on the apps.foldingathome.org/wu page, after a result shows, there's an extra "Message" at the bottom. The timestamps written there are inconsistent with the ones that show up in the results table.
I suspect that the times are getting converted to GMT twice when they get written at the bottom...
(excerpts of web site code that I think are pertinent)
Code: Select all
ts: new Date().toUTCString()
Hi {{wu.user}} (team {{wu.team}}), Your WU (P{{query.project}}
R{{query.run}} C{{query.clone}} G{{query.gen}}) was added to the
stats database on {{wu.log_time | ts}} for {{wu.credit}} points
Code: Select all
<table class="results">
<tr v-for="wu in wus">
<td><a target="_blank" :href="'cpu?q=' + wu.user">{{wu.user}}</a></td>
<td><a target="_blank" :href="'https://stats.foldingathome.org/team/' + wu.team">{{wu.team}}</a></td>
One more question regarding the results table: I find it odd that we get the "Credited" timestamp before the WU is "Returned"
"Credited" matches perfectly with the time of 'Final credit estimate: xxx points' from the logs, but in the web site's source code "Returned" and "Credited" are represented by wu.credit_time and wu.log_time, respectively, which to me looks reversed? Anybody know the process behind the scenes in how the WUs are received and credited? If not, no biggie. I wish not to bother the staff.