Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

It seems that a lot of GPU problems revolve around specific versions of drivers. Though NVidia has their own support structure, you can often learn from information reported by others who fold.

Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team

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Posts: 383
Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:49 pm
Location: Georgetown, Texas

Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Ricorocks »

GTX960, 1060 combo, going slow, any changes I should make?

Code: Select all

*********************** Log Started 2016-09-13T22:43:35Z ***********************
22:43:35:************************* Folding@home Client *************************
22:43:35:        Website:
22:43:35:      Copyright: (c) 2009-2016 Stanford University
22:43:35:         Author: Joseph Coffland <>
22:43:35:           Args: --open-web-control
22:43:35:         Config: C:\Users\rick\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\config.xml
22:43:35:******************************** Build ********************************
22:43:35:        Version: 7.4.15
22:43:35:           Date: Aug 17 2016
22:43:35:           Time: 04:33:41
22:43:35:     Repository: Git
22:43:35:       Revision: 4f3e0e25571a9f691719f0c273739294bde517dd
22:43:35:         Branch: master
22:43:35:       Compiler: GNU 5.3.1 20160205
22:43:35:        Options: -std=gnu++98 -I/mingw64/include -O3 -funroll-loops -ffast-math
22:43:35:                 -mfpmath=sse -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations -msse2
22:43:35:       Platform: linux2 4.6.0-1-amd64
22:43:35:           Bits: 64
22:43:35:           Mode: Release
22:43:35:******************************* System ********************************
22:43:35:            CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
22:43:35:         CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
22:43:35:           CPUs: 8
22:43:35:         Memory: 7.94GiB
22:43:35:    Free Memory: 6.09GiB
22:43:35:        Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
22:43:35:     OS Version: 6.2
22:43:35:    Has Battery: false
22:43:35:     On Battery: false
22:43:35:     UTC Offset: -5
22:43:35:            PID: 2748
22:43:35:            CWD: C:\Users\rick\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient
22:43:35:             OS: Windows 10 Pro
22:43:35:        OS Arch: AMD64
22:43:35:           GPUs: 2
22:43:35:          GPU 0: Bus:1 Slot:0 NVIDIA:5 GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060]
22:43:35:          GPU 1: Bus:5 Slot:0 NVIDIA:5 GM206 [GeForce GTX 960]
22:43:35:  CUDA Device 0: Platform:0 Device:0 Bus:1 Slot:0 Compute:6.1 Driver:8.0
22:43:35:  CUDA Device 1: Platform:0 Device:1 Bus:5 Slot:0 Compute:5.2 Driver:8.0
22:43:35:OpenCL Device 0: Platform:0 Device:0 Bus:1 Slot:0 Compute:1.2 Driver:372.70
22:43:35:OpenCL Device 1: Platform:0 Device:1 Bus:5 Slot:0 Compute:1.2 Driver:372.70
22:43:35:  Win32 Service: false
22:43:35:  <!-- Network -->
22:43:35:  <proxy v=':8080'/>
22:43:35:  <!-- Slot Control -->
22:43:35:  <power v='FULL'/>
22:43:35:  <!-- User Information -->
22:43:35:  <passkey v='********************************'/>
22:43:35:  <user v='Ricorocks'/>
22:43:35:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
22:43:35:  <slot id='0' type='CPU'>
22:43:35:    <cpus v='6'/>
22:43:35:  </slot>
22:43:35:  <slot id='1' type='GPU'/>
22:43:35:Trying to access database...
22:43:35:Upgrading database schema from version 13 to 14
22:43:36:Successfully acquired database lock
22:43:36:Enabled folding slot 00: READY cpu:6
22:43:36:Enabled folding slot 01: READY gpu:0:GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060]
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:\Users\rick\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\cores/ -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 704 -lifeline 2748 -checkpoint 15 -np 6
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 1212
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:Core PID:8392
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0xa4 started
22:43:36:WU01:FS01:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:\Users\rick\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\cores/ -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 704 -lifeline 2748 -checkpoint 15 -opencl-platform 0 -gpu-vendor nvidia -gpu 0
22:43:36:WU01:FS01:Started FahCore on PID 1988
22:43:36:WU01:FS01:Core PID:4388
22:43:36:WU01:FS01:FahCore 0x21 started
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Folding@Home Gromacs GB Core
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Preparing to commence simulation
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Looking at optimizations...
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Files status OK
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Expanded 825385 -> 1398040 (decompressed 169.3 percent)
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=825385 data_size=1398040, decompressed_data_size=1398040 diff=0
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Digital signature verified
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Project: 9039 (Run 324, Clone 0, Gen 336)
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Assembly optimizations on if available.
22:43:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Entering M.D.
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:*********************** Log Started 2016-09-13T22:43:36Z ***********************
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:Project: 11707 (Run 38, Clone 20, Gen 18)
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:Unit: 0x0000001c8ca304f357a9e56a7cdb29e2
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:CPU: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:Machine: 1
