Okay, it is listed as this in the most recent GPUs.txt file:
0x10de:0x1f07:2:7:TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070 Rev. A] M 7465
It is possible your client has not downloaded a current copy to update its list of supported GPUs. Look to see if there is a GPUs.txt file, location will depend on the OS. You can delete that and a restart or reboot would get the client to download the new one. If there is none, also look at the next item.
Sometimes the client will set an option to false for the GPU if it does not detect one. You can fix that with FAHControl. Use its Configure function, click on the Expert tab and see if there is an option set for gpu which is false. If so, remove it and add the option back with the value set to true. OK and Save out things. To take effect this also requires a restart or reboot, but you can do it as part of the start to get a new GPUs.txt file.
You can also download the file directly from here -
https://apps.foldingathome.org/GPUs.txt. Where it goes also depends on OS.