It seems that a lot of GPU problems revolve around specific versions of drivers. Though NVidia has their own support structure, you can often learn from information reported by others who fold.
I have a GTX 1070 that is refusing to fold. I tried restarting and doing a clean reinstall of FAH. I have version 7.5.1 on Windows 10. I am on the latest insider build but I'm not convinced this is the issue because CPU folding works fine.
This cycle loops a few times before it gets set to failed. It says the error is initializing OpenCL context, so that leads me to believe it could be an issue with my drivers.
System info reports:
Shirty wrote:If you run GPU-Z is the OpenCL box ticked? If not try downloading the latest driver from the Nvidia site.
It is checked, along with CUDA and DirectCompute 5.0. Are there any known issues with the latest Nvidia drivers? I am using 440.52 which GeForce Experience says is the latest drivers.
Do you really need game-ready drivers or is it enough to support FAH and standard video? (Many updates simply add a fix for a problem with a specific game and they tend to have a higher risk factor.)
I'm running the studio drivers 430.86 but 431.86 seems to be recommended for your GPU. In any case, you probably would be better off with earlier drivers. NVidia isn't doing as good a job of testing new drivers on all older hardware as they used to. Your problem is possibly 440.xx.
If doing a clean install of a WHQL certified driver does not fix your issue, we are going to need the CONFIGURATION portion of your log. bruce has a link at the bottom of his posts on how to capture that.
If it does fix it, let us know. We feel more confident when our advice fixes things!
Tsar of all the Rushers
I tried to remain childlike, all I achieved was childish.
A friend to those who want no friends
It would appear I was running beta drivers, not really sure why since it wasn't evident in GeForce Experience. I did some research on the performance differences in games between the game ready and studio drivers and there doesn't seem to be much of a difference unless you play the latest releases which I often do not. I ended up switching to the studio drivers (431.86), that fixed the problem. CUDA was rolled back from 10.2 to 10.1 but that seems to be the only change. It's also possible that the latest WHQL driver would work too, but studio was an easier rollback so I'm going to stick with it for now.
Great! If Nvidia really updates OpenCL, we may have issues in the future. F@H does not directly use CUDA, but the Nvidia OpenCL driver calls CUDA internally.
That part of the Nvidia Driver has been stable for quite some time.
Tsar of all the Rushers
I tried to remain childlike, all I achieved was childish.
A friend to those who want no friends
Yeah seems like it could have been a bad driver release, and then they released an updated iteration. Hopefully if others get "Error initializing context: clCreateContext (218)" this thread will now show up in search results.