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:Digital signatures verified
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:Folding@home GPU Core21 Folding@home Core
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:Version 0.0.17
22:43:37:WU01:FS01:0x21:  Found a checkpoint file
22:43:40:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 250000 out of 7500000 steps (3%)
22:43:40:WU01:FS01:0x21:Temperature control disabled. Requirements: single Nvidia GPU, tmax must be < 110 and twait >= 900
22:43:42:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Mapping NT from 6 to 6 
22:43:42:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
22:44:07:20: Web connection
22:45:05:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)
22:45:53:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 300000 out of 7500000 steps (4%)
22:46:27:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps  (2%)
22:47:50:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 7500 out of 250000 steps  (3%)
22:49:12:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 10000 out of 250000 steps  (4%)
22:49:36:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 375000 out of 7500000 steps (5%)
22:50:33:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 12500 out of 250000 steps  (5%)
22:51:55:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 15000 out of 250000 steps  (6%)
22:52:48:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 450000 out of 7500000 steps (6%)
22:53:17:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 17500 out of 250000 steps  (7%)
22:54:39:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 20000 out of 250000 steps  (8%)
22:56:01:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 22500 out of 250000 steps  (9%)
22:56:02:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 525000 out of 7500000 steps (7%)
22:57:22:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 25000 out of 250000 steps  (10%)
22:58:51:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 27500 out of 250000 steps  (11%)
22:59:15:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 600000 out of 7500000 steps (8%)
23:00:16:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 30000 out of 250000 steps  (12%)
23:01:41:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 32500 out of 250000 steps  (13%)
23:02:28:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 675000 out of 7500000 steps (9%)
23:03:04:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 35000 out of 250000 steps  (14%)
23:04:26:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 37500 out of 250000 steps  (15%)
23:05:41:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 750000 out of 7500000 steps (10%)
23:05:48:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 40000 out of 250000 steps  (16%)
23:07:16:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 42500 out of 250000 steps  (17%)
23:08:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 45000 out of 250000 steps  (18%)
23:08:55:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 825000 out of 7500000 steps (11%)
23:10:08:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 47500 out of 250000 steps  (19%)
23:11:32:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 50000 out of 250000 steps  (20%)
23:12:08:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 900000 out of 7500000 steps (12%)
23:12:56:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 52500 out of 250000 steps  (21%)
23:14:21:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 55000 out of 250000 steps  (22%)
23:15:21:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 975000 out of 7500000 steps (13%)
23:15:45:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 57500 out of 250000 steps  (23%)
23:17:09:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 60000 out of 250000 steps  (24%)
23:18:32:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 62500 out of 250000 steps  (25%)
23:18:40:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1050000 out of 7500000 steps (14%)
23:19:55:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 65000 out of 250000 steps  (26%)
23:21:21:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 67500 out of 250000 steps  (27%)
23:21:53:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1125000 out of 7500000 steps (15%)
23:22:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 70000 out of 250000 steps  (28%)
23:24:06:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 72500 out of 250000 steps  (29%)
23:25:05:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1200000 out of 7500000 steps (16%)
23:25:28:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 75000 out of 250000 steps  (30%)
23:26:51:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 77500 out of 250000 steps  (31%)
23:28:16:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 80000 out of 250000 steps  (32%)
23:28:19:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1275000 out of 7500000 steps (17%)
23:29:42:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 82500 out of 250000 steps  (33%)
23:31:05:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 85000 out of 250000 steps  (34%)
23:31:32:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1350000 out of 7500000 steps (18%)
23:32:29:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 87500 out of 250000 steps  (35%)
23:33:53:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 90000 out of 250000 steps  (36%)
23:34:45:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1425000 out of 7500000 steps (19%)
23:35:19:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 92500 out of 250000 steps  (37%)
23:36:43:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 95000 out of 250000 steps  (38%)
