.21
Location: UK

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by Neil-B »

This may be because the -advanced WUs are the just out of Beta ones before going to full FAH … These projects, being more recently issued, may have better controls in place that ensure this issue is avoided
2x Xeon E5-2697v3, 512GB DDR4 LRDIMM, SSD Raid, W10-Ent, Quadro K420
Xeon E3-1505Mv5, 32GB DDR4, NVME, W10-Pro, Quadro M1000M
i7-960, 12GB DDR3, SSD, W10-Pro, GTX1080Ti
i9-10850K, 64GB DDR4, NVME, W11-Pro, RTX3070

(Green/Bold = Active)
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:35 am

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by Simplex0 »

Neil-B wrote:This may be because the -advanced WUs are the just out of Beta ones before going to full FAH … These projects, being more recently issued, may have better controls in place that ensure this issue is avoided
I was hoping that this solution, using the client-type advanced option, would fix my errors but no, the errors still coming.
No difference, I cant use my 3x Radeon R9 290 cards in Folding, I just turn of the GPU slots for now.
This is my log...

Code: Select all

10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Assigned to work server
10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Requesting new work unit for slot 01: READY gpu:0:Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series] from
10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
10:20:37:WU01:FS01:Downloading 4.53MiB
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Download complete
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Received Unit: id:01 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:11742 run:0 clone:2553 gen:50 core:0x22 unit:0x000000528ca304f15e69913c4798bc2f
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Running FahCore: D:\Folding\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe D:\Folding\AppData\cores/ -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 5992 -checkpoint 15 -gpu-vendor amd -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 1 -gpu 1
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Started FahCore on PID 1028
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Core PID:5480
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:FahCore 0x22 started
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:*********************** Log Started 2020-04-18T10:20:42Z ***********************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:*************************** Core22 Folding@home Core ***************************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Type: 0x22
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Core: Core22
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Website:
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:  Copyright: (c) 2009-2018
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Author: John Chodera <> and Rafal Wiewiora
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:             <>
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Args: -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 1028 -checkpoint 15
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:             -gpu-vendor amd -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 1 -gpu 1
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Config: <none>
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:************************************ Build *************************************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Version: 0.0.2
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Date: Dec 6 2019
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Time: 21:30:31
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: Repository: Git
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:   Revision: abeb39247cc72df5af0f63723edafadb23d5dfbe
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++ 2008
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /Ox /MT
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Bits: 64
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Mode: Release
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:************************************ System ************************************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:        CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       CPUs: 12
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Memory: 15.94GiB
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Free Memory: 12.60GiB
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: OS Version: 6.2
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Has Battery: false
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: On Battery: false
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: UTC Offset: 2
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:        PID: 5480
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:        CWD: D:\Folding\AppData\work
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:         OS: Windows 8.1
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    OS Arch: AMD64
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Project: 11742 (Run 0, Clone 2553, Gen 50)
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Unit: 0x000000528ca304f15e69913c4798bc2f
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file core.xml
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file integrator.xml
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file state.xml
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file system.xml
10:20:44:WU01:FS01:0x22:Digital signatures verified
10:20:44:WU01:FS01:0x22:Folding@home GPU Core22 Folding@home Core
10:20:44:WU01:FS01:0x22:Version 0.0.2
10:20:48:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 38750 out of 125000 steps (31%)
10:20:57:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 0 out of 2000000 steps (0%)
10:20:57:WU01:FS01:0x22:Temperature control disabled. Requirements: single Nvidia GPU, tmax must be < 110 and twait >= 900
10:22:19:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 40000 out of 125000 steps (32%)
