I just updated to 7.6.9 on two of my rigs, and both are "running" but now show "Project 0". Normally there is a number there, as well as a Work and Collection Server, but these are also blank.
Is there a bug in the new software? Are my rigs really working?
UPDATE: Both are now running fine, showing Project, Work, and Collection servers!
[SOLVED] GPU's running, but Project Number 0 and no Servers?
Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team
[SOLVED] GPU's running, but Project Number 0 and no Servers?
Last edited by Harpo on Sat Apr 18, 2020 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: GPU's running, but Project Number 0 and no Servers?
What does the Status of the slots show in Advanced Control?
We really need your log files to be able to help diagnose with you.
We really need your log files to be able to help diagnose with you.
single 1070

Re: GPU's running, but Project Number 0 and no Servers?
Thanks very much for the prompt reply, my updated rigs and one other are now running great, 5,315,000 PPD total!HaloJones wrote:What does the Status of the slots show in Advanced Control?
We really need your log files to be able to help diagnose with you.
Re: [SOLVED] GPU's running, but Project Number 0 and no Serv
Nice! I get that but only if I can get a steady supply of work which seems scarce this morning.
single 1070

Re: [SOLVED] GPU's running, but Project Number 0 and no Serv
Yea, I've got one card that can't find work right now, but the other four are running. Soon to add four more!
Re: [SOLVED] GPU's running, but Project Number 0 and no Serv
2080ti, 2x1070ti, and a FirePro S10000 (dual gpu).HaloJones wrote:what cards do you have?
I'll be adding another 2080ti and S10000 soon. I'm somewhat of a gpu benchmark nut so I have a fair assortment of older cards, and I'm also a gamer so I have current stuff too. I've built PCs since the 8088, and I'm using the current crisis as a good chance to feed my habit and feel like I'm accomplishing something useful, so this has been a wonderful diversion for me.
What are you running?