Ranking incorrect?

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Ranking incorrect?

Post by chabgood »

The ranking for the evga fokding team is the same as my rank,

https://stats.foldingathome.org/team/111065, MrMoo, rank, 1304 or so by the time you read this.
This value is the same as my total ranking. https://stats.foldingathome.org/donor/MrMoo
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Re: Ranking incorrect?

Post by JimboPalmer »

So Mrmoo has 374,758,341 points

with team folding@EVGA 252,078,663 points
with team Moo I Say 78,563,385 points
and with no team 44,116,293

So your rank is 1,304, you seem to want to know your rank if each team was a separate you, but they aren't. It is all the same you.
If you had started a new you, each time (please don't) then each would have a separate rank.

If you look at team MooISay, your ranking is the same with wildly fewer points https://stats.foldingathome.org/team/234075

In your team, as an example, BulgarDemon is in a similar situation https://stats.foldingathome.org/donor/98767
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Re: Ranking incorrect?

Post by chabgood »

A few months ago when i joined the evga team the ranking were showing correct, as in the ranking according to the team. When you are in a team the rank should be according to where you are in the team not the whole FAH site. So for the first team member their ranking should be 1 not 14.
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Re: Ranking incorrect?

Post by Joe_H »

As best as I recall, the official F@h stats have never provided ranking based on an individual's position within a team. That type of ranking has been left to the third party stats sites like EOC. What is provided is ranking for teams and individuals within the overall base of contributors.
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