10:23:18:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 20000 out of 2000000 steps (1%)
10:23:51:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 41250 out of 125000 steps (33%)
10:24:01:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:02:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:24:02:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:02:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:24:02:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:03:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Assigned to work server
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Requesting new work unit for slot 02: READY gpu:1:Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series] from
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:24:WARNING:WU02:FS02:WorkServer connection failed on port 8080 trying 80
10:24:24:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:45:ERROR:WU02:FS02:Exception: Failed to connect to Anslutningsfrsket misslyckades eftersom den anslutna datorn inte svarade inom en viss tid eller p grund av att den etablerade anslutningen till vrddatorn inte lngre fungerar.
10:25:22:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 42500 out of 125000 steps (34%)
10:25:40:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 40000 out of 2000000 steps (2%)
10:26:53:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 43750 out of 125000 steps (35%)
10:28:02:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 60000 out of 2000000 steps (3%)
10:28:25:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 45000 out of 125000 steps (36%)
10:29:57:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 46250 out of 125000 steps (37%)
10:30:21:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 80000 out of 2000000 steps (4%)
10:30:53:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:53:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:53:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:54:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:54:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:54:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:54:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:55:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:55:ERROR:WU02:FS02:Exception: Could not get an assignment
10:31:28:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 47500 out of 125000 steps (38%)
10:32:41:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 100000 out of 2000000 steps (5%)
10:32:59:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 48750 out of 125000 steps (39%)
10:34:30:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 50000 out of 125000 steps (40%)
10:35:03:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 120000 out of 2000000 steps (6%)
10:36:01:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 51250 out of 125000 steps (41%)
10:37:20:WU01:FS01:0x22:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint. Is your system overclocked?
10:37:20:WU01:FS01:0x22:Following exception occured: Particle coordinate is nan
10:37:23:WU01:FS01:0x22:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint. Is your system overclocked?
10:37:23:WU01:FS01:0x22:Following exception occured: Particle coordinate is nan
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint. Is your system overclocked?
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Following exception occured: Particle coordinate is nan
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:ERROR:114: Max Retries Reached
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file badstate-0.xml
10:37:28:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file badstate-1.xml
10:37:30:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file badstate-2.xml
10:37:32:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file checkpointState.xml
10:37:33:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 52500 out of 125000 steps (42%)
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file checkpt.crc
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file positions.xtc
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file science.log
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: BAD_WORK_UNIT
10:37:35:WARNING:WU01:FS01:FahCore returned: BAD_WORK_UNIT (114 = 0x72)
10:37:35:WU01:FS01:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND error:FAULTY project:11742 run:0 clone:2553 gen:50 core:0x22 unit:0x000000528ca304f15e69913c4798bc2f
10:37:35:WU01:FS01:Uploading 15.88MiB to
10:37:35:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:35:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:36:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:36:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:36:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:36:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:37:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:37:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:37:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:37:ERROR:WU03:FS01:Exception: Could not get an assignment
10:37:37:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:38:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:38:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:39:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:39:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:39:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:39:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:40:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:40:ERROR:WU03:FS01:Exception: Could not get an assignment
10:37:41:WU01:FS01:Upload 6.69%
10:37:47:WU01:FS01:Upload 20.47%
10:37:53:WU01:FS01:Upload 37.79%
10:37:59:WU01:FS01:Upload 55.50%
10:38:05:WU01:FS01:Upload 69.28%
10:38:11:WU01:FS01:Upload 81.87%
10:38:17:WU01:FS01:Upload 99.98%
10:38:20:WU01:FS01:Upload complete
10:38:20:WU01:FS01:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
10:38:20:WU01:FS01:Cleaning up
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:22 pm
Hardware configuration: 9950x, 7950x3D, 5950x, 5800x3D
7900xtx, Radeon 7, 5700xt, 6900xt, RX 550 640SP
Location: London

