Team Name is not how I originally wrote it.

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Team Name is not how I originally wrote it.

Post by Luis-Da-Silva »

First of all thank you for having the time to help me with this.

My Team name was originally written as "Curaçao" but at the and after submitting the details I noticed that the site describes the name as "Team: Curauffffffc3uffffffa7ao".
Is there a way to fix this? Btw this is the name of an island of which I'm from.

I hope to hear back as soon as possible from someone who can help me since I want to spread the word out there of our Island doing it's part for helping.

Team #: 257184

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Re: Team Name is not how I originally wrote it.

Post by Joe_H »

It looks like you were using characters from outside the supported code tables, and they were converted to the hexadecimal. You can use the Team editor - - to change it. Stick to basic characters, no accented characters.
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