23:37:58:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1500000 out of 7500000 steps (20%)
23:38:07:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 97500 out of 250000 steps  (39%)
23:39:32:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 100000 out of 250000 steps  (40%)
23:40:56:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 102500 out of 250000 steps  (41%)
23:41:13:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1575000 out of 7500000 steps (21%)
23:42:21:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 105000 out of 250000 steps  (42%)
23:43:46:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 107500 out of 250000 steps  (43%)
23:44:26:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1650000 out of 7500000 steps (22%)
23:45:10:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 110000 out of 250000 steps  (44%)
23:46:35:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 112500 out of 250000 steps  (45%)
23:47:38:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1725000 out of 7500000 steps (23%)
23:47:59:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 115000 out of 250000 steps  (46%)
23:49:23:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 117500 out of 250000 steps  (47%)
23:50:48:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 120000 out of 250000 steps  (48%)
23:50:53:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1800000 out of 7500000 steps (24%)
23:52:13:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 122500 out of 250000 steps  (49%)
23:53:37:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 125000 out of 250000 steps  (50%)
23:54:06:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1875000 out of 7500000 steps (25%)
23:55:02:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 127500 out of 250000 steps  (51%)
23:56:27:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 130000 out of 250000 steps  (52%)
23:57:18:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 1950000 out of 7500000 steps (26%)
23:57:52:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 132500 out of 250000 steps  (53%)
23:59:17:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 135000 out of 250000 steps  (54%)
00:00:33:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2025000 out of 7500000 steps (27%)
00:00:42:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 137500 out of 250000 steps  (55%)
00:02:06:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 140000 out of 250000 steps  (56%)
00:03:31:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 142500 out of 250000 steps  (57%)
00:03:46:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2100000 out of 7500000 steps (28%)
00:04:56:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 145000 out of 250000 steps  (58%)
00:06:21:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 147500 out of 250000 steps  (59%)
00:07:00:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2175000 out of 7500000 steps (29%)
00:07:58:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 150000 out of 250000 steps  (60%)
00:10:13:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 152500 out of 250000 steps  (61%)
00:10:47:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2250000 out of 7500000 steps (30%)
00:11:47:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 155000 out of 250000 steps  (62%)
00:13:20:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 157500 out of 250000 steps  (63%)
00:14:01:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2325000 out of 7500000 steps (31%)
00:14:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 160000 out of 250000 steps  (64%)
00:16:08:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 162500 out of 250000 steps  (65%)
00:17:14:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2400000 out of 7500000 steps (32%)
00:17:32:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 165000 out of 250000 steps  (66%)
00:18:54:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 167500 out of 250000 steps  (67%)
00:20:16:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 170000 out of 250000 steps  (68%)
00:20:26:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2475000 out of 7500000 steps (33%)
00:21:37:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 172500 out of 250000 steps  (69%)
00:22:59:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 175000 out of 250000 steps  (70%)
00:23:40:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2550000 out of 7500000 steps (34%)
00:24:21:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 177500 out of 250000 steps  (71%)
00:25:42:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 180000 out of 250000 steps  (72%)
00:26:52:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2625000 out of 7500000 steps (35%)
00:27:04:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 182500 out of 250000 steps  (73%)
00:28:25:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 185000 out of 250000 steps  (74%)
00:29:47:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 187500 out of 250000 steps  (75%)
00:30:04:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2700000 out of 7500000 steps (36%)
00:31:09:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 190000 out of 250000 steps  (76%)
00:32:31:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 192500 out of 250000 steps  (77%)
00:33:17:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2775000 out of 7500000 steps (37%)
00:33:52:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 195000 out of 250000 steps  (78%)
00:35:14:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 197500 out of 250000 steps  (79%)
00:36:29:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2850000 out of 7500000 steps (38%)