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by muziqaz »

replied to wrong comment
Last edited by muziqaz on Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
FAH Omega tester
Site Moderator
Posts: 6986
Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:33 am
Hardware configuration: V7.6.21 -> Multi-purpose 24/7
Windows 10 64-bit
CPU:2/3/4/6 -> Intel i7-6700K
GPU:1 -> Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti
2x Nvidia GTX 1070
Nvidia GTX 675M
Nvidia GTX 660 Ti
Nvidia GTX 650 SC
Nvidia GTX 260 896 MB SOC
Nvidia 9600GT 1 GB OC
Nvidia 9500M GS
Nvidia 8800GTS 320 MB

Intel Core i7-860
Intel Core i7-3840QM
Intel i3-3240
Intel Core 2 Duo E8200
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550
Intel Core 2 Duo T8300
Intel Pentium E5500
Intel Pentium E5400
Location: Land Of The Long White Cloud

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by PantherX »

Simplex0 wrote:...I was hoping that this solution, using the client-type advanced option, would fix my errors but no, the errors still coming.
No difference, I cant use my 3x Radeon R9 290 cards in Folding, I just turn of the GPU slots for now...
What driver version are you running?
Have you considered under clocking your GPUs?
Is the issue only on 1 GPU or all 3?
If all three GPUs are in the single system, can you try individually? It might be that the motherboard is faulty.
Now ↞ Very Soon ↔ Soon ↔ Soon-ish ↔ Not Soon ↠ End Of Time

Welcome To The F@H Support Forum Ӂ Troubleshooting Bad WUs Ӂ Troubleshooting Server Connectivity Issues
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:22 pm
Hardware configuration: 9950x, 7950x3D, 5950x, 5800x3D
7900xtx, Radeon 7, 5700xt, 6900xt, RX 550 640SP
Location: London

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by muziqaz »

Simplex0 wrote:
Neil-B wrote:This may be because the -advanced WUs are the just out of Beta ones before going to full FAH … These projects, being more recently issued, may have better controls in place that ensure this issue is avoided
I was hoping that this solution, using the client-type advanced option, would fix my errors but no, the errors still coming.
No difference, I cant use my 3x Radeon R9 290 cards in Folding, I just turn of the GPU slots for now.
This is my log...

