Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

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Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by JacobSmith »

Why are my points going to team "Dark Slope" which I have never heard of? I have my team set to LinusTechTips_Team.

Also, why is my GPU usage only 40%, is FAH inefficient at using GPU's?
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by ajm »

What you describes can seem to happen in special cases when the statistics are acceded using a name (and not an ID) that another user already uses or has used in the past. On the stat page, you then see what the former user with your name contributed to other teams. But it is only seemingly and temporary so (the stats are not updated in real time, far from it at the present time). Now, if you wish that we check it out, we would need your user ID (Advanced Control -> Configure -> Identity).
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by kiore »

Hi in regard to your GPU utilization, if you are reading this off task manager this will underrate the use for F@H which should be much closer to 90%, there are applications like GPUZ that can measure this better.
i7 7800x RTX 3070 OS= win10. AMD 3700x RTX 2080ti OS= win10 .

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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by ajm »

For seeing the real utilization in the Task Manager, you have to chose Cuda for NVIDIA GPU or Compute 1 for AMD GPU. Here an example with NVIDIA:

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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by JacobSmith »

Oh that's interesting my gpu is actually being used then.

My name in FAH is the same as here, JacobSmith.
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by ajm »

The F@H stats are not up to date yet. You have to be patient: the servers are too heavily loaded right now.
But your username already shows on the Folding stats of extremeoverclocking.com: https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com ... =&u=960821

Well, actually, you also can see your stats on https://stats.foldingathome.org/donor/JacobSmith but there you have to consider only what refers to LinusTechTips_Team, in the lower section.
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by JacobSmith »

So I incorrectly got 35k free points from someone else I guess.
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by ajm »

Not really, it's just the impression that this particular view suggests. It will be adapted one day or another.
And there are worse cases... https://stats.foldingathome.org/donor/ajm
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by cfhdev »

I have seen that happen with common names. The program allows one to use any name they want. So there are quite a few duplicates.
An example is the User name a
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by JacobSmith »

yeah well i am using this now hopefully it is accurate

https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com ... =&u=960821
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2x Nvidia GTX 1070
Nvidia GTX 675M
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Re: Why are my points going to an incorrect team?

Post by PantherX »

Third party stats still use the information provided by F@H. However, they can process it differently so your definition of "accurate" may vary. However, if it suits your needs, then its great :)
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