foldy wrote:For the first question: 0xa7 work units are only deployed if the CPU and OS support AVX instructions. So if you can somehow disable AVX support in BIOS or OS then you will only get 0xa4 work units anymore.
That may seem true, but it's really not so.
There are two versions of 0xa7. They run exactly the same group of projects but one is compiled to use AVX and it's deployed, as you say, to CPUs and OSs which support AVX. The other is compiled to use SSE2 instructions, and it's assigned to the same machines which run 0xa4 projects.
Blue_Bubble wrote:Conversely I have a couple of systems that process 0xa7 units *much* faster than 0xa4 ones - any way to force these systems to only download 0xa7 WUs ?
As foldy has said, you cannot force a system to download only 0xa7 assignments. On a platform that supports AVX, these WU will use the AVX version of 0xa7. If assigned to a platform which does NOT support AVX, the second version of FAHCore_a7 will be deployed. In that case, that system will use SSE2 instructions and FAHCore_a7 will process that assignment at the same speed as it would run 0xa4.
i.e. - both types of platforms will receive both types of assignments.
If you post segments of your logs from both types of systems where it starts processing both types of assignments, we can point out the difference. Use the instructions below, but be sure to include the long lines of the form Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files ... FahCore_a4.exe -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version .... for both a4 and a7 and note whether you believe the system supports AVX or not.