What is the ratio of current capacity to waiting work units?

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What is the ratio of current capacity to waiting work units?

Post by itsgrimetime »

Is there anyway to find out what how big the "pool" of work units that are currently unassigned is compared to the available capacity (how many clients are currently accepting or processing work units)? Does the case where there is no work to be sent out because the pool of clients accepting work is too large ever occur? It'd be nice to be able to see these on a daily basis, or how it's changed over time - similar to what's visible for users & teams over at

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It's possible this information has been published in papers/articles about F@H, and I just haven't done enough searching for it yet. If this is obvious knowledge, a gentle nudge in the right direction of where to look would be greatly appreciated :)

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Re: What is the ratio of current capacity to waiting work un

Post by bruce »

Good question. I don't know any way to estimate those numbers nor do I know where to find hard data.

With the disruption caused by the transitions occurring to FAH's infrastructure I do know that the "pad" of WUs waiting to be assigned is lower than I'd like to see it but it's a lot more complicated than just a couple of numbers because WUs from many projects are assigned to specific hardware configurations and not assigned to others. I don't even know how many hardware configurations might be seeing assignments.

Some new numbers have been added to the serverstat table, but it still doesn't come close to giving the details you're looking for.
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