00:36:36:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 200000 out of 250000 steps  (80%)
00:37:58:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 202500 out of 250000 steps  (81%)
00:39:20:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 205000 out of 250000 steps  (82%)
00:39:41:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 2925000 out of 7500000 steps (39%)
00:40:42:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 207500 out of 250000 steps  (83%)
00:42:03:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 210000 out of 250000 steps  (84%)
00:42:53:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3000000 out of 7500000 steps (40%)
00:43:25:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 212500 out of 250000 steps  (85%)
00:44:47:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 215000 out of 250000 steps  (86%)
00:46:07:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3075000 out of 7500000 steps (41%)
00:46:08:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 217500 out of 250000 steps  (87%)
00:47:30:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 220000 out of 250000 steps  (88%)
00:48:51:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 222500 out of 250000 steps  (89%)
00:49:19:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3150000 out of 7500000 steps (42%)
00:50:13:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 225000 out of 250000 steps  (90%)
00:51:34:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 227500 out of 250000 steps  (91%)
00:52:31:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3225000 out of 7500000 steps (43%)
00:52:56:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 230000 out of 250000 steps  (92%)
00:54:17:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 232500 out of 250000 steps  (93%)
00:55:39:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 235000 out of 250000 steps  (94%)
00:55:44:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3300000 out of 7500000 steps (44%)
00:57:01:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 237500 out of 250000 steps  (95%)
00:58:22:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 240000 out of 250000 steps  (96%)
00:58:56:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3375000 out of 7500000 steps (45%)
00:59:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 242500 out of 250000 steps  (97%)
01:01:05:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 245000 out of 250000 steps  (98%)
01:02:08:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3450000 out of 7500000 steps (46%)
01:02:27:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 247500 out of 250000 steps  (99%)
01:02:28:WU02:FS00:Connecting to
01:02:29:WU02:FS00:Assigned to work server
01:02:29:WU02:FS00:Requesting new work unit for slot 00: RUNNING cpu:6 from
01:02:29:WU02:FS00:Connecting to
01:02:29:WU02:FS00:Downloading 807.05KiB
01:02:30:WU02:FS00:Download complete
01:02:30:WU02:FS00:Received Unit: id:02 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:9037 run:523 clone:2 gen:346 core:0xa4 unit:0x00000182ab436c9e56982b184a00574f
01:03:49:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 250000 out of 250000 steps  (100%)
01:03:50:WU00:FS00:0xa4:DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Finished Work Unit:
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Reading up to 811440 from "00/wudata_01.trr": Read 811440
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:trr file hash check passed.
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Reading up to 746080 from "00/wudata_01.xtc": Read 746080
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:xtc file hash check passed.
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:edr file hash check passed.
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:logfile size: 23013
01:04:00:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Leaving Run
01:04:01:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Writing 1583021 bytes of core data to disk...
01:04:01:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Done: 1582509 -> 1537666 (compressed to 97.1 percent)
01:04:01:WU00:FS00:0xa4:  ... Done.
01:04:02:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Shutting down core
01:04:02:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
01:04:02:WU00:FS00:FahCore returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100 = 0x64)
01:04:02:WU00:FS00:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:9039 run:324 clone:0 gen:336 core:0xa4 unit:0x0000017dab436c9e5698285045404433
01:04:02:WU00:FS00:Uploading 1.47MiB to
01:04:02:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:\Users\rick\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\cores/ -dir 02 -suffix 01 -version 704 -lifeline 2748 -checkpoint 15 -np 6
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 7496
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:Core PID:1028
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:FahCore 0xa4 started
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Folding@Home Gromacs GB Core
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Preparing to commence simulation
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:- Looking at optimizations...
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:- Created dyn
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:- Files status OK
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:- Expanded 825903 -> 1403472 (decompressed 169.9 percent)
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=825903 data_size=1403472, decompressed_data_size=1403472 diff=0
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:- Digital signature verified
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Project: 9037 (Run 523, Clone 2, Gen 346)
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Assembly optimizations on if available.
01:04:02:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Entering M.D.
01:04:08:WU00:FS00:Upload 38.35%
01:04:08:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Mapping NT from 6 to 6 
01:04:08:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
01:04:14:WU00:FS00:Upload 72.43%
01:04:20:WU00:FS00:Upload complete
01:04:20:WU00:FS00:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
01:04:20:WU00:FS00:Final credit estimate, 929.00 points
01:04:20:WU00:FS00:Cleaning up
01:05:22:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3525000 out of 7500000 steps (47%)
01:05:30:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)
01:06:52:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps  (2%)
01:08:13:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 7500 out of 250000 steps  (3%)
01:08:33:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3600000 out of 7500000 steps (48%)
01:09:35:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 10000 out of 250000 steps  (4%)
01:10:56:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 12500 out of 250000 steps  (5%)
01:11:46:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3675000 out of 7500000 steps (49%)
01:12:18:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 15000 out of 250000 steps  (6%)
01:13:39:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 17500 out of 250000 steps  (7%)
01:14:58:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3750000 out of 7500000 steps (50%)
01:15:01:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 20000 out of 250000 steps  (8%)
01:16:22:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 22500 out of 250000 steps  (9%)
01:17:44:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 25000 out of 250000 steps  (10%)
01:18:12:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3825000 out of 7500000 steps (51%)
01:19:05:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 27500 out of 250000 steps  (11%)
01:20:27:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 30000 out of 250000 steps  (12%)
01:21:24:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3900000 out of 7500000 steps (52%)
01:21:48:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 32500 out of 250000 steps  (13%)
01:23:10:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 35000 out of 250000 steps  (14%)
01:24:31:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 37500 out of 250000 steps  (15%)
01:24:36:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 3975000 out of 7500000 steps (53%)
01:25:53:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 40000 out of 250000 steps  (16%)
01:27:14:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 42500 out of 250000 steps  (17%)
01:27:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4050000 out of 7500000 steps (54%)
01:28:35:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 45000 out of 250000 steps  (18%)
01:29:56:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 47500 out of 250000 steps  (19%)
01:31:03:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4125000 out of 7500000 steps (55%)
01:31:18:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 50000 out of 250000 steps  (20%)
01:32:39:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 52500 out of 250000 steps  (21%)
01:34:00:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 55000 out of 250000 steps  (22%)
01:34:15:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4200000 out of 7500000 steps (56%)
01:35:22:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 57500 out of 250000 steps  (23%)
01:36:43:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 60000 out of 250000 steps  (24%)
01:37:29:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4275000 out of 7500000 steps (57%)
01:38:04:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 62500 out of 250000 steps  (25%)
01:39:26:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 65000 out of 250000 steps  (26%)
01:40:42:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4350000 out of 7500000 steps (58%)
01:40:47:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 67500 out of 250000 steps  (27%)
01:42:09:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 70000 out of 250000 steps  (28%)
01:43:30:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 72500 out of 250000 steps  (29%)
01:43:54:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4425000 out of 7500000 steps (59%)
01:44:51:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 75000 out of 250000 steps  (30%)
01:46:12:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 77500 out of 250000 steps  (31%)
01:47:07:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4500000 out of 7500000 steps (60%)
01:47:26:44: Web connection
01:47:34:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 80000 out of 250000 steps  (32%)
01:48:55:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 82500 out of 250000 steps  (33%)
01:50:16:WU02:FS00:0xa4:Completed 85000 out of 250000 steps  (34%)
01:50:44:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 4575000 out of 7500000 steps (61%)
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Hardware configuration: Intel i7-4770K @ 4.5 GHz, 16 GB DDR3-2133 Corsair Vengence (black/red), EVGA GTX 760 @ 1200 MHz, on an Asus Maximus VI Hero MB (black/red), in a blacked out Antec P280 Tower, with a Xigmatek Night Hawk (black) HSF, Seasonic 760w Platinum (black case, sleeves, wires), 4 SilenX 120mm Case fans with silicon fan gaskets and silicon mounts (all black), a 512GB Samsung SSD (black), and a 2TB Black Western Digital HD (silver/black).
Location: Arizona

Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by 7im »

Fold using both GPUs.
How to provide enough information to get helpful support
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Posts: 2040
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:43 pm
Hardware configuration: Folding@Home Client 7.6.13 (1 GPU slots)
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Core i5 2500k@4Ghz
Nvidia gtx 1080ti driver 441

Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by foldy »

Only one GPU the gtx 1060 is configured for folding. You need to add another GPU slot to fold on GTX 960 too. Or reinstall the FahClient and it should automatically configure for both GPUs.
Posts: 383
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Location: Georgetown, Texas

Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Ricorocks »

Thanks 7im, Foldy

How do I add another slot?

Also I've been folding on the 1060 for approx. 14 hrs, it says folding active, folding name recognized, all seems normal, but points or WU's has not changed in that time
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Location: Georgetown, Texas

Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Ricorocks »

Ok! uninstall re-install FAH client now both GPU's seen at web control. Seems installing the beta over 7.44, the beta picked up the previous config.

CPU says 6 is this correct

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Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Joe_H »

At the power slider setting of Full, yes 6 cores for the CPU slot is correct. The client should reserve one CPU core for each GPU folding slot.
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Location: Georgetown, Texas

Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Ricorocks »

Thanks Joe_H.

On the machine with two GPU's the 'see stats' ha changed from showing 'score, wu's, rank, etc to:

Last updated: Tue Sep 13 08:00:17 PDT 2016
Tue Sep 13 15:00:17 UTC 2016

Date of last work unit None
Total score 0
Overall rank (if points are combined) 1844482 of 1844482
Active clients (within 50 days) 0
Active clients (within 7 days) 0

Contributions by team and project:

Checking the 4 other machines all report 'see stats' results from 9/12.

All machines report 'folding active'

Also watching the 2GPU machine, the GTX960 progress bar moves 3 times faster than the GTX1060 progress bar. No errors DEV Mgr.
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Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Joe_H »

Please read the announcement posted here, or the blog, that the stats servers will be down until Thursday. Some older information is cached, but no updates since yesterday afternoon.

As to the progress bars, the rate will depend on which WU each GPU is assigned. It is also possible that the client may have the two GPU's misidentified, the beta test version has improved GPU detection, but it is still under test.
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Location: Georgetown, Texas

Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Ricorocks »


"At the power slider setting of Full, yes 6 cores for the CPU slot is correct. The client should reserve one CPU core for each GPU folding slot."

Wouldn't that be 7, as with on GPU GTX960, Bruce per log had me raise CPU to 6. Now it has two GPU's
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Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Joe_H »

No, it should be 6. You have a 4-core i7 CPU which provides a total of 8 cores. Subtract 1 for each GPU and that leaves 6. The reason 6 was given to you for your previous setup with one GPU is that CPU assignments for 7 have become scarce to non-existent.
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Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Ricorocks »

Hi Joe_H Thank You, Is that the new math I hear about 4-core = 8 minus 2 =6 :lol: :lol: :lol: Kidding

Sorry for not noticing about the downtime.

Thanks Again & Take Care
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Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by bruce »

Ricorocks wrote:"At the power slider setting of Full, yes 6 cores for the CPU slot is correct. The client should reserve one CPU core for each GPU folding slot."

Wouldn't that be 7, as with on GPU GTX960, Bruce per log had me raise CPU to 6. Now it has two GPU's
When I told you to set it to 6, I most likely told you that the manual setting would soon be unnecessary. If you choose to set back to -1, you'll still get 6 for either of two reasons:

* After configuring a second GPU, either the old or the beta client will assign 6.
* The beta client will avoid 7 even with one GPU.
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Location: Georgetown, Texas

Re: Configure FAH 2GPU Tweak

Post by Ricorocks »

Messrs 7im, foldy, Joe_H, Bruce Thank you all very much, for being so patient & guiding me to be a better folder!

Take Care
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