GPUs not getting any work?

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GPUs not getting any work?

Post by SGM26 »

I'm new to Folding@Home. I've been running many BOINC projects for a while and have only recently discovered this.

I've setup an account and I have Folding@Home running in Chrome however only my CPU is being given tasks. I have two R9 290Xs and while both are listed in the program both are sitting idle.

Please see the following -

Is there something I need to do to make it work?


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Re: GPUs not getting any work?

Post by SGM26 »

Thanks for approving the topic.

I've since resolved the issue by restarting my computer (Should've though of that first, D'oh!).

Thanks again.
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Re: GPUs not getting any work?

Post by Joe_H »

If you could post your log file as outlined in one of the topics linked in this Welcome to the Forum post, that would be helpful in figuring out why your GPU's are not folding. It might be as simple as needing to install different video drivers, or a support package. Or there might be another reason for the GPU's not starting to fold.

Edit: Good that a restart was all that was needed, but if the problem reoccurs, do post and we will try to help.

iMac 2.8 i7 12 GB smp8, Mac Pro 2.8 quad 12 GB smp6
MacBook Pro 2.9 i7 8 GB smp3
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