Can't seem to get FAHControl to run

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Can't seem to get FAHControl to run

Post by frazelle09 »

i've already intalled this on my system, a PCLinuxOS desktop and gotten it to work. However i'm trying to make a writeup for another PCLinuxOS user and i find i can't remember how i got the information into the .xml file - lol. Old age has finally set in. i can go into /usr/bin and see the .xml file, but this one has different information than another file i found on my machine which has the correct username, passkey and team number. Now,i'm really confused. The WebControl seems to be showing the correct username and team number and the WU working, so, what's going on?

i also see that even though FAHControl appears in my desktop menu, it won't run. i checked the permissions on FAHControl and see that both of them belong to root, which is probably why it won't run from the menu. After some searching, i also see some FAH files under /home/myuser/. These are a Work folder, GPUs file, a log.txt file and finally a config-20200325-045245.xml file with the correct username, passkey and team number in it.

So, i guess we have two questions>
1. How to run/start the FAHClient
2. Where to input my friend's username, passkey and team number?

Have a great afternoon! :)
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Re: Can't seem to get FAHControl to run

Post by ipkh »

Config files are in
/var/lib/fahclient assuming I remember correctly.
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Re: Can't seem to get FAHControl to run

Post by frazelle09 »

lpki - It seems you're everywhere! Thanks for responding.

i was going to ask if it would be sufficient for my friend to place an already formatted .xml file there, but i still have the question about how to run the FAHControl. And if i can get that run, that will create the proper file in /var/lib/fahclient. Let's see if i can figure out how to run it.

Thanks again for posting and have a radiant and safe evening! :)
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Re: Can't seem to get FAHControl to run

Post by ipkh »

I'd try using the command line to set it up instead. There is documentation on that and given the differences among systems, it's a safer bet.
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