Code: Select all

10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Assigned to work server
10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Requesting new work unit for slot 01: READY gpu:0:Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series] from
10:20:30:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
10:20:37:WU01:FS01:Downloading 4.53MiB
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Download complete
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Received Unit: id:01 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:11742 run:0 clone:2553 gen:50 core:0x22 unit:0x000000528ca304f15e69913c4798bc2f
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Running FahCore: D:\Folding\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe D:\Folding\AppData\cores/ -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 5992 -checkpoint 15 -gpu-vendor amd -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 1 -gpu 1
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Started FahCore on PID 1028
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:Core PID:5480
10:20:42:WU01:FS01:FahCore 0x22 started
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:*********************** Log Started 2020-04-18T10:20:42Z ***********************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:*************************** Core22 Folding@home Core ***************************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Type: 0x22
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Core: Core22
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Website:
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:  Copyright: (c) 2009-2018
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Author: John Chodera <> and Rafal Wiewiora
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:             <>
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Args: -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 1028 -checkpoint 15
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:             -gpu-vendor amd -opencl-platform 0 -opencl-device 1 -gpu 1
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Config: <none>
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:************************************ Build *************************************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Version: 0.0.2
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Date: Dec 6 2019
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Time: 21:30:31
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: Repository: Git
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:   Revision: abeb39247cc72df5af0f63723edafadb23d5dfbe
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Branch: HEAD
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:   Compiler: Visual C++ 2008
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /Ox /MT
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:   Platform: win32 10
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Bits: 64
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       Mode: Release
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:************************************ System ************************************
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:        CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:       CPUs: 12
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:     Memory: 15.94GiB
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Free Memory: 12.60GiB
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: OS Version: 6.2
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Has Battery: false
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: On Battery: false
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22: UTC Offset: 2
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:        PID: 5480
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:        CWD: D:\Folding\AppData\work
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:         OS: Windows 8.1
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:    OS Arch: AMD64
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Project: 11742 (Run 0, Clone 2553, Gen 50)
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Unit: 0x000000528ca304f15e69913c4798bc2f
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file core.xml
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file integrator.xml
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file state.xml
10:20:43:WU01:FS01:0x22:Reading tar file system.xml
10:20:44:WU01:FS01:0x22:Digital signatures verified
10:20:44:WU01:FS01:0x22:Folding@home GPU Core22 Folding@home Core
10:20:44:WU01:FS01:0x22:Version 0.0.2
10:20:48:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 38750 out of 125000 steps (31%)
10:20:57:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 0 out of 2000000 steps (0%)
10:20:57:WU01:FS01:0x22:Temperature control disabled. Requirements: single Nvidia GPU, tmax must be < 110 and twait >= 900
10:22:19:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 40000 out of 125000 steps (32%)
10:23:18:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 20000 out of 2000000 steps (1%)
10:23:51:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 41250 out of 125000 steps (33%)
10:24:01:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:02:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:24:02:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:02:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:24:02:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:03:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Assigned to work server
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Requesting new work unit for slot 02: READY gpu:1:Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series] from
10:24:03:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:24:WARNING:WU02:FS02:WorkServer connection failed on port 8080 trying 80
10:24:24:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:24:45:ERROR:WU02:FS02:Exception: Failed to connect to Anslutningsfrsket misslyckades eftersom den anslutna datorn inte svarade inom en viss tid eller p grund av att den etablerade anslutningen till vrddatorn inte lngre fungerar.
10:25:22:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 42500 out of 125000 steps (34%)
10:25:40:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 40000 out of 2000000 steps (2%)
10:26:53:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 43750 out of 125000 steps (35%)
10:28:02:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 60000 out of 2000000 steps (3%)
10:28:25:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 45000 out of 125000 steps (36%)
10:29:57:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 46250 out of 125000 steps (37%)
10:30:21:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 80000 out of 2000000 steps (4%)
10:30:53:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:53:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:53:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:54:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:54:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:54:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:54:WU02:FS02:Connecting to
10:30:55:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:30:55:ERROR:WU02:FS02:Exception: Could not get an assignment
10:31:28:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 47500 out of 125000 steps (38%)
10:32:41:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 100000 out of 2000000 steps (5%)
10:32:59:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 48750 out of 125000 steps (39%)
10:34:30:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 50000 out of 125000 steps (40%)
10:35:03:WU01:FS01:0x22:Completed 120000 out of 2000000 steps (6%)
10:36:01:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 51250 out of 125000 steps (41%)
10:37:20:WU01:FS01:0x22:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint. Is your system overclocked?
10:37:20:WU01:FS01:0x22:Following exception occured: Particle coordinate is nan
10:37:23:WU01:FS01:0x22:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint. Is your system overclocked?
10:37:23:WU01:FS01:0x22:Following exception occured: Particle coordinate is nan
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint. Is your system overclocked?
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Following exception occured: Particle coordinate is nan
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:ERROR:114: Max Retries Reached
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file ..\logfile_01.txt
10:37:26:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file badstate-0.xml
10:37:28:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file badstate-1.xml
10:37:30:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file badstate-2.xml
10:37:32:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file checkpointState.xml
10:37:33:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 52500 out of 125000 steps (42%)
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file checkpt.crc
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file positions.xtc
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Saving result file science.log
10:37:34:WU01:FS01:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: BAD_WORK_UNIT
10:37:35:WARNING:WU01:FS01:FahCore returned: BAD_WORK_UNIT (114 = 0x72)
10:37:35:WU01:FS01:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND error:FAULTY project:11742 run:0 clone:2553 gen:50 core:0x22 unit:0x000000528ca304f15e69913c4798bc2f
10:37:35:WU01:FS01:Uploading 15.88MiB to
10:37:35:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:35:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:36:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:36:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:36:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:36:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:37:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:37:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:37:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:37:ERROR:WU03:FS01:Exception: Could not get an assignment
10:37:37:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:38:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:38:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:39:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:39:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:39:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:39:WU03:FS01:Connecting to
10:37:40:WARNING:WU03:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
10:37:40:ERROR:WU03:FS01:Exception: Could not get an assignment
10:37:41:WU01:FS01:Upload 6.69%
10:37:47:WU01:FS01:Upload 20.47%
10:37:53:WU01:FS01:Upload 37.79%
10:37:59:WU01:FS01:Upload 55.50%
10:38:05:WU01:FS01:Upload 69.28%
10:38:11:WU01:FS01:Upload 81.87%
10:38:17:WU01:FS01:Upload 99.98%
10:38:20:WU01:FS01:Upload complete
10:38:20:WU01:FS01:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
10:38:20:WU01:FS01:Cleaning up
I'm seeing that the same WU has been returned by other people and all of them failed. So it's possible that WU is not stable, not hardware
FAH Omega tester
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:35 am

