At this point, I don't know why it didn't work before (so if someone else shows up with the same problem, I can't help them) but I'm glad Joe_H's suggestion worked for you.
It's also possible that removing the <fold-anon v='true'/> setting would have forced FAH to reconfigure, but let's not mess with success.
Is there a typo in the hint to restart f@h from dos above?
it throws up a dos command error.
I'm upgrading to a GFX 1050 4 GB, on Win 10 soon, and it's not on the list- nor can I run GPU work on a previously compatible card to test Wim10
by amending the config file. It just adds another cpu unit to the work.
new08 wrote:Is there a typo in the hint to restart f@h from dos above?
it throws up a dos command error.
I'm upgrading to a GFX 1050 4 GB, on Win 10 soon, and it's not on the list- nor can I run GPU work on a previously compatible card to test Wim10
by amending the config file. It just adds another cpu unit to the work.
That is not a DOS command. The entire topic was about adding a GPU to a Linux system, the command works in most Linux installs to restart the FAHClient background process.
Ahh..Thanks for that. So Linux is not invulnerable to all these Win type glitches!
I have downloaded the latest whql driver for a later trial anyway.
Does the GPU list allow all memory size versions of a card?
The 3MB version GTX1050 ti is on there- took a bit of finding, as right at the end!
I await the 4MB job.
new08 wrote:I have downloaded the latest whql driver for a later trial anyway.[/'quote] if you downloaded it from WindowsUpdate, you may have trouble with OpenCL. If you downloaded it from nVidia, you'll have a choice.
Does the GPU list allow all memory size versions of a card?
The 3MB version GTX1050 ti is on there- took a bit of finding, as right at the end!
When someone buys a new GPU, I recommend they get the model with the smallest VRAM. They're cheaper, use less power/generate less heat, and I've never seen a performance difference.
Yeah, not being a gamer I wasn't looking for big memory- but at the price £43 from Hongkomg delivered, who's asking :/
I haven't loaded the driver yet , but as whql, normally the better bet.
I've seen other comment that for the 1050 the later drivers are the better bet.
new08 wrote:Does the GPU list allow all memory size versions of a card?
It should, but if you want us to check, you'll have to provide the PCIe ID of your GPU ...
I see a GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 3GB] with ID 0x1c83 being supported ... this is the only 1050 3GB model I found, other 3GB cards in the list are 1060 models.
Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
I will update on receipt of card, maybe a week or two.
Meanwhile I'm testing an old GT240 in the slot but failing to get it working as mentioned earlier- config problems.
It used to fold ok and still on the list.
It is within the power rating of the PS, at least. The 1050 ti is suitably low powered for the new rig.
I will load the latest driver also, when current CPU work is done with. The 4 cores working ok there, at least.
The GT 240 is on the list, but not as a supported card. Anything older than a Fermi based nVidia card is blacklisted now, there no longer are any projects with work for them
A GT240 is too old to work. It is a Tesla based GPU, which is unsupported now. Tesla ran core_11 WUs and later Teslas like your GT240 could run core_15 WUs and all of them have completed.
Tsar of all the Rushers
I tried to remain childlike, all I achieved was childish.
A friend to those who want no friends
Thanks for reminder on past work options. 10 years folding has covered quite a few changes!
I had folded GPU work on a GTX560 but that is too heavy power for new rig P/S, likewise a previous well used GTX460.
The GPU work now needs Win 7,8 or 10 -which is why I finally upgraded to 10, amongst other considerations.
The folding power per watt for the GTX1050ti looks promising and Win10 is pretty stable, so far.
Current graphics driver is from 342.01-desktop-win10-64bit download, which I hope will run new card OK.
new08 wrote:Current graphics driver is from 342.01-desktop-win10-64bit download, which I hope will run new card OK.
Microsoft re-distributes the drivers they obtain from nVidia. We recommend you download whql drivers directly from Note that we usually call it 342.01 (same digits as the last part of the MS version number) and that's certainly not the most recent version.
Microsoft tends to remove the OpenCl drivers which FAH requires and at the website, you have a choice.
Win 10 64 bit.
Yes, good flag there- I looked on nVidia site and the latest is 417.58 so I use that later on the new card.
It's right for the 1050ti - from the list & now downloaded from nVidia.
I have to admit to getting a bit cross threaded on drivers, cards and Windows machines all changing together!