New question about part time

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New question about part time

Post by LemonsAndPine »


I've just started, I decided it is a good cause to make use of the fact that my PCs sit idle for a lot of time. I have downloaded the client and started a Work Unit on my CPU to "Full", and left it overnight already, and I will leave it running on all cores until it completes... However I have a question;

Sometimes I will not be able to leave my PC running to fold, so I would like to ask if the client automatically acquires a new Work Unit after the current one is finished, and is there a way to make it not do that? So that I can leave it running for a single work unit, then have it stop until I tell it to? Because I don't want to have to cancel one because if I can't have the software running for extensive periods of time.

Though I will always finish a Work Unit that I have purposefully started.

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Re: New question about part time

Post by bollix47 »

Welcome to the folding@home support forum LemonsAndPine.

You can right-click on the slot in FAHControl (aka Advanced Control) and select Finish at any time before the next work unit downloads. Doing so will finish and upload the current work unit without downloading a new one. The slot will then enter a Paused state. Right-click and select Fold when you wish to get a new work unit and continue folding. The latest client version has buttons for the above functions so you can just highlight the slot and click on the appropriate button.

There is also an option named pause-on-start which when set to true will stop the client from automatically downloading a new work unit after a system reboot or client restart which some have found helpful in your situation. This can be added to the Extra Slot options:

Name: pause-on-start
Value: true
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Re: New question about part time

Post by LemonsAndPine »

Thank you. :)
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