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by Simplex0 »

PantherX wrote:
Simplex0 wrote:...I was hoping that this solution, using the client-type advanced option, would fix my errors but no, the errors still coming.
No difference, I cant use my 3x Radeon R9 290 cards in Folding, I just turn of the GPU slots for now...
What driver version are you running?
Have you considered under clocking your GPUs?
Is the issue only on 1 GPU or all 3?
If all three GPUs are in the single system, can you try individually? It might be that the motherboard is faulty.
1. The latest recommended GPU-driver according to AMD, Driver WHQL/Win8.1 64 (according to GPU-Z)

2. No I do not under clock but everything except folding works without problem.

3. On all GPU, not all the time but happens a lot.

3. Yes. I have tried to run just 1 but the problem still remains.

This card used to work just fine in Milkyway@home, I will test to run them there to see if it works ok.

Here id the header of the log file...

Code: Select all

*********************** Log Started 2020-04-18T09:38:40Z ***********************
09:38:40:****************************** FAHClient ******************************
09:38:40:        Version: 7.6.9
09:38:40:         Author: Joseph Coffland <>
09:38:40:      Copyright: 2020
09:38:40:       Homepage:
09:38:40:           Date: Apr 17 2020
09:38:40:           Time: 11:13:06
09:38:40:       Revision: 398c2b17fa535e0cc6c9d10856b2154c32771646
09:38:40:         Branch: master
09:38:40:       Compiler: Visual C++ 2008
09:38:40:        Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /Ox /MT
09:38:40:       Platform: win32 10
09:38:40:           Bits: 32
09:38:40:           Mode: Release
09:38:40:           Args: --open-web-control
09:38:40:         Config: D:\Folding\AppData\config.xml
09:38:40:******************************** CBang ********************************
09:38:40:           Date: Apr 17 2020
09:38:40:           Time: 11:10:09
09:38:40:       Revision: 2fb0be7809c5e45287a122ca5fbc15b5ae859a3b
09:38:40:         Branch: master
09:38:40:       Compiler: Visual C++ 2008
09:38:40:        Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /Ox /MT
09:38:40:       Platform: win32 10
09:38:40:           Bits: 32
09:38:40:           Mode: Release
09:38:40:******************************* System ********************************
09:38:40:            CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
09:38:40:         CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4
09:38:40:           CPUs: 12
09:38:40:         Memory: 15.94GiB
09:38:40:    Free Memory: 12.82GiB
09:38:40:        Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
09:38:40:     OS Version: 6.2
09:38:40:    Has Battery: false
09:38:40:     On Battery: false
09:38:40:     UTC Offset: 2
09:38:40:            PID: 5992
09:38:40:            CWD: D:\Folding\AppData
09:38:40:             OS: Windows 8.1
09:38:40:        OS Arch: AMD64
09:38:40:           GPUs: 3
09:38:40:          GPU 0: Bus:2 Slot:0 Func:0 AMD:5 Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series]
09:38:40:          GPU 1: Bus:1 Slot:0 Func:0 AMD:5 Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series]
09:38:40:          GPU 2: Bus:3 Slot:0 Func:0 AMD:5 Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series]
09:38:40:           CUDA: Not detected: Failed to open dynamic library 'nvcuda.dll': Det
09:38:40:                 gr inte att hitta den angivna modulen.
09:38:40:OpenCL Device 0: Platform:0 Device:0 Bus:1 Slot:0 Compute:1.2 Driver:2348.4
09:38:40:OpenCL Device 1: Platform:0 Device:1 Bus:2 Slot:0 Compute:1.2 Driver:2348.4
09:38:40:OpenCL Device 2: Platform:0 Device:2 Bus:3 Slot:0 Compute:1.2 Driver:2348.4
09:38:40:  Win32 Service: false
09:38:40:******************************* libFAH ********************************
09:38:40:           Date: Apr 15 2020
09:38:40:           Time: 14:53:14
09:38:40:       Revision: 216968bc7025029c841ed6e36e81a03a316890d3
09:38:40:         Branch: master
09:38:40:       Compiler: Visual C++ 2008
09:38:40:        Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /Ox /MT
09:38:40:       Platform: win32 10
09:38:40:           Bits: 32
09:38:40:           Mode: Release
09:38:40:  <!-- Folding Core -->
09:38:40:  <core-priority v='low'/>
09:38:40:  <!-- Network -->
09:38:40:  <proxy v=':8080'/>
09:38:40:  <!-- Slot Control -->
09:38:40:  <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
09:38:40:  <power v='full'/>
09:38:40:  <!-- User Information -->
09:38:40:  <passkey v='*****'/>
09:38:40:  <team v='50711'/>
09:38:40:  <user v='Simplex0'/>
09:38:40:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
09:38:40:  <slot id='0' type='CPU'>
09:38:40:    <paused v='true'/>
09:38:40:  </slot>
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Windows 10 64-bit
CPU:2/3/4/6 -> Intel i7-6700K
GPU:1 -> Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti
2x Nvidia GTX 1070
Nvidia GTX 675M
Nvidia GTX 660 Ti
Nvidia GTX 650 SC
Nvidia GTX 260 896 MB SOC
Nvidia 9600GT 1 GB OC
Nvidia 9500M GS
Nvidia 8800GTS 320 MB

Intel Core i7-860
Intel Core i7-3840QM
Intel i3-3240
Intel Core 2 Duo E8200
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550
Intel Core 2 Duo T8300
Intel Pentium E5500
Intel Pentium E5400
Location: Land Of The Long White Cloud

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by PantherX »

I am aware that there's a bug in the current AMD drivers that cause an OpenCL issue. However. that error message isn't printed in your log. It could be the same issue being manifested in a different manner or a completely different issue. When was the last time you were able to successfully fold on those GPUs in a reliable manner? What changed, if any, between then and now?
Now ↞ Very Soon ↔ Soon ↔ Soon-ish ↔ Not Soon ↠ End Of Time

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Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by muziqaz »

