Then it would appear I need to create another Folding user because the one i registered was flagged and modified to André_Lastname and i'm betting the thing that screws it up then is the é
I will try this ASAP
I've now changed ID to something that was accepted when copypasted from the email (which it wasn't the first time sue to the é)
and now i'm rather confused, i'm using both the webclient, FAHcontroller and FAHclient, It seems that the webclient and controller is synched up, but the FAHclient CMDbox is doing some other folding on it's own
I might just put the GPU folding on the shelf, as it seems to not want to work. Either that or that the FAHcontrol and Webclient just doesn't get the GPU folding data... I examined the CMD window a tiny bit and it seems that there are 2 folds going on, WU00 and WU01 so i't might be folding with both