Unknown activity and team name under FAH DonorAccount

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Unknown activity and team name under FAH DonorAccount

Post by parsons256 »

Hi Guys

I have been away from folding for about 5 years. I decided to jump back in because i just picked up a new graphics card , an AMD Rx570.
I noticed someone has been folding with my username recently, for a team I have never heard of?

My question is , if i request another pass code under my username, does this invalidate my old pass code.
Is requesting a new pass code sufficient to secure my Donor account?

I recently moved to using a password manager and reset all passwords in my life , so i'm sure no one has access to my email or other accounts

Thanks for the information!
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Re: Unknown activity and team name under FAH DonorAccount

Post by bruce »

You can continue to use your old passcode if you still have it. Your passcode should be unique and points earned under that passcode have just been gathering dust.

Your username is NOT unique, so somebody else, probably from another team, can be contributing to the same name.

If you get your stats information from foldingathome.org, you can use your passkey to get just your own points. If you get your information from 3rd party stats, you can't use your passkey so you'll see whatever they choose to display.
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Re: Unknown activity and team name under FAH DonorAccount

Post by parsons256 »

Hi Bruce

I did not realize usernames were not unique.
Thanks so much for the information!

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Re: Unknown activity and team name under FAH DonorAccount

Post by PantherX »

Welcome to the F@H Forum parsons256,

In addition to what bruce said, a passkey is based off an email address so if you provide the same email address, you will get the same passkey :)
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