PantherX wrote:I am aware that there's a bug in the current AMD drivers that cause an OpenCL issue. However. that error message isn't printed in your log. It could be the same issue being manifested in a different manner or a completely different issue. When was the last time you were able to successfully fold on those GPUs in a reliable manner? What changed, if any, between then and now?
No, this is not the issue with AMD OpenCL. This one might be just unstable WU, as other people returned the same WU as faulty as well
FAH Omega tester
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:35 am

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by Simplex0 »

PantherX wrote:I am aware that there's a bug in the current AMD drivers that cause an OpenCL issue. However. that error message isn't printed in your log. It could be the same issue being manifested in a different manner or a completely different issue. When was the last time you were able to successfully fold on those GPUs in a reliable manner? What changed, if any, between then and now?

4-5 days ago I think, every now an then it worked but usually it would get an error after running a short period of time and more unusual en error after running a longer time.

Now I have 35 work units crunched with the Milkyway@home application and currently 17 have been validated and approved and no errors so the graphic cards seams to be fine.
I guess Folding is preferring Nvidia GPU's and not so much effort is put on making the application run on AMD cards?
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:35 am

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by Simplex0 »

Thank you muziqaz and PantherX for the information.
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Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by muziqaz »

Simplex0 wrote:
4-5 days ago I think, every now an then it worked but usually it would get an error after running a short period of time and more unusual en error after running a longer time.

Now I have 35 work units crunched with the Milkyway@home application and currently 17 have been validated and approved and no errors so the graphic cards seams to be fine.
I guess Folding is preferring Nvidia GPU's and not so much effort is put on making the application run on AMD cards?
Milkyway@Home (or any other at that matter) is not the application to use in order to prove or disprove that your hardware is or is not stable.
Folding@Home has been working on AMD hardware before nVidia even knew about the project.
At the moment, AMD has a little bug in OpenCL implementation, BUT in your instance you ARE NOT experiencing this right now, because all the projects which have been affected by the bug, have been disabled on AMD hardware.
In you original comment you are quoting completely different error, which appears equally often on AMD and nVidia hardware.
Most times it suggests that folder's hardware is not stable. In other times, a specific WU is just faulty (it happens).
In your case it is very very likely that Project: 11742 (Run 0, Clone 2553, Gen 50) is FAULTY, because this very same WU has been assigned to other folder and also was returned as FAULTY
FAH Omega tester
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:35 am

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by Simplex0 »

muziqaz wrote: Milkyway@Home (or any other at that matter) is not the application to use in order to prove or disprove that your hardware is or is not stable.
At least I can say that it is stable under the milkyway@home applications I have tested and that has been validated, 22 so fare, and it is also stable in 3DMark.
Folding@Home has been working on AMD hardware before nVidia even knew about the project.
At the moment, AMD has a little bug in OpenCL implementation, BUT in your instance you ARE NOT experiencing this right now, because all the projects which have been affected by the bug, have been disabled on AMD hardware.
In you original comment you are quoting completely different error, which appears equally often on AMD and nVidia hardware.
Yes and I was HOPING that this solution, using the client-type advanced option, would fix MY errors also.
Most times it suggests that folder's hardware is not stable. In other times, a specific WU is just faulty (it happens).
In your case it is very very likely that Project: 11742 (Run 0, Clone 2553, Gen 50) is FAULTY, because this very same WU has been assigned to other folder and also was returned as FAULTY
All I can say is that I have 2 other computers running 2XGTX1070 and a RTX2080 and on those I have not been able to spott any errors so the rate of errors in that case at least seams to be very low and a huge difference to the computer running Radeon R9 290.
Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:46 pm

Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by Jan »

Client-type advanced will not fix any errors. It will simply make your client looking for advanced WUs (which are WUs that just made it out of beta testing) additionally to "normal" WUs and thats it. Afaik.

muziqaz might have a point, as this WU has been returned 2 or 3 times as faulty. Have you had other WUs on your GPUs so far/since then?
Posts: 1136
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Re: AMD GPU Error sortShortList on some projects

Post by muziqaz »

Jan wrote:Client-type advanced will not fix any errors. It will simply make your client looking for advanced WUs (which are WUs that just made it out of beta testing) additionally to "normal" WUs and thats it. Afaik.
That is correct :)
muziqaz might have a point, as this WU has been returned 2 or 3 times as faulty. Have you had other WUs on your GPUs so far/since then?
If one person reports Faulty WU, we question that person's hardware, of two or more return the same WU as faulty, we start questioning the WU :)
FAH Omega tester
Post Reply