Earning Less points when using xxxxxcoin address, why?

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Earning Less points when using xxxxxcoin address, why?

Post by usbitcoinservcs »

Hi all,

Can someone tell why I was earning more than 1,473,062 points when I first started, using just a name without the xxxxxcoin attached to it (e.g. myusrname_***********************) and without a team assigned other than the default assigned by the system, and when I did attach the xxxxcoin address to my name then I started earning less points, about 1,000 points in about 12 hours. How can I improve that and set it back as it was performing before?

In the first time, without the xxxxxcoin address attached the team group wasn't showing any points, and in the second one with the xxxxxcoin address attached was showing the points earn from the team.

How can I get those 1,473,062 points to my xxxxcoin address? (those are the one earned without xxxxxcoin address attached)
I am using chrome:

Code: Select all


Should I keep using the user without the xxxxcoin address because it gives more points or should I use the username with xxxxcoin address and why? or any?

Also what is the criteria in order to choose a team? based on the credits (does this mean the user earn more points?) or let the system to assign one?

Thank you!

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Re: Earning Less points when using xxxxxcoin address, why?

Post by bruce »

Your passkey must be "qualified" before you can earn bonus points on WUs for the regular client (but not for the NaCl client). My guess is that's what happened but since your username has bee obliterated, there isn't any way I can check. Please send my your username, both before and after any change you made by PM and confirm whether we're talking about NaCl points or bonus points from the regular client.

When USER1 starts using PASSKEY1, the first 10 WUs do not earn bonus points but after that minimum is met, all you have to do is keep the number of WUs that are abandoned/discarded below the required minimums. Later, if USER2 starts using either PASSKEY1 or PASSKEY2, the same requirements will be imposed on that new combination of username and passkey.
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Re: Earning Less points when using xxxxxcoin address, why?

Post by Joe_H »

Welcome to the folding support forum.

You will have to ask your coin specific questions on their forums, the Folding Forum is team agnostic and only supports the folding client. Coins and other team rewards are not supported by Pande Group or this forum.

To answer those questions that apply to all folders, first - points are kept connected to a specific username and team if that is set. Otherwise they go to user anonymous and/or Team 0. Changing the username starts a completely new stats record. Adding the coin string is the same as changing your folding username.

You get the same amount of points whether or not you add a the identifier for the coin site to your username.

Pande Group does not change the name associated with points already credited for WU's that have been returned, so it is not possible to have the points earned prior to changing your username merged with those earned afterwards.

The criteria for choosing a team are your own personal preferences. The folding forum will not recommend any specific team. You should check out the various team sites and pick one based on your and their interests. Or you can leave it blank if that works with the coin you are using.

Finally, using a passkey will allow you to search the official stats site to see the grand total of points earned by your systems. Even though you are using the NaCl Chrome client and not getting Quick Return Bonus points, configuring it with the passkey will allow searching by passkey only to see the points total.
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Re: Earning Less points when using xxxxxcoin address, why?

Post by pithos »

Is the passkey still good with the changed username or do we have to create a new one tied to the changed username?
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Re: Earning Less points when using xxxxxcoin address, why?

Post by Joe_H »

The passkey will still be good, you do not need to get a new one. However the qualification for the QRB is tied to a username and passkey pair, so the changed username will get no bonus until it has been used to process 10